Palmerston North City Clubs Triton tournament Doubles
Open Doubles by Michael Hardman
The key game of the final round of the Open Doubles at Takaro was between Dick Smith and Nina Maynard-Husson (Wellington), and Peter Filbee (South Taranaki), and Terry Price (Wairarapa). Both pairs had 4 wins and the winner of the game would win the event. The game went down to the wire. Dick and Terry both went round to 4-back and Nina broke down at hoop 6. By this point Peter hadn’t made a roquet but from his first he made an all around break of 12 hoops, taking the score to 21-14. Nina hit the lift shot from B baulk and went round and pegged out, to give her side a 1 point lead. The timer went while she was in play, so Peter had the lift shot to save the game by pegging out his ball to tie the game after setting up Terry for 4-back to win in overtime. He lined up an almost double of the other two balls but missed so Nina and Dick won 22 – 21.
04 Jan 2015 1:00PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 03 Feb 2025 5:06AM (Tournament) there are 10 people reading commentaries.