NSW GC Champions Tournament
Conditions of Play by David Stanton
One block of 13 players playing a round robin. Positions in the block are determined from most games won. If games won are equal then net points: if net points are equal, then the winner of the game between the equal players.
Following the completion of block play the players finishing in the top 6 positions will play in the X/Z knockout and the remaining 7 players will play in the Y/W knockout
All games will be played in accordance with the WCF Golf Croquet Rules, 6th edition 2022.
All block games are best of 13 points, and most games will be double banked.
The time limit for block games will be 1 hour 10 minutes. All single-game knockout matches will be for 19 points with a time limit of 1 hour 40 minutes. When time is called players will play two complete rotations (two more turns for each ball). If scores are then tied, they will play one more hoop to decide the winner. Otherwise, the game ends.
X knockout semi-finals, final and 3rd/4th playoff will be best-of-3 13-point games, with cumulative time limits of 1 hour 20 minutes, 1 hour 10 minutes and 1 hour. At time, the same conditions apply as for single games.
Dawson International Mark 3 balls will be used. Hoops will be set at 3 11/16th inches with a downward tolerance of 1/32nd of an inch.
A 5-minute warm up is permitted before each player’s first game each day.
Play starts at 8.00 am each day. Other sessions will commence as players and lawns are available. Please arrive 20 minutes prior to start time each day to help with the setup of lawns. The last group playing on each lawn each day are requested to clear the lawn.
Players may take a lunch break of 20 minutes after the third or fourth session on Saturday, and after the third session on Sunday,
There will be a briefing of players by the Tournament Manager and the Tournament Referee at 7.50 am on Friday.
There will be a practice session available on Court 4 from 2.30 pm until 7.00 pm on Friday.
Players may practice on any lawn before play provided all lawns are fully set up. This will cease at 7.45 am. Players may practice on any vacant lawn during the day with the manager’s permission.
Players may not practice on the surrounds of lawns being used for games.
Number of games won is first determinant. If games won are equal then net points is the next determinant, followed by consideration of games between the tied players.
Players need to provide their own lunch. Morning and afternoon tea are provided. Soft drinks may be purchased, and a small fridge, microwave and toaster are available to players.
Players are requested to clean up their rubbish around the greens, and in particular in the covered veranda areas of Concordia Club.
Players are to comply with the CNSW dress regulations, which state:
Players engaged in CNSW events should be neatly and tidily dressed in approved sporting clothing appropriate to the game of croquet and the prevailing conditions. Flat soled enclosed footwear should be worn. Approved sports attire may include trackpants/tops, collared sports shirts, shorts of various lengths or trousers in club, state or national colours.
The phone number shown above is active during the tournament and approximately 30 minutes before play starts and after play finishes each day. It can be used to contact the manager or players.
We will have a two non-playing referees each day.
Derek Bull and Peter Freer are Accredited Referees who are authorised for this event. Whilst they are playing, they are a Referee-on-Request only for the other game on the court where they are playing; whilst not playing, they are designated as Supervising Referees.
All players should bring their Golf Croquet handicap card and hand to the manager prior to play commencing. Players must complete details of each game played at the conclusion of the game. Any change of handicap after each game must be entered on the front of the card and signed off by the manager.
28 Nov 2024 1:19PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 09 Jan 2025 8:25PM (Tournament) there are 5 people reading commentaries.