Waireka Croquet Club Labour Weekend Tournament
Tournament Info by Jarrod Coutts
Manager: Jarrod Coutts, jarrod.coutts@gmail.com 0272683885
Assistant Manager: Raylene Phillips, raycol@xtra.co.nz 0273488788
Venue: Waireka Croquet Club, Phillip Street, Ashburton
Entries: emailed to the manager before Sunday 20th October 5pm (confirmation of entries received/approved in order will appear in the 'entries' column.
Tournament Entry Fee: $75
Catering: Lunches plus morning and afternoon tea is included in the cost of the entry fee
Cash Prizes (amounts for each field are currently TBC depending on sponsorship obtained, but we aiming for a prize pool of $250 - $1500)
Runner up
Highest finishing player that starts the event on a 0+ handicap
Method of play will be confirmed by the number of entries received (likely a 2 day swiss followed by a KO for final positions based on blocks of 4)
Play starts at 8.30am.
Limited to 24 entrants (in order of entries received showing on Croquet Scores).
Quadway Hoops will be used.
Double banking may apply.
Time limits may apply.
Nominal hoop dimensions will be set to the largest ball plus 1/16th ”.
Additional information:
This tournament may also be used as a coaching/development opportunity for players who wish to receive some support. Information requested to be sent to Jarrod prior to entries closing.
Transport may be provided to/from Chch airport. The intention is to finish play by 3pm on Monday, so booking flights after 5.15pm is appropriate. Cost TBC, but ideally less than $20pp per direction. Requests to Jarrod with flight timing confirmations.
Billets may also be provided in Methven/Ashburton. Cost TBC. Requests to Jarrod.
Sponsorship for the event is being obtained. Updates will occur on Croquet scores which could make a significant difference to available prize money.
Appropriate croquet attire requested (50% white clothing preferred and either official club colours/CNZ clothing and polo shirts instead. No denim, casual clothes. Contact Jarrod for more info if unsure).
23 Jun 2024 4:46PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Update #2
Part A: Flexible Swiss (Sat & Sun am).
Warm up available from 8.00am on Saturday. Welcome & first round draw at 8.15am.
3.5hr time limits for Swiss (unless a shorter time limit is negotiated/agreed upon for a later starting game)
Must play 5 games to qualify (including 2 games on Sunday morning).
No games starting after 4.15pm on Saturday
No games can start after 12.15pm on Sunday (to ensure the first round of the KO starts by 4pm)
Reece will start Sun on 0/3 wins and still be eligible to qualify. Results against Mikey on Saturday will count towards qualification.
At the conclusion of the Flexible Swiss, players will be ranked from 1-24 to determine which KO they enter. In the event of tied % wins, this will be decided by the average strength of opponent, then net hoops, then who played who.Players 1-8 will be in the Gold KO, 9-16 in the Silver KO and 17-24 in the Bronze KO
Part B: Gold, Silver and Bronze KO (Sun pm and Mon)
Players ranked 1-8 in each of the Gold, Silver & Bronze KO's will complete a straight KO (1v8 and 4v5 on side a and 2v7 and 3v6 on side b). Winners progress to play winners and losers progress to play losers until each player is ranked 1-8 to provide us the final positions.
QF on Sun pm (3-3.5hr time limit depending on start time)
SF and final on Mon am (3hr time limit)
1st, 2nd and 3rd in Gold KO ($400-$800 total depending on final sponsorship)
1st 2nd and 3rd in Silver KO ($100 - $250 total depending on final sponsorship)
1st 2nd and 3rd in Bronze KO ($100 - $250 total depending on final sponsorship)
Peeling Prize ($50 - $100 total depending on final sponsorship)
Highest index card improvement through the event ($50 - $100 total depending on final sponsorship
Dress Code
For this event, we would like to request something a little bit different than the current status of most tournaments. Preferences for while playing in this tournament include;
Club tournament shirts/NZ playing kit instead of casual t-shirts/singlets etc.
50% whites
No denim/super casual clothes
If this puts anyone on the position where it's a challenge e.g. financially or you just 'don't want to', I'm not going to turn you away from the event, but it would be awesome to see if we can raise the standard and look like a smart group of players for when the media comes along.
Part of the entry fee for the event includes the majority of catering for this event. Each morning, you'll be required to fill out the 'subway style' sandwich selection, or slightly more athletic, 'hot pie' selection for your lunch of the day. This will be available to be consumed somewhere between 11am - 1pm depending on your game finish time each day. There will also be a variety of food/drinks available throughout the day including hot savouries as part of the morning tea. Additional drinks may be able to be consumed at the venue when play is finished for the day if you 'win a raffle prize' (more will be explained about this on Sat morning). Any allergies to food or dietary requirements we need to be aware of, please fill out the form.
Social event/additional entertainment
Sat PM we will looking to have 2 x events
Exhibition break play/coaching questions from approx 6pm. This will be when a variety of the local members come down and I'll ask 2 x players (first preference is Paddy/Joe) to complete an alternative stroke 'exhibition break' in front of the crowd as a way to introduce some of our local GC players to the game.
Players/club members BBQ at approximately 6.30pm on site at the club. The cost for this will be $20 and this will include food and 1 x raffle ticket. Please fill out the form to signal your intention to attend - the more the better.
Sun PM
If play has finished on time, for those who need a break from Croquet and want to watch one of my other favourite sports, the Kiwis vs Kangaroos will be on from 6pm. If a group is keen, we will arrange somewhere to watch it together.
Location/Contact/Practice Fri PM
Philip Street, Ashburton 7700
Contact: 0272683885 or jarrod.coutts@gmail.com if you have any issues
If there is a group that wants to practice Fri pm between 3.30 - 5.30 at the club, please fill out the form so I know how many lawns to have set up,
Unless agreed otherwise already, if you could make payment of $75 into the following account Waireka Croquet Club: 06-0837-0397820-00 that would be great.
Your name
Reference 'ACLWT' (spreadsheet showing green means this has been received already).
08 Oct 2024 8:01PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
At 14 Mar 2025 12:52AM (Tournament) there are 6 people reading commentaries.