Darling Downs AC Level Play
Darling Downs Association Tournament 2024 by Joy Wright
Sat 10th & Sun 11th February 2024
Event 1: Division 1 Hcp -3 to +6 (Level Play) – Rene Cole Memorial – Laurel Bank, Herries Street
Event 2: Division 2 Hcp 4 to 8 (Level Play) – Joy Gardner Trophy – Toowoomba, Lindsay Street
Event 3: Division 3 Hcp 9 to 13/14 (Level Play) – June Brady Trophy – Toowoomba, Lindsay Street
Event 4: Division 4 Hcp 14/15 to 20 (Level Play) – Betty Belz Trophy – Toowoomba, Lindsay Street
(Rene Cole $30 per person, Div 2 – 4 $25 per person inc MT/AT)
Entries Close Fri 2nd February 2024
Email croquetsecretary@gmail.com for entries and further information
The Association Tournament will be played under these conditions:
All Association Events – hoop dimensions 3/11.16 plus 1/34. Ranking 1650/3.5.
Association is to be played under the latest rules of the ACA (green law book and ACA handbook). 26 point game with 2¼ hour time limit.
Players to be attired in club colours or predominately white sportswear with flat soled shoes.
In the case of rain and excessive heat – Management will decide if play proceeds. Play will cease during extreme conditions.
Double banking will be required during some events at each venue. All decisions of Management will be final. Players are requested to report to the Manager on arrival and before leaving lawns.
Where handicap limits are specified for an event – players may enter their handicap as at the closing date of entries. If a player’s handicap later changes outside the event limits – the player’s handicap in that event will remain valid. The same ruling would apply for ongoing events in the same tournament if a handicap change was apparent at the end of the event. In simple terms, your handicap will not change until the final game of that event.
All events require the use of your handicap card. All players will be required to sign in and also complete the Tournament Handicap Record at the beginning and end of each event.
19 Oct 2023 9:03PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
At 13 Mar 2025 6:37PM (Tournament) there are 5 people reading commentaries.