CNZ Men's and Women's Championship
Information for Players by Michael Hardman
Venue: Rose Gardens Croquet Club lawns, Victoria Esplanade, Palmerston North. There are two entrances to the Esplanade, from Manawaroa St and from Park Road. However, the Park Road entrance is closed to through traffic until 9.00 on weekdays. The Manawaroa St entrance officially opens at 8.00 am every day but may be open earlier. The road into the club car park is the first right inside the Esplanade from Manawaroa St (behind the cafe).
There will be a brief welcome ceremony on Wednesday for those playing in the Doubles. This will start at about 8.20 unless everyone is present and ready earlier. In the unlikely event that you find you will be delayed by traffic etc (or get lost on the way to Rose Gardens) please text (preferably) or call me on 022 090 3740.
If you wish to have a hit up (of no more than 10 minutes) before play on Wednesday please be at the lawns early enough to have your hit up and return to the pavilion by 8.20. On later days you can go straight out to the lawns for hit up and to start play by the scheduled time. No practice on the lawns after 8.30 or between games please. Please no hard hitting at hoops during practice because this can disturb the hoop settings.
Catering: The clubhouse fee of $5 per day includes morning and afternoon teas and tea/coffee at lunchtime. Please pay your full amount for the tournament on your first day. Lunches are not available at the club, but are available nearby at the BP on Fitzherbert Ave or the Esplanade Cafe. It’s a long way from some of the lawns to the pavilion so you might want to bring your own water bottle and fill up during breaks between games.
Referees: The Tournament Referee and Referee on Appeal is Vince Neall (I will be Referee on Appeal if it is against an active referee decision by Vince). We have several referees/umpires organised.
Practice: The lawns should be available for practice late on Tuesday afternoon. I may be able to give you a more accurate time closer to the day.
29 Jan 2024 3:31PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
At 13 Mar 2025 10:05PM (Tournament) there are 5 people reading commentaries.