Challenge and Gilbey
Roehampton Cup still undecided; David Brydon won Council Cup by Ian Vincent
At the end of two long days at Nottingham, one match remained undecided in the Roehampton Cup: Charles Harding v Brian Medley. Both are members of Bowdon, so they intend to complete it there. It has a critical bearing on the overall result: if Brian wins, he wins the trophy, by virtue of winning a provisional play-off against Mike Hedge; if Charles wins, then Mike is the only one with four wins. The play-off was a 6 point, 3-back and Peg, game, which Brian won +6, though not without some changes of innings.
The B-Level, Council Cup, was much more straightforward, with David Brydon winning all has games. John Filsak was the runner-up, only losing to David.
11 Aug 2024 8:39PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
At 28 Feb 2025 4:24PM (Tournament) there are 9 people reading commentaries.