Golf Croquet Variations Tournament
Rules by Ben Rothman
The game of 2-Shot follows the rules of GC, except that AC rules apply for striking faults, and there are the following modifications:
I... A Turn: A turn involves one or two shots. A point is scored by Striker’s team if Striker runs a hoop in order with his 1st shot, or this
1st shot causes another ball to run a hoop in order. If Striker’s 1st shot makes a Valid Roquet, including before or after scoring a hoop
for either team, then Striker can play a 2nd shot which can be used for any purpose, including hitting a ball previously hit, or scoring a
point (or points) for either team. The 2nd shot is optional. If taken, it is used to determine whether Striker is offsides. If not taken,
then offsides is determined by the results of Striker’s 1st shot.
II... Marking-In: After the 1st shot, and then again after the 2nd shot of every turn, all balls that were sent out of bounds, and all non-
Striker balls that were moved into the area that is within one 1-yard of a boundary line, are marked-in to the 1-yard line. If Striker
remains in bounds after his 1st shot, then his 2nd shot (if any) is taken from Striker’s current position, it is not marked-in. However,
the Striker ball is marked-in to 1-yard, at the end of his turn. Two or more balls may overlap during the mark-in process. Balls on the
1-yard line that need not be marked-in are left in place. The other balls are placed touching each other along the 1-yard line (or lines
if a corner is involved) in an order determined by Striker.
III... Legal Shots: As in AC, Croquet shots (i.e., when balls are touching) are legal shots and, when balls are in proximity, a hit into an
object ball is considered a roquet which is an exemption to the striking fault of allowing multiple hits, thus double-hits are allowed.
IV... Order of the Hoops and Winning the Game: Game is to 5 points. Play starts at h(1) and proceeds in numerical order.
V... Valid Roquets: A Valid Roquet involves the Striker-Ball contacting another ball on the 1st shot of a turn. However, a croquet shot
played out of a corner is a Valid Roquet only if it involves an Oppo-Ball and not Partner. This prevents occupation of corners by two
balls of the same team which could facilitate play on its next turn by the ball that entered the corner first.
VI...The Start of a Game: Balls enter from anywhere on a baulk line that starts one-yard north and one-yard west of c4 and runs
north for six yards along the east boundary. After u plays to start a game, the r/y team can switch from being r/y to being u/k by
claiming the play of u as their own. The former u/k team becomes the r/y team and plays r next, etc. This is a Bamford-Start.
04 Jan 2023 1:56PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Dueling Duos follows the rules of GC, except that AC rules apply for Striking Faults, and there are the following other modifications:
I... Current-Hoop: Hoops are selected by random draw (without replacement) from a bag that starts with 12 blocks, one for each hoop.
The 1st hoop is drawn before the game starts. Subsequent drawings are done immediately after a hoop is “Finished” (Rule VI).
II... Clips: Clips are placed on the Current-Hoop before play to it commences and are removed as balls score it.
III... 1-Yard Mark-in: Any ball that ends a turn out of bounds, or within 1 yard of a boundary line, is marked-in 1 yard and is in play.
IV... Start-in Baulk-Line: A 6-yard long “baulk line” runs along the east boundary. It begins one-yard north and west of c4. Balls enter
the game from anywhere along it and, thereafter, are in play.
V... Start of the Game: A coin is tossed. The winner plays 1st with u to the Current-Hoop.
VI... Scoring Points and Finishing a Hoop: Each hoop generates 3 points. A team earns 0, 1, 2, or 3 points by scoring its hoop with
0, 1, or 2 of its balls. Scoring both balls while the other team scores neither earns a 3rd bonus point, thus, 3 points in total. A ball
continues to play in rotation after it has scored the Current-Hoop. A hoop is Finished when one team scores with its 2nd ball.
VII... No Offsides: The offside rules of GC do not apply.
VIII... Legal Shots: Croquet shots (i.e., when balls are touching) are legal shots and, when balls are in proximity, a hit into an object
ball is considered a roquet which is an exemption to the striking fault of allowing multiple hits, thus double-hits are allowed.
IX... Winning the Game: The first team to reach 8 points wins.
04 Jan 2023 1:59PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
The game of 3-Shot follows GC rules, except that AC rules apply for striking faults, and there are the following modifications:
I... Turn: A turn can involve 1, 2, or 3 shots. Striker can always play two shots (if he wants to) and earns a 3rd if there is a Valid Roquet
(see Rule V) on his 1st or 2nd shots. Scoring points (for either team) does not alter the availability of a 2nd or 3rd shot during a turn.
There are no offsides 25. There is no compensation given to a wired Striker-Ball.
II... Scoring Points and Winning the Game: The first point of a turn can be scored by Striker for himself only after a Valid Roquet.
Additionally, a point is scored for Oppos if any shot by Striker, roquet or not, causes an Oppo-Ball to run the Current-Hoop. The
winner is the 1st team to reach 5 points.
III... Marking-In: After each shot of turn, all non-Striker balls sent out of bounds, or moved into an area that are with-in 1 yard of a
boundary line, are marked-in 1 yard. If the Striker-Ball is sent out of bounds on any shot, then it is marked-in one yard. However, if the
Striker-Ball remains in bounds after his 1st or 2nd shots, then his 2nd or 3rd shot is taken from Striker’s current position. Striker-Ball is
marked-in when his turn ends. During the mark-in process, two or more balls may overlap. Balls on the 1-yard line that need not be
marked-in are left in place. The other balls are placed touching each other along the 1-yard line (or lines if a corner is involved) in an
order as determined by Striker. Balls being placed in contact does not satisfy the need for a Valid Roquet prior to scoring.
IV... Legal Shots: Croquet shots (i.e., when balls are touching) are legal shots. And, when balls are in proximity, a hit into an object ball
is considered a roquet which is an exemption to the striking fault of allowing multiple hits, thus double-hits are allowed.
V...Valid Roquets: A Valid Roquet involves the Striker-Ball hitting into and moving any other ball, or at least causing it to shake.
VI...The 1st Hoop and the 1st Four Turns: The 1st hoop is h(1). Then play proceeds in standard hoop order The balls are placed on
their colored-corner spots – u in c1, r in c2, k in c3 and y in c4 – and play begins with u.
04 Jan 2023 2:01PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
AC-GC follows the rules of GC except that AC rules apply for Striking Faults, and there are the following other modifications:
I... Either Ball: A Team can play either ball each turn. The team losing at the Current-Hoop always plays first to the Next-Hoop and can
\do so with either of its balls.
II... Legal Shots: As in AC: croquet shots (i.e., when balls are touching) are legal shots and, when balls are in proximity, a hit into an object
ball is considered a roquet which is an exemption to the striking fault of allowing multiple hits, thus double-hits are allowed.
III... Offsides: There are no offsides.
IV... Marking-in: Any ball within 1 yard of a boundary or out of bounds at the end of a turn is marked-in 1 yard and is in play.
V... The Period of a Hoop: Each hoop has a “Period”. The h(1)-Period starts with the opening shot of the game and extends through the
shot that causes h(1) to be scored. The Period of any other hoop starts with the 1st shot taken after the last hoop was scored and extends
through the shot that causes the hoop in question to be scored.
VI... Scoring a Point (Or Points), The Both-Ball Rule (the BBR): The Current-Hoop (and the Next-Hoop) can be scored in the same stroke
by a team for itself starting with the 1st play of its 2nd ball during the Period of the Current-Hoop. Peeling an Oppo-Ball scores a point (or
points) for Oppos, no matter how many opponent balls have played in the Period of the Current-Hoop. Peeling Partner when it has not
played during the Period of the Current-Hoop does not score a point or points.
VII... Start-in Baulk-Line: The Start-in Baulk-Line runs 6 yards along the east Boundary starting 1-yard west and 1-yard north of c4.
VIII... Winning the Game: u/k to 5, win by 2. r/y to 5, win by 1. Play returns to h(1) after h(12) as needed.
IX... Start of the Game: A coin is tossed. The winner can play first with u or k to h(1) or have Oppos do it.
X... Clips for Balls not Yet Played to a Hoop: After the third and fourth turns in each new Period, if a team does not play its 2nd ball,
then the clip for that ball is placed on the Current-Hoop and removed when that ball is played, or when that hoop is scored.
04 Jan 2023 2:02PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Rule Changes
Start of a Game: All games begin with a coin toss. The winner can play first with blue or have Oppos do so.
First to Next: In GC, the team that loses at a hoop normally goes first to the next one. There is an exception – the winning team goes first if the hoop was won as the result of a peel by opponents. This rule and its exception are maintained in 2-Shot, DD, and 3-Shot, but the exception is intentionally removed in AC-GC.
1st Hoop and Hoop Order: In DD, all hoops are chosen and played in random order. The other games start with h(1) as the initial hoop and then progress in standard hoop order from GC.
Offsides: Offsides in GC are assessed after every score to prevent players from “going ahead” to the next hoop. This procedure is followed in 2-Shot, but not in the other games. It is not needed in 3-Shot. There are no offsides in DD because the next hoop is not known while the Current-Hoop is being played. Finally, offsides does not apply in AC-GC because the goal is to promote simultaneous play at multiple hoops.
Continuous Play: All four of these games adopt the AC rule: Once in the game, a ball is never an outside agency. Continuous play facilitates clearing shots on otherwise borderline balls.
Mark-in: These games follow AC rules for marking balls in 1-yard. This allows borderline balls to be roqueted/rushed.
Striking Faults: The games adopt AC rules for striking faults. This adds strategic options by making some double-hits legal.
Start-in Area: 2-Shot, DD, and AC-GC use a Start-in Baulk-Line. It runs for six yards along the east boundary starting 1-yard north of c4. The baulk line allows different angles of attack to the First Hoop. 3-Shot has the balls start from their colored-corners – u in c1, r in c2, k in c3 and y in c4, marked-in 1-yard.
1st Ball in Game: Going first in GC is an advantage that is bestowed on the team that wins the coin toss. This structure is maintained in DD and 3-Shot but modified in the other games. 2-Shot has a “Bamford-Start” wherein one team plays an initial ball
and then the other team can switch colors and take over that ball as their own. AC-GC requires u/k to play first. This allows a definition of the winning score that mitigates the right to go first.
Winning Score: Each game has its own scoring system 4:
(i) 2-Shot is played to 5 points.
(ii) In DD teams earn one point for each ball that scores at a hoop and an additional point (three in total) if both of their balls score while opponents score none. The winner is the first team to reach 8 points.
(iii) 3-Shot is played to 5 points.
(iv) AC-GC is played to at least 5 points. u/k plays first to start the game and must win by two while r/y can win by one. This unusual scoring system requires the winning team to “break-serve”— win a point when opponents go first – at least one more time than the other team does. That this is “fair” is explained at length in the text.
09 Jan 2023 12:34AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Rule Changes
Start of a Game: All games begin with a coin toss. The winner can play first with blue or have Oppos do so.
First to Next: In GC, the team that loses at a hoop normally goes first to the next one. There is an exception – the winning team goes first if the hoop was won as the result of a peel by opponents. This rule and its exception are maintained in 2-Shot, DD, and 3-Shot, but the exception is intentionally removed in AC-GC.
1st Hoop and Hoop Order: In DD, all hoops are chosen and played in random order. The other games start with h(1) as the initial hoop and then progress in standard hoop order from GC.
Offsides: Offsides in GC are assessed after every score to prevent players from “going ahead” to the next hoop. This procedure is followed in 2-Shot, but not in the other games. It is not needed in 3-Shot. There are no offsides in DD because the next hoop is not known while the Current-Hoop is being played. Finally, offsides does not apply in AC-GC because the goal is to promote simultaneous play at multiple hoops.
Continuous Play: All four of these games adopt the AC rule: Once in the game, a ball is never an outside agency. Continuous play facilitates clearing shots on otherwise borderline balls.
Mark-in: These games follow AC rules for marking balls in 1-yard. This allows borderline balls to be roqueted/rushed.
Striking Faults: The games adopt AC rules for striking faults. This adds strategic options by making some double-hits legal.
Start-in Area: 2-Shot, DD, and AC-GC use a Start-in Baulk-Line. It runs for six yards along the east boundary starting 1-yard north of c4. The baulk line allows different angles of attack to the First Hoop. 3-Shot has the balls start from their colored-corners – u in c1, r in c2, k in c3 and y in c4, marked-in 1-yard.
1st Ball in Game: Going first in GC is an advantage that is bestowed on the team that wins the coin toss. This structure is maintained in DD and 3-Shot but modified in the other games. 2-Shot has a “Bamford-Start” wherein one team plays an initial ball
and then the other team can switch colors and take over that ball as their own. AC-GC requires u/k to play first. This allows a definition of the winning score that mitigates the right to go first.
Winning Score: Each game has its own scoring system 4:
(i) 2-Shot is played to 5 points.
(ii) In DD teams earn one point for each ball that scores at a hoop and an additional point (three in total) if both of their balls score while opponents score none. The winner is the first team to reach 8 points.
(iii) 3-Shot is played to 5 points.
(iv) AC-GC is played to at least 5 points. u/k plays first to start the game and must win by two while r/y can win by one. This unusual scoring system requires the winning team to “break-serve”— win a point when opponents go first – at least one more time than the other team does. That this is “fair” is explained at length in the text.
09 Jan 2023 12:34AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
At 06 Mar 2025 9:12PM (Tournament) there are 13 people reading commentaries.