US National Championship
Sunday, April 2
Doubles quarterfinals, all matches begin 10:00
Ct. 5: Huneycutt & Morgan v. Denton & Abdelwahab
6: Jenkins & Taylor v. Cumming & Harshman
7: Bast & Patmore v. Davies & Pailas
8: Bach & Landry v. Lawrence & Soo
Optional: if you and your opponent are available and you agree to do so, you may play your Monday 4:30 game today, after checking with the TD for a court assignment.
30 Mar 2017 7:04AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Monday, April 3
Singles blocks, play begins at 9:00
30 Mar 2017 7:07AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
DAY 2, continued
The lawns are being mowed in the morning, and there is a possibility that hoop setting will push back the start of play on one or more lawns. If this happens on your lawn, you are still entitled to your 10-minute warm-up, if you start as soon as the lawn is ready.
Lawn assignments for the first round are as indicated in the block schedules which were emailed to all the players, namely:
Mon 9:00 AM Ct. 5 Huneycutt vs. Bast
Mon 9:00 AM Ct. 5A Davies vs. Morgan
Mon 9:00 AM Ct. 6 Lawrence vs. Osborn
Mon 9:00 AM Ct. 6A Patmore vs. Bach
Mon 9:00 AM Ct. 7 Soo vs. Pailas
Mon 9:00 AM Ct. 7A Jenkins vs. Cumming
Mon 9:00 AM Ct. 8 Abdelwahab vs. Todorovich
Mon 9:00 AM Ct. 8A Taylor vs. Harshman
02 Apr 2017 7:29PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Time limit for singles block games is 3:15.
Time limit for best-of-three matches is 3:30/6:00/8:00. (These are cumulative times; match clock keeps running during any extension period and sudden-death play.)
Time limits for plate play TBD.
03 Apr 2017 6:32AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Play will begin at 9:00, as scheduled. We will make up today's missed games as we can, late tomorrow and Wednesday. Court assignments for 9:00 as follows:
Ct. 5 Jenkins vs. Taylor
Ct. 5 Soo vs. Todorovich
Ct. 6 Davies vs. Patmore
Ct. 6 Bast vs. Lawrence
Ct. 7 Morgan vs. Bach
Ct. 7 Pailas vs. Abdelwahab
Ct. 8 Cumming vs. Harshman
Ct. 8 Huneycutt vs. Osborn
03 Apr 2017 8:08PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
First we will finish the singles blocks, then we will play any needed playoff games to determine the cut to the KO. We will start doubles matches (both KO and Plate) when we can.
Court assignments for the 9:00 round:
Ct. 7 Taylor vs. Cumming
Ct. 6 Pailas vs. Todorovich
Ct. 8 Jenkins vs. Harshman
Ct. 7 Huneycutt vs. Lawrence
Ct. 8 Patmore vs. Morgan
Ct. 5 Bast vs. Osborn
Ct. 6 Davies vs. Bach
04 Apr 2017 7:39PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Seeding will be based on block position (A1 vs B4, etc). For seeding purposes only, tiebreaker is pre-tournament world ranking.
04 Apr 2017 7:41PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
9:00 Main singles KO
Court 6, Morgan vs. Jenkins
Court 6, Patmore vs. Cumming
Court 7, Lawrence vs. Pailas
Court 7, Huneycutt vs. Soo
9:00 Singles Plate
The consensus is flexible Swiss. Time limit 3:15.
Court 5, Todorovich vs. Bach
Court 5, Abdelwahab vs. Bast
Court 8, Harshman vs. Davies
Losing quarterfinalists will be eligible to enter the Plate.
Doubles Plate: if there is interest we will have a round later in the afternoon.
05 Apr 2017 6:13PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
9:00 Singles Plate matches:
Court 5, Harshman vs. Bach
Court 5, Abdelwahab vs. Pailas
Court 8, Todorovich vs. Landry
Court 8, Davies vs. Bast
On court 7 we will resume the pegged-down doubles semi-final. The Cumming vs. Morgan semi-final will follow; Cumming not required until 10:00.
On court 6 we will start the Soo vs. Lawrence semi-final no later than 10:00.
If possible we will play at least one game of the doubles final later in the day.
06 Apr 2017 8:13PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Play will continue today through up to two rounds on Saturday, as long as there is sufficient interest. Priority for pairings will be: players who haven't met in the Plate yet; similar record. However, rematches may become necessary in later rounds. Scoring is by net wins, i.e., wins minus losses (Plate games only; block/playoff record does not carry forward into the Plate). If there is a tie for first the honor will be shared.
07 Apr 2017 5:24AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 9:00 we will resume the doubles final, and the singles plate. Plate standings have a three-way tie for first place, on +2 net wins (including Wayne Davies, who left for home today). Two players are at +1. Still plenty to play for. We are running out of new pairings, however. I am going to wait until I see who is available to play at 9:00 before I make pairings.
07 Apr 2017 9:02PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
At 28 Feb 2025 10:14AM (Tournament) there are 9 people reading commentaries.