MacRobertson Shield
Test 3, day 2, Aus v USA , singles by Peter Landrebe
Hi All
Current temp is 26/78 with a high of 38 later today.
Lawn 1 , Malcom Fletcher v Jeff Soo
Lawn 2, Robert Fletcher v David Maloof
Lawn 3, Ian Dumergue v Danny Huneycutt
Lawn 4, Greg Fletcher v Stuart Lawrence
Late starts , Stephen Forster v Stephen Morgan
Simon Hockey v Ben Rothman
Players are warming up , play starts in approx 15 mins
01 May 2017 8:13AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
L1, Malcolm supershot 4 yards NW of hoop 5
Jeff maximum distance east bndry
MF hits from B baulk
01 May 2017 8:32AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
L3, Ian supershot 2 yards N hoop 5
Danny mid court 3 yards off east bndry
ID misses from B baulk into Cnr 4
01 May 2017 8:33AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
L2, Robert supershot 1 yard NW of hoop 5
David mid court , line of hoop 3 and 4
RF misses from B baulk into Cnr 4
01 May 2017 8:34AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
L4, Stuart supershot 4 yards N hoop5
Greg maximum distance east bndry
SL misses from Cnr 3 to Cnr 4
GF hits partner from A baulk
01 May 2017 8:36AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
L1, MF through hoop 3 with ok load at 4
01 May 2017 8:37AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
L2, DM hits the supershot ball , takes off to his infield 2nd ball on , makes rush to hoop 1, runs hoop with control
01 May 2017 8:38AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
L3, DH on break through hoop 2 , with ball east of 3 and a ball onneast bndry 3 yards N of Cnr 4
01 May 2017 8:39AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
L4, GF through hoop 2, with good SW load at 3
01 May 2017 8:40AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L1, MF through 2back
01 May 2017 8:44AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L2, DM through 3 , has got 4th ball out as well
L3,DH through 4 with loaded break
L4, GF through hoop 4 , break ahead
01 May 2017 8:46AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
L1, MF completes break , sets 3 ducks
JS hits the east ball from A baulk
01 May 2017 8:49AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L1, JS through 1, loaded break ahead
L2, DM through 1 back, setting NSL
L3, DH up to 3 back with a DS set up
L4, GF up to 1 back , has a ball still in 4 Cnr .
Brekky time with Si, back in 20
01 May 2017 8:53AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L1, MF and JS both on 4back and 1
MF on court laying up,on east bndry level with 6, Jeff's balls are west of hoop 1 and hoop 2.
JS shoots with the west of hoop 2 ball ( yellow and for 4 back ) at the east balls- hits
01 May 2017 9:29AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, Robert is 1 and 1
David has 1 peel of TP and is up to hoop 5
01 May 2017 9:29AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L3, Ian is 1 and 1, Danny Is hoop 6 and penult , some error as Ian's balls are in Cnr 3 and nth of 2 back, Danny hits a ten yarder with his penult ball
L4, Stuart is hoop 1 and 1, Greg appears to be in a triple with one peel done and up to hoop 6
01 May 2017 9:33AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L1, JS sets in Cnr 4, has Malcolm east of 3 and mid court 3 yards off west bndry
L2, DM Jawses the penult peel after 6 , loads 2 back going to 1 back load , that still needs a 8 yard rush to the hoop , played it well and the rush is straight
L1, MF shoots from the west ball at the Cnr 4 balls - misses
01 May 2017 9:35AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L1, JS does not get going on the Malcolm miss , re- sets , Malcolm misses and Jeff as a loaded break with a short roll to hoop 1
01 May 2017 9:45AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L2, DM in control and has penult and rover rover to make, peelee is 2.5 yards nth of rover
L3, DH makes penult and rover , lays up in Cnr 3, Ian's balls are west of hoop 2 and Cnr 4 area - Ian shoots from west of 2 at partner , hits hoop 4 , spit shot close to east bndry
L4, GF up to 4 back with rover peel jawsed
L2, JS runs hoop 2 , misses or mis hits a return roquet of 3 yards , ends up in Cnr 1,
Jeff checks his gloves straight away , takes them off ,
( as a player who uses similar gloves , no fingers , they do get sweaty and loosen around the palm , so it possibly could of slipped on impact )
MF hits a 7 yarder , loads hoop 2 , gets a rush on partner facing Mid East boundary , rushes it to mid court , does not take off to Cnr 1, rolls to east bndry , lays rush facing hoop 1
01 May 2017 9:53AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, DM completes turn to take game 1 +26 TP
01 May 2017 9:54AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L3, DH blobbed 1 back with partner , Ian misses from 2 back through to nth bndry
L1, JS shoots from Cnr 1 at the east balls - hits
L3, DH can't run 1 back, hits with red 6 yards at the partial ball showing
01 May 2017 9:57AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L4, GF completes , takes game 1 +26 TP
L2, game 2 starts, RF supershot 3 yard N of 5 ( Robert layed supershot game 1, unsure if David gave up start game 1 or 2 )
DM mid court 7 yards east of peg
RF shoots from end of B baulk , misses to 1 yard west of Cnr 4
01 May 2017 10:01AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, DM shoots from end of A at the supershot ball , misses to nth bndry
L1, JS runs hoop 4, has 4 back jawsed
01 May 2017 10:02AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L2, RF shoots with supershot ball at the east tice , hits centre ball
01 May 2017 10:03AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L1, JS leave the rush short going to peelee after hoop 4, hits hoop from 7 yards , peelee pops out Sth, strikers ball spins - roquets peelee and puts it through !
, runs hoop 5, has a 5 yard return - hits
01 May 2017 10:06AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, RF not in front of hoop 1, returns to east bndry 1 yard nth of partner in Cnr 4
DM still on nth bndry and 9 yards nth of hoop 1.
DM shoots at the Cnr 4 ball - misses
L3, ID on court through hoop 1, hoop 2 loaded
01 May 2017 10:09AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L1, JS through 1 back , has penult peeled
Excellent matches to view on lawn 1 and 2,
Subtle opening changes on lawn 2, David being game up , and will get to see Roberts tactics to get back in the match - albeit against probably one of the best roqueters of the last week , which should make it great watching .
Lawn 1 has Jeff playing ultra aggressive on roquet choice , ball movement , break looks a bit loose at times , but so far every roquet hasn't hit and break keeps going, Malcom who usually is aggressive in lines of play has elected to set instead of pushing .
Which also will be good to watch what unfolds , especially if either players approach changes , a short the match progresses
L1, JS peeling rover going to 3 back , Jawses the peel
01 May 2017 10:15AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L2, RF crunches through a tough hoop 1, centre balls the 8 yard forward rush/ roquet
L3, Ian sticks in 3m DH hits with his back ball
01 May 2017 10:17AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Sorry sticks in hoop 3
01 May 2017 10:18AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L4, game 2 starts
GF supershot 5 yards NW of hoop 5
SL maximum distance east bndry
GF shoots from Cnr 3. - misses into Cnr 4
SL shoots from A baulk at partner - misses
L1, JS completes turn to take game 1 +17TP
01 May 2017 10:22AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L4, SL on court approaching hoop 1, runs 1 with an east rush
L3, DH has penult and rover to go
L2, RF through 3 back , setting DS
L1, game 2
JS supershot 3.5 yards NW of hoop 5
MF mirrors it east
JS heads to Cnr 1, Mal has pushed it nth enough to remove that option , JS shoots from end of A baulk at supershot ball, soft , tickles partner , takes off to make a rush to hoop 1, has a dolly
01 May 2017 10:32AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L3,Danny finishes to take game 1
L2, DM lifts the west ball, shoots from Cnr 3- misses into Cnr 4
L1, JS makes hoop 1, loads 3 and has a nice cut rush to hoop 2 from mid court - misses the ball to nth bndry , MF has a 4 yard shot 4th ball on
01 May 2017 10:36AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L1, MF hits with 4th ball to west bndry 3 yards Sth Cnr 2, takes off to partner near 3, no rush, loads it to hoop 2 , gets rush to hoop 1 with cut , plays it well , rolls in , 1 foot hoop .
Runs hoop with break ahead
01 May 2017 10:39AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L2, RF in tight control through 2,
L3, hoops being checked
L4, SL break up to 1 back
01 May 2017 10:41AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L3, game 2 starts
DH east bndry
10 yards nth Cnr 4
ID follows it , misses
DH has a nice target from A baulk , ref watches to see what hits first or where it goes out . No need Danny misses by a bit to the left
Same double for Ian , nope long tripley thing from B baulk , nope back to A baulk - stalks , nope back to B baulk - misses into Cnr 4
01 May 2017 10:52AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L1, MF makes 9 , sets DS , sets east bndry low about 5 yards apart
JS misses the 13.5 yarder from A baulk with the west ball
01 May 2017 10:56AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L2, RF through 1 back , 1 peel done , rushing penult peelee back to position , takes off to 2 back load , that is NE and slightly out of position
01 May 2017 10:58AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L3, DH approaching hoop 1 , hoop 2 loaded Sth of 6 , runs hoop 1 with a NE rush
01 May 2017 11:00AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L4 , SL runs hoop 6 , no peels as yet, 2 back load is near peg , rushes peelee just past 4 back , sends it to 2 back going to the 1 back load
01 May 2017 11:03AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
L1, MF playing at a pace just under his normal , gets break tight as he runs hoop 2 , runs hoop 3 from inches
01 May 2017 11:06AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L2, RF completes triple to take game 2 and square the match - had to work hard to keep control , ended with a straight double
01 May 2017 11:23AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L4, SL through penult ( no peels ) puts gregs blue into penult , comes to rover and sticks in it , trying to keep short rush back to put gregs ball in rover .
Greg , while has a 1 foot tap on , has no easy play , the other ball yellow has little room to rush to one from east of rover .
L3, DH makes 9, Ian misses lift , DH has a canon in Cnr 4 on second break and. A good load at hoop 2 , play starts it well and has set break ahead
01 May 2017 11:27AM (Tournament); 37 Readers
L1, MF keeping a good second break going , some good shots needed to be played
Has a rover rover peel to complete from 10 inches - makes the peel , some scare a short it travels towards bndry.
Pegs out to take game 2 +24 TP , and square the match
L2, game 3 underway
David chose colours game 2,
RF supershot 2 yards NW hoop 5
DM to the USA tice position
RF not taking the b baulk shot again , hits the tice from A baulk, loads hoop 2 , rushes to hoop 1, runs hoop 1 and has set break
01 May 2017 11:33AM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L6, Stephen Forster v Stephen Morgan - starting soon
01 May 2017 11:34AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Been to lawn 6 , to see the opening , SM hits third turn on a duffers response opening , made hoop 1 with a rush east
01 May 2017 12:03PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L2, RF made 9 , set the defensive leave - don't know which baulk David shot from 4th ball on, but is in play with a controlled break through hoop 2, but a few short croquet shots gives David some options to play safe and not risk a roll to hoop 3, sets in Cnr 4 hoop 4 area, has a Roberts balls near 1 and 6
RF hits with his back ball from hoop 6 at David's balls, hits near centre ball and has hoop 1 loaded for him
01 May 2017 12:08PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L1, game 3 starts
MF supershot 2 yards Nw of 5,
JS max distance
MF misses from Cnr 3 into Cnr 4
JS shoots from Mid a baulk at supershot ball , rushes it to near Cnr 2
Sends it towards hoop 2 , going to max ball , goes to Cnr 4 ball with a roll , rolls to hoop 1, and retires back to partner near Cnr 4
01 May 2017 12:11PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L3, DH peels 4 back going to 1 back , peels penult straight from tough angle , gets it past peg, loads a deep ball , that lands in rover , hands balls over at rover , Ian hits and has the balls
L4, GF does not get hoop position at hoop 1 second break , SL hits a 14 yarder , makes the last 3 hoops to square the match
L2, RF peels 4,back by mms after 3
L1, JS , through hoop 2 with 3 loaded east towards bndry
01 May 2017 12:17PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L3, ID sticks in hoop 1, DH hits the ball out of hoop 1
01 May 2017 12:19PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L1, JS has break under control through hoop 5
01 May 2017 12:23PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L2. RF peels penult by mms after 6
01 May 2017 12:24PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L4, game 3
SL high supershot
GF maximum distance east bndry
SL shoots from A baulk at max distance ball- misses
GF shoots at double from A baulk - misses
01 May 2017 12:25PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L1, JS completes break sets a DS
L2, RF runs 3 back with a rush on peelee to rover, jawses rover peel
L3, DH runs rover with the second ball , rushes to peg , pegs out to win game 2 and match 2-0
L4, SL on break through hoop 4
01 May 2017 12:34PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L1, MF lifts west ball , misses from Cnr 3 into Cnr 4
01 May 2017 12:35PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, RF makes penult, comes to rover , peels and pegs out to take game 3 +24 TP
L1, JF loads hoop 2 , rushes to hoop 1, has a 2.5 yard side roll in , plays it well , runs 1 foot hoop
01 May 2017 12:38PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L1, JS goes out on a croquet shot west bndry nth of Cnr 4, puts clip on hoop 4
MF on break through hoop 3
L2, Simon and Ben warming up
L1, GF has hit lift , didnt see the final leave and lift
01 May 2017 12:51PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L1, MF completes break and sets a reverse NSL , lays up west bndry rush facing the peg
01 May 2017 1:02PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L2, game 1 starts
SH supershot
BR max distance
SH shoots from b baulk - hits
01 May 2017 1:05PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L1, JS misses from B baulk , enough of yellow must of been on offer .
MF cut rushes well to hoop 1
01 May 2017 1:06PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L6, Stephen Forster took game 1, Stephen Morgan onto first break game 2
01 May 2017 1:34PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L1, MF completes a TP to win game 3 +11 TP
01 May 2017 1:34PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L2, SH made 3rd turn 9, BR misses 4th ball on
SH bounces out of hoop 6 with 1 peel done
01 May 2017 1:35PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L4, GF returns serve with 9, sets NSL , SL picks up back ball from west bndry, misses from Cnr 3 into Cnr 4,
GF gets balls out , hampered after hoop 1 , but hits a tough 5 yard shot , continues break and is up to hoop 4 , with peelee nearly jawsed
01 May 2017 1:37PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L2, BR starts break and is under control up to hoop 6, PoPs black through hoop 6 as a stop shot
01 May 2017 1:47PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L4, GF second break continues, up to 1 back
01 May 2017 1:49PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L2, BR runs 3 back long , misses return roquet at a ball near peg , finishes a few yards nth Cnr 1
01 May 2017 1:56PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L2, SH taps on nth of 3 back, loads 2 back and makes a rush from the peg ball to,the west bndry ball near Cnr 1, rushes to 1back , makes 1 back
01 May 2017 1:59PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L4, GF peeling penult going to 4 back, gets a nearly jawsed result
01 May 2017 2:00PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L2, SH loads 3 back , falls short on the ball near Cnr 1, hits. A good 5-6 yarder, loads it to penult ( peelee) , makes 2 back
01 May 2017 2:01PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L4, GF makes 4 back , sends a ball nth west of the peg , puts a side Sth ball in at penult , rushes peelee into jaws 3/4 through , peels it to 3 yards from rover
01 May 2017 2:05PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L2, SH has penult nearly Jawsed going to 4back, has straight double ahead
01 May 2017 2:06PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
I see another special guest has arrived from oz, Mr Ken Boal .
That makes 4, Trevor , Annette Du Preez and John Gilhooly
01 May 2017 2:10PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
I see another special guest has arrived from oz, Mr Ken Boal .
That makes 4, Trevor , Annette Du Preez and John Gilhooly
01 May 2017 2:10PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L2, SH makes the last two hoops and peels required , pegs out to take game 1 +17
01 May 2017 2:11PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L4, GF peels rover at rover from a few feet , constructs a rush to peg , to take game 3 and match .
Great match from both players
01 May 2017 2:16PM (Tournament); 36 Readers
L2,Game2, 5th turn break under way for BR
01 May 2017 2:42PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L6, Stephen Forster wins game 2 and match with a triple +17TP
01 May 2017 2:45PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L2, BR misses 1back , onto the leg , red is also in penult from a rush after hoop 6, SH hits a soft 7 yarder , rolls down to west of hoop 1, lays a rush
01 May 2017 2:48PM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L2, BR retires the ball on leg of 1 back to just Sth of Cnr 3
SH makes 1, rushes to nth bndry between 3 and 6, takes off to Cnr 3 ball, sends it to sth of hoop 5, going to the ball in hoop 6, chips it out and rolls to hoop 2, runs a 35degree hoop to bndry
01 May 2017 2:54PM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L2, only lawn in play for singles
SH rushes to west bndry , rolls a load to west of hoop 4, gets a rush on the ball near 5, rushes it firmly onto peg, rolls it to hoop 2 going to nth bndry ball, rolls hoop 3 and makes a tough hoop
01 May 2017 2:59PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
SH hits a 8 yard return roquet after 3
Loads SE of 6 going to the ball sth of 2 , falls short, hits the 4 yarder to west bndry , plays a big pass rolls squeeze, loads 5 to the west , get some rush to hoop 4
01 May 2017 3:02PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
SH under control, has an angly 1 back , runs it long to 2 back, rushes it to Sth bndry, sends it to 3 back ( partner ) going back to the 2 balls at 1 back, has a cut to 2 back , still has a 8 yard roll in straight
01 May 2017 3:08PM (Tournament); 38 Readers
SH , bounces out of 2 back
01 May 2017 3:09PM (Tournament); 41 Readers
BR lifts yellow hits the 3 yarder from A baulk , makes a rush to 1 back
01 May 2017 3:11PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
BR makes the three hoops and sets a DS
01 May 2017 3:20PM (Tournament); 39 Readers
SH lifts the blue from near the peg ( 2back ball ) shoots from A baulk at the east balls 9 yards nth of Cnr 4- hits
01 May 2017 3:22PM (Tournament); 40 Readers
SH runs 2 back , rushes nth , leaves partner near Cnr 2, rushes to end of A baulk , loads it to 4 back ,makes 3 back and leaves red ( hoop 1 ) 5 yards east of hoop 4.
Places yellow nth of hoop 2 - looks wired from red, cuts partner to west bndry and sets mid court west bndry with rush facing hoop 2
01 May 2017 3:30PM (Tournament); 37 Readers
SH is for hoop 2 with back ball, after he rushed it through on the return roquet after 2 back
01 May 2017 3:31PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
BR retires Cnr 1 with yellow
01 May 2017 3:32PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
SH rushes to 2, runs hoop to bndry , rushes to hoop 3 , runs 3 with a rush to Mid East bndry,
01 May 2017 3:37PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
SH bounces out of hoop 4 , BR hits and starts break , peels 4 back and penult on time, rover peeled going to a 3 back rush ,
Makes 3 back with a SW rush
01 May 2017 4:08PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
BR finishes the triple to win game 2 +14 TP and square the match.
Very little battery left on the iPad , so apologies , no commentry for game 3- hopefully someone else at the venue can do it.
If they start quickly , I should get the opening exchange in
01 May 2017 4:14PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Game 3,
SH supershot 4 yards NW hoop 5
BR maximum distance
SH shoots from B baulk 3 yards west of Cnr 4- misses
01 May 2017 4:27PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Have logged in on my phone , will be a slow type , but can keep the game updated , BR missed 4th turn from B baulk , SH hits into Cnr 4 from 7 yards nth
01 May 2017 4:31PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
SH loads hoop 2 , rushes to hoop 1, edges it
01 May 2017 4:31PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Take off gives him a 30 degree hoop, runs it well
01 May 2017 4:33PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Sorry need to drop someone off in the car, not back for 40 mins , SH on a break
01 May 2017 4:37PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
SH on 4 back and hoop 2, BR on controlled break to 4 back ( on two turns ) through 1 back
01 May 2017 5:35PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
BR approaching 3back , looks like a DS
01 May 2017 5:39PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
The DS is quite steep , so needs to lay up 9 yards nth Cnr 4 , the west ball is 5 yards Sth of hoop 2
01 May 2017 5:46PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
SH lifts blue from Sth of 2, shoots from 3 yards west Cnr 3, Misses into Cnr 4
01 May 2017 5:47PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
BR peels 4 back with rush to 6
01 May 2017 6:00PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
BR through 3 back , 1 peel done , nicely set at penult
01 May 2017 6:09PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Peel jawsed with a rush to 4 back , slightly hampered on the rush
01 May 2017 6:12PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
BR rush peels penult , sends it to rover , rushes back to penult , makes hoop , peels rover from 2 feet ,makes hoop , pegs out to win game three +16 TP
01 May 2017 6:22PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L5, SL completes triple to take game 1 +26 TP
02 May 2017 9:32AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L6, DH through hoop 3, work to do with loose balls near Sth east bndry
L5, BR break still going , peeling 4 back after 5
02 May 2017 9:35AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L6, DH misses a hampered shot after 5
02 May 2017 9:43AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L7, BR through 2 back , 1 peel done
02 May 2017 9:44AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L5, game 2
JS supershot 4 yards nth hoop 5
SH max distance east bndry
02 May 2017 9:45AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L6, SF taps on nth of hoop 5, sets a leave, ball west of hoop 2, ball east of hoop 3, lays up west of hoop 4 ( Ian for hoop 2)
02 May 2017 9:47AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L5, SL hits from Cnr 3, gets a tickle , loads hoop 2 west of hoop 6, no rush to hoop 1, taps and takes off , plays it well and has a 1 yard straight hoop , sticks in hoop 1
02 May 2017 9:48AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L7, BR finishes to take game 1
02 May 2017 9:57AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L5, Greg hits from A baulk , puts Stuart through 1, establishes break and is through hoop 3
02 May 2017 9:59AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L6, ID in play through hoop 3 , hoop 4 loaded , ball near Cnr 4, gets rush Sth from hoop 3
02 May 2017 10:00AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L5, GF through hoop 6 , under control
02 May 2017 10:06AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
At 12 Mar 2025 3:14AM (Tournament) there are 12 people reading commentaries.