MacRobertson Shield
Test 3, day 1, Aus v USA doubles lawn 1 and 3, updates of Eng v NZ lawn 2 and 4 by Peter Landrebe
Hi All,
Players are warming up , day is warming up fast and an expected hotter week than the previous two tests.
Lawns have been moved, new hoop holes , so the players are relearning some bndry shots
Lawn 1, Simon Hockey and Greg Fletcher v Danny Huneycutt and Stephen Morgan
Lawn 3, Robert and Malcolm fletcher v Jeff Soo and Stuart Lawrence
Lawn 2, Stephen Mulliner and Samir Patel v Paddy Chapman and Aiken Hakes
Lawn 4, David Maugham and James Hopgood v Chris Shilling and Joe Hogan ( live streamed )
Commentry for lawn 2 and 4 , more openings, significant plays and updates
Lawn 5, distance lawn , Ian Dumergue and Stephen Forster v Ben Rothman and David Maloof
I will attempt to go see what's happening when a break is under control on lawn 1and 3 simultaneously:-)
Play starts in 8 minutes
30 Apr 2017 8:22AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
L3, Jeff Soo east bndry 11 yards nth Cnr 4
Malcolm Fletcher duffers tice 1.5 yards Sth hoop 6
Stuart Lawrence shoots at partner from B baulk - misses
Robert Fletcher hits duffers tice
L1, Danny Huneycutt east bndry 12 yards nth Cnr 4
Simon Hockey duffers tice 1 foot nth hoop 6
Stephen Morgan misses partner from Cnr 3
30 Apr 2017 8:39AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L3, RF has a 1 yard takeoff hoop 1 , other balls are east bndry
30 Apr 2017 8:40AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L1, Greg F edges the duffers tice to 1 yard west of hoop 6
30 Apr 2017 8:41AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L1, Greg F edges the duffers tice to 1 yard west of hoop 6
30 Apr 2017 8:41AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L2, Samir supershot level with hoop 5
Paddy Cnr 2
Stephen M misses into Cnr 2
Aiken misses double
SM taps red onto blue ( hampered delicate shot what ever direction he played ) rushes black 3 yards Sth of supershot
30 Apr 2017 8:44AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L1, didn't see the error , but DH on lawn with hoop 2 loaded , partner on east bndry , rolls to hoop 1 , has 1 yard 30 degree hoop , misses and spits 9 yards towards east bndry
30 Apr 2017 8:45AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L2, RF not in front of hoop 2, MF gives him a spot East bndry near 3, partner is 6 yards in court
30 Apr 2017 8:46AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L4, Joe rushes to hoop 1, looks like a ball in Cnr 2, makes hoop 1 with a nth rush
30 Apr 2017 8:47AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L1, SH misses the 10 yarder finishes Cnr 4
SM hits 6 yarder into Cnr 4
30 Apr 2017 8:48AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L3, USA miss from nth hoop 2 at the yellow Sth of hoop 3,
RF hits down east bndry , loads hoop 3, has cut rush to hoop 2, 4 yard split takeoff to get hoop position and runs a 2 yard straight hoop
30 Apr 2017 8:51AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L1, SMo makes hoop 1 and has a set break ahead
30 Apr 2017 8:51AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L2, SM on controlled break through 4
30 Apr 2017 8:52AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L4, DM. Rushes to hoop 1 and has a load at hoop 2, other ball in Cnr 4
30 Apr 2017 8:53AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Going to See lawn 5, back in 15
30 Apr 2017 8:54AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L5, Ian Dumergue hoop 3 , Stephen Forster hoop 2 v USA 1 and 1, Ben Rothman has the balls and is rushing to hoop 1
30 Apr 2017 9:13AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L1, SMo completes break to 4back setting a DS
L3, RF completes break to 4 back , SL on lawn through hoop 2 with good lawn ahead
L2, SM to 4 back , PC on lawn up to hoop 4 , makes first PoP
30 Apr 2017 9:15AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L1, GF lifts the peg ball , shoots from 3 Cnr - misses into Cnr 4 , watched closely and noisily by the two geese wandering the court
30 Apr 2017 9:20AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L2, PC makes hoop 6, loads 2 back with partner taps on yellow , runs 1 back , PoP's yellow through hoop 2
L1, DH loads hoop 2, rushes to hoop 1, has Sth bndry Roll in , runs hoop with a 8 yard return roquet Sth , hits
L3, SL makes 3 back but instead of putting red at hoop 4 , sends it 9 yards nth on the hoop approach , does not run hoop clean , retires east bndry , has yellow ( Mal F ) tucked tight at hoop 2
30 Apr 2017 9:27AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L1, DH makes hoop 2, load at 3 nearly went out , so some work
30 Apr 2017 9:29AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L3 , lifts and hits on east bndry , loads hoop 3 and hoop 2 an has rush to hoop 1
30 Apr 2017 9:30AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L1, DH misses a 45degree hoop at hoop 3
SH misses the 6 yarder at the hoop 3 ball
L3, MF runs hoop 2 with set balls hoop 3
30 Apr 2017 9:33AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L2, PC completes break , leave is
Yellow PoPped to hoop 3 is tucked tight on hoop 2
Red is 3 yard east of east bndry , 10 yards nth Cnr 4
Black and blue on west bndry 10 yards Sth Cnr 2 , with rush facing hoop 6
30 Apr 2017 9:35AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L1, DH misses 7 yarder onto nth bndry ball from hoop 3
30 Apr 2017 9:35AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L1, SH through hoop 2, no load at 3 , so some work ahead
30 Apr 2017 9:41AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L2, SP lifts yellow misses from Cnr 1 to Cnr 2
AH cut rushes to east bndry , Chips partner in 5 yards, does not hold perfect rush to hoop 1, edges the rush to 5 yards nth hoop 4 , splits loading a ball to nth of hoop 1 , going to the ball in Cnr 2 - tough shot played well, taps on and has a take off to hoop 1 from Cnr 2, also played well and has a 1.5 yard straight hoop - runs it and has a 9 yard return
30 Apr 2017 9:45AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L3, MF in control through 2 back with 1 peel done
30 Apr 2017 9:46AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L4, I have not been watching , DM on 4 back , JH on hoop 3 , CS takes break to 4 back , JH on hoop 1
Looks like JH has hit lift - viewing from distance
30 Apr 2017 9:48AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L1, SH also not through hoop 3 , DH with balls and a loaded break ,places peelee into good peeling position
30 Apr 2017 9:49AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L2, AH keeps break together with a roll from Cnr 2 to hoop 2, balls set well at hoop 3
30 Apr 2017 9:50AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L3, MF through penult , rover peel is 1 yard nth of rover
30 Apr 2017 9:51AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L1, DH peels 4back after hoop 3
30 Apr 2017 9:52AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L1, DH completes TP to take game 1
L2, AH through penult with rover to be peeled
L3, I think MF completed TP to take game 1, game 2 underway , SL on court with all balls and sets a leave, RF shooting from nth west of hoop 1 at the two east bndry balls near hoop 4 - hits solid
L4, JH setting up rover rover peel alignment , peelee through and runs hoop
30 Apr 2017 10:15AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Been down at court 5,
L1, game two , Simon bounced out of hoop 2
Danny on first break through hoop 6, only just with a difficult maybe impossible hampered shot
Greg on hoop 1 and Stephen Morgan on hoop 1
L2 Samir, on break through 1 back
L3, RF on 4 back, USA misses lift from Cnr 3 to Cnr 4 , MF on second break , through hoop 4 with a delayed set up
30 Apr 2017 10:56AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L5, Ian on 3
Stephen F on 4 back
David Mf mKes penult with rover peel to do, ,missed a forward roquet to Sth bndry
It has good set break and a tap on lift, runs hoop 3 , misses 2.5 yarder , Ben hits 6 yarder makes rover , puts in a wide rover cross wire ( hoop 4 loaded ) and sets Sth Cnr 3
Ian shoots from rover and misses
30 Apr 2017 10:58AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L1, DH asks for a hoop check, not given, no hit possible , SH has the lawn and makes hoop 2
30 Apr 2017 10:59AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L3, MF peels 4 back with rush to hoop 6
L2, Samir makes break to 4 back , sets a DS , perfect distances - all other clips on hoop 1
Aiken lifts peg ball shoots from Cnr 3 and misses into Cnr 4, ball trailed left all the way and missed by a foot
30 Apr 2017 11:02AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L3, MF must of missed the peel going to 6 , as he now has rushed it through after 1 back and sent peelee to penult while rushing to 2 back , plays it well and runs hoop to bndry
30 Apr 2017 11:05AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L1, SH playing with good composure , apprehensive composure though , as his roquet and hoop shot has not been as he would like it this morning .
Break is tight and focused , up to hoop 6 , some swagger returning
30 Apr 2017 11:07AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L2, SM through hoop 3, loads hoop 5 going to a 4 yard nth hoop 4 load , plays it well
30 Apr 2017 11:09AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L3, MF through 4 back , has a 14 inch straight penult peel , peels it to 1.5 yards past rover
30 Apr 2017 11:11AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L3, MF peels rover from 18 inches , back ball needs a ref to watch , runs hoop, rushes to peg to take out game 2 and match 2-0
L1, SH completes break and sets a DS
30 Apr 2017 11:16AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L5, game 2 David Maloof makes 1st break
30 Apr 2017 11:42AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Special,guest / Aussie spectator / reserve TB arrives !
L1, USA miss lift
Greg F jawsed 4 back with a rush to 1 back , a well played peel with big pull and little room to land on , to make sure of the rush
L2, USA on 4 back and 1 , SM on hoop 6 , Samir on penult , Samir hits lift from Cnr 3 , runs penult , discusses the no lift leave coming up
L1, GF rushes to Cnr 3 after 2 back , loads to a spot between 6 and 4 back- closer to 6 , rush peels rover , 3. back load is directly nth of the hooo , so some care needed , plays the rush peel well and squeezes it slightly west
30 Apr 2017 11:48AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, Samir and SM are making across wire at 1 back after rover
L1, GF rushes 3 yards past 3 back instead of tight, runs hoop long and misses nth rush , rolls from level with hoop 5 , hoop 3, 4 line - result is load at penult 4 yards west , a cut on peelee to nth bndry
L2, Samir misses cross wire, so sends black to nth of hoop 4 , lays on west bndry with blue hampered on the swing close to hoop 2- rush facing black / hoop 6
30 Apr 2017 11:54AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L2, AH checks if he can hit hampered shot on the west balls, with a sweep , calls refs to watch
30 Apr 2017 11:55AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L1, GF elects not to roll peelee into position ( tight to get the rush to 4 back ) takes off and has a tough cut to 4 back, play starts it straightish and has a 3 yard side roll into 4 back
L2, AH misses the 6.5 yard hampered shot
L1, GF runs 4 back to bndry , going to need a special play to finish this turn - plays a good rush to 5 yard Sth west of penult , can thick take off to yellow and rush it to nth bndry behind or close to Peelee , elects not to , instead takes of straight to peelee , loads it towards rover getting a rush on yellow to penult - priority on break completion and leave coming up
30 Apr 2017 12:01PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L2, SM up to 2 back with all balls ,
30 Apr 2017 12:02PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L2, SM makes last 5 hoops , peg south to win game 2 and square the match
L4, apologies not up to date on the play, but DM is just run 3back with a load at 4 back , so highly likely a match finishing turn
30 Apr 2017 12:11PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L1, GF runs rover and sets a DS , not perfect on angle , but the close peg ball allows them to sit East bndry 11/12 yards nth Cnr 4
30 Apr 2017 12:13PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L4, how wrong I was, it's a get rid of oppo turn , DM sets in Cnr 3 and just nth of Cnr 4.
JH lifts black and takes contact from yellow near Cnr 4 ( JH and JHg are both on hoop 2) send its west of hoop 6, going to Cnr 3 - misses 7 yarder at red
L1, stopped for lunch ? No lift shot coming up for a while
30 Apr 2017 12:21PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Back from lawn 5, Ben is for hoop 6, David Mf takes a ball from 4bacj to peg,
Ian is 4 back and Stephen is for hoop 1,
Lift shot to come
30 Apr 2017 1:17PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L1, USA missed the lift after lunch, SH finishes to square the match
Game 3 Danny east bndry
SH Cnr 2
SMo misses partner
GF hits from B baulk, has an 8 yard west bndry croquet shot , takes little risk, puts black up mid court , 3 yards off of east bndry, cuts blue to nth bndry due nth of hoop 2 - sends it to a spot west of hoop 1 , hits the Cnr 2 ball and lays up in Cnr 2
30 Apr 2017 1:24PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L4, JHg on court with a 6 yard peg out , Joe had a few chances to finish , but put the break down .
JH pegs out for the match
L1, DH hits the balls in Cnr 2 from west of hoop 1
30 Apr 2017 1:26PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, game 3 , Aiken runs 3 back , Paddy is for hoop 1 , difficult ball to set at hoop 4 to complete the NSL.
Englands clips are 3 back and hoop 3
30 Apr 2017 1:30PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L1, DH not runnable at hoop 1, can retire with a rush to hoop 1 , just west of the hoop .
30 Apr 2017 1:31PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L2, SM lifts west bndry ball shoots from Cnr 3 and hits centre ball
30 Apr 2017 1:32PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
L2, hits the lift so well into Cnr 4 area, the hoop 4 ball can't rush to 3 or to blue , so needs a good take off or roll to get a rush to 3 off of blue- Samir and Stephen discuss , Samir gives a spot for the take off .
1 yard short , so needs a good rush cut.
Plays it perfectly to 1 yard nth of hoop 3
30 Apr 2017 1:35PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
L1, yellow misses and DH loads hoop 2, runs hoop 1 with a rush into Cnr 4 , has set break ahead
30 Apr 2017 1:38PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
L2, SM makes first peel of the quad after running 4 ,
Not much reward for Aiken's previous break of 9 and 2 PoPs , but sets a NSL that loads the turn for Stephen with any hit in .
30 Apr 2017 1:40PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L1, DH loads hoop 3 , makes an error , GF hits in with yellow , rolls off of blue ( now in Cnr 2 ) to Sth of hoop 2 , while going to black near 3, taps on and needs to make a rush on red to hoop 1 , which is 14 yards Sth
30 Apr 2017 1:42PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
L2, SM break under control , runs 1 back and has a set up to peel 4 back with a rush to 2 back , gets rush to a spot just off b baulk mid court , loads it to 4 back as well, rushes peelee into 2 feet , 15 degree peeling position.
Jawses the peel with ok rush to 2 back .
Over cooks the cut to 2 back and has 3 yard Sth west hoop approach
30 Apr 2017 1:48PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L1, GF under control through hoop 2 , good balls ahead
30 Apr 2017 1:50PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L2, SM makes 2 back , rush peels 4 back from 8 yards , loads it to penult , while holding a rush to 3 back , cuttable rush that gives him an approach from Sth bndry - quite straight
Rolls well and has a 1 foot hoop , runs it clean with no nth rush
30 Apr 2017 1:52PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L1, GF through hoop 5 , in control
L2, no possible peel on penult going to 4 back , sets it tight for the straight double
30 Apr 2017 1:54PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L2, SM peels penult to 1 foot nth of rover , rolls a deep ball 3 yards Sth of rover , puts in a side ball and peels rover from less than a foot .
Peg sout to win +17QP and match 2-1
30 Apr 2017 2:00PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L1, GF completes the break and sets a NSL ,
30 Apr 2017 2:07PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L1, SMo lifts the black from hoop 4
Shoots from Cnr 3 - misses into Cnr 4
30 Apr 2017 2:09PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L1, SH rushes to west bndry, loads it to hoop 2 , no rush to hoop 1, can cut it to west bndry 13 yards nth Cnr 1
30 Apr 2017 2:12PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Dropping the L1,
SH rolls well, has. 1.5 yard straight hoop , gets wire, pops through by 8 inches and a clear shot , hits the 5 yarder
30 Apr 2017 2:14PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
SH loads hoop 3 going to hoop 2
30 Apr 2017 2:15PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Off to lawn 5
30 Apr 2017 2:15PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L1, SH misses a short roquet before hoop 3,
DH missed a shot at hoop 2
GF missed a 7 yarder immediately
DH backed it up by playing a wrong ball,
SH then did a triple , to take game 3 and match 2-1
L5, I left the match with Stephen F on the peg, Ben R on 3 back , other balls pegged out. Game 2
30 Apr 2017 3:23PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
At 12 Mar 2025 3:02AM (Tournament) there are 12 people reading commentaries.