MacRobertson Shield
Test 2, day 5 , Aus v NZ, singles lawn 3 and 4 by Peter Landrebe
Hi All,
Late start for me , some over duties to attend to.
Arrived back at the lawns
L4, Robert Fletcher on second Break against Paddy Chapman , Robert has one peel done after hoop 3 , approaching hoop 5, Paddy is 1 and 1
L3, Greg Fletcher on second break against Chris Shilling . Greg is approaching hoop 3 with set TP balls , load to hoop 4 is 8 yards nth.
Chris is hoop 1 and 1
L1, Simon on 4 back , Aiken hit lift made 1 hoop , Simon misses from hoop 3 to balls east of hoop 2
L2, Stephen F on 4back , all other clips on hoop 1, Harps just misses from nth bndry at a mid court distance east ball , about 2 yards off bndry
Stephen with short rush to hoop 1
28 Apr 2017 9:18AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
I See there is plenty of commentry started , so will focus on lawn 3 and 4
28 Apr 2017 9:20AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L4, RF has penult peel jawsed, runs 1 back with control
L3, GF has 4back jawsed after hoop 3, making hoop 5, gets a East rush , cuts it to past mid point on east bndry
28 Apr 2017 9:23AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L3, peelee nearly through , so requires some accuracy on the next roll.
GF plays it well , rolls peelee to penult, does not land in peeling position , his west load at hoop 6 now has to bombard peelee out the the Sth side so he can get a hoop run, plays it as good as possible and runs a 1.5 yard hoop , hits 6 yard return
28 Apr 2017 9:28AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L4, RF has penult peel through by 3 inches , makes 4 back , loads yellow to just nth of peg, chips peelee out and loads it to 2 yards nth of rover
L3, GF takes peelee to 2 back
28 Apr 2017 9:30AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L4, RF peels rover from 1.5 feet , back ball gets a smidge of wire and sits nicely in close front of hoop rather than in jaws , RF makes rush to peg , finishes and takes game 1 +26TP
L3, GF through 3 back with a NE rush , peelee at penult nicely placed 1 yard nth of penult , cuts up court , has a 14 yard roll , plays it perfect
28 Apr 2017 9:38AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L3, GF peels penult, rushes to 4 back , makes hoop , moves peelee to 3 yards NW of penult and loads it 2.5 yards north of rover
28 Apr 2017 9:43AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L3, GF places a good east side ball, from distance , places a west side sth ball , rushes peelee to 1.5 feet 15 degree angle
28 Apr 2017 9:47AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L4, game 2 underway
RF supershot 4 yards NW of hoop 5
PC maximum distance west bndry , possibly just Sth of maximum distance , knowing Robby will shoot from Cnr 3
RF shoots from Cnr 3 , hits solid
28 Apr 2017 9:50AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L3, GF peels rover and makes rush to peg , rushes onto the peg , takes black ball and black clip off the lawn.
CS has nice placed balls to get an immediate first break , rushes blue to Sth bndry , loads hoop 2 with a slight drive to hold rush to hoop 1 from Sth east of rover
28 Apr 2017 9:54AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L3, CS has a 2 yard takeoff to hoop 1, ok, but misses hoop , possibly on leg .
GF about to shoot from hoop 2, goes and checks, still taking shot at ball nth of hoop 1 rather than at peg - misses to Sth bndry
L4, RF through 1 back in good control
L3, CS looks at options, elects to shoot with the ball in hoop/ on leg at the Sth bndry ball , clear ball nth of 1 at Sth bndry looks cleaner and only 2 yards longer ?
CS does have a skinny head mallet , and looks unimpeded - hits
28 Apr 2017 10:02AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L4, RF through 3 back , sets 3 ducks
L3, CS loads hoop 2 , gets nice rush to hoop 1
28 Apr 2017 10:04AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L4, PC hits a duck, diidnt see from which baulk ,( but live streaming match) makes hoop 1 , attempts 1 yard PoP going to the two balls near hoop 2, PoP does not go through , bounces back to 1 foot directly in front of hoop 1, makes it easy for a revisit
L3, CS jams in hoop 3, GF misses from 4 into nth bndry
CS turns down the shot back at the nth bndry ball from in the jaws , makes hoop , rushes to hoop 4 , Makes a close hoop and has a tight rush facing hoop 6, cuts it towards hoop 5, gets not enough and has a 7 yard roll- contemplates rolling to Sth of hoop 1 and re- setting
28 Apr 2017 10:15AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
28 Apr 2017 10:17AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L3, CS sets Sth of hoop 1 , GF goes mid west bndry
L4, PC makes hoop 4 , hoop 5 loaded , PoP ball is 6 yards nth of hoop 1
28 Apr 2017 10:18AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L3, CS rushes to hoop 5, makes hoop gets rush to west bndry ball
28 Apr 2017 10:19AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L4, PC loads partner ball to 3 yards west of hoop 6, PoPs red into hoop 2 from 1 yard straight , rushes yellow to hoop 6.
Makes hoop 6 , rushes yellow into black loads yellow to 5 yards east of hoop 6, rushes black to 1 back close to the PoP jawsed ball .
Stop shots black to mid court line between 1 and 2 , rush peels red through 2 , makes 1 back , does not get rush to hoop 3 .
The ball movement and leave for the standard 2 PoPs is reletively simple to follow , once you observe it or practice it a few times, but the search for more than 2 PoPs ball movement and how the leave is generated ( because he's playing Robert ? ) is past my knowledge .So as fascinated as what spectators will be watching on the streaming will be.
PC makes 2 back , makes 3 back and sets NSL with yellow ( 4 back ball ) at hoop 4.
It was probably better Chris C adding some comments towards the ball movement required.
28 Apr 2017 10:34AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L3, CS has kept control of the lawn and has yellow through to 4 back
28 Apr 2017 10:38AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L4, RF lifts red from west bndry , shoots from A baulk - hits
28 Apr 2017 10:39AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L3, GF retires mid west bndry
CS rushes to 4 back, makes hoop with no rush, takes off to blue , stops it towards Sth bndry Sth W of hoop 1- checks for any wiring , returns to partner
28 Apr 2017 10:44AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L4, RF makes hoop 3 , has hoop 5 loaded , rushes partner from 4 back to 4 back , gets a good peel jawsed with a stop shot , no pull from 40 degrees .taps onto blue, takes off to hoop 5 , runs hoop 5 with a east rush
28 Apr 2017 10:47AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L3, GF shoots at peg , misses , finishes 3.5 yards from yellow on nth bndry
28 Apr 2017 10:48AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L4, RF loads 1 back, rush peels 4 back , loads it to peeling position 2 yards nth of penult , holds rush to hoop 6
28 Apr 2017 10:49AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L3, CS hits blue , takes off to make a rush on red to penult , over cuts it , finishes 2 yards east of hoop 3, rolls to nth of hoop 1 , scatters a bit to improve the trap
28 Apr 2017 10:53AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L4, RF looks like he has missed penult peel after hoop 6, made 1 back loading 3 back , holds a good rush back to get a penult peel going to 2back attempt
28 Apr 2017 10:55AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L3, GF shoots and misses into Cnr 1
CS has a 3 yarder to hit blue and have a good set to make 12 - hits
28 Apr 2017 10:56AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L3, CS through hoop 2, with break ahead
28 Apr 2017 11:01AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L4, RF loads penult , going to 4 back , rover peel is 2 feet nth of rover
28 Apr 2017 11:02AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L4, RF makes the last hoops, peels rover deep from close , pegs out to win +17 TP and match 2-0
Robert is #1 by some margin, and as much as I have seen Robert play and been impressed nearly every time , this was top class , every roquet and every croquet shot on the Money, a good bonus to have it streamed live
28 Apr 2017 11:16AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
L3, CS holding break through penult
28 Apr 2017 11:22AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
L4, Malcolm and Jenny warning up
28 Apr 2017 11:23AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
L3, CS has a tough angled rover
28 Apr 2017 11:25AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
L3, CS runs rover and sets blue from 12 yards to a spot Sth of hoop 1, attempting to hide the peg, looks open , rushes to hoop 3 area, not sure what Chris was trying , but has put red on leg of hoop 3 , works out ok as he pops it out and has a good trap .
Greg likely still shooting at peg.
Greg crouching down , peg may be hidden, yellow looks wired and red open
28 Apr 2017 11:37AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L3, Greg shooting at red - misses by an inch
L4, Game 1 starts,
Jenny peg high supershot
Malcolm mirrors it 4 yards east
Jenny shoots soft at Malcolm's ball from Sth of hoop 1 Sth bndry , narrow miss
Malcolm ignores long double and shoots from b baulk at the 11/12 yarder - misses to 1 yard west Cnr 4
28 Apr 2017 11:42AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L4, JC slips past the 4 yarder into Cnr 1
MF hits the 6 yarder in the centre of the court
28 Apr 2017 11:44AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
L3, CS makes penult and rover , organises a ball back to red near penult , rushes to peg , takes game 1 +1
L4, MF takes off to Cnr 1 ball, loads it to hoop 2, no hoop shot , shoots at partner in Cnr 4 area - misses
JC misses from hoop 1 through hoop 2 shot
MF rushes to hoop 1 from Cnr 4
28 Apr 2017 11:48AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
L7, far court
Ian Dumergue is hoop 3 and 4 back
Joe Hogan is 1 and 1 , with a lift shot , only 12 yards if he lifts red at peg and shoots at partner Sth of hoop 2, Ian is 15 yards apart east bndry
28 Apr 2017 12:16PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
L4, MF has a clip on 4 back and 1,
JC 1 and 2 , Malcolm misses , JC does not get in front of hoop 2 , retires east bndry protecting the ball Sth of hoop 3, Malcolm's balls are Cnr 1 and nth bndry nth of hoop 2
28 Apr 2017 12:18PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L3, game 2
GF supershot
CS mirrors it east
GF shoots at supershot and misses onto b baulk
CS makes a 1 foot rush , cuts it to 2 yards east of hoop 2
28 Apr 2017 12:20PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L7, JH misses from b baulk at partner ,
ID hits the 15 yarder at partner
28 Apr 2017 12:23PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L4, missed some play ,
JC runs hoop 2, rushes partner to west of hoop 1 , rolls it to a load position at hoop 4 while going to Malcolm's two balls in Cnr 4.
Has a cannon , makes a dolly rush to hoop 3, has a 4 yard approach , just holds and has a slight angled hoop, puts it into the leg
28 Apr 2017 12:27PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L3, CS runs hoop 2 with set break ahead
28 Apr 2017 12:27PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L4, MF hits a 8 yarder from Cnr 4, loads hoop 2, has a ball at hoop 3, makes rush to hoop 1with some cut ,plays it well - runs hoop , loads partner ( peelee) to hoop 3 , through hoop 2 with set second break ahead
28 Apr 2017 12:33PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L3, CS break under control,through hoop 5
28 Apr 2017 12:33PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L4, MF jawses 4back peel after hoop 3
28 Apr 2017 12:35PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L1, game 3 starting
Simon goes east bndry
Aiken into Cnr 2
SH misses partner
L3, CS in control through hoop 6
L4, MF rush peels 4 back and is up to 1 back making it with peelee , has a 5 yard angled peel , plays it with good weight and it drops into the jaws , rushes black to mid west bndry , loads it to 3back
28 Apr 2017 12:42PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L3, CS completes break , sets NSL
28 Apr 2017 12:45PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L4, MF through 4 back , places blue Sth west of the peg, loads rover peel to 1.5 yards nth of rover, makes penult.
Peels rover at rover , pegs out to take the game +24
L3, GF lifts the hoop 4 ball and misses into Cnr 4 from Cnr 3
28 Apr 2017 12:53PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L3, CS runs a close hoop 1, has a rush nth and a load at 2 slightly west , other ball is Cnr 4
28 Apr 2017 12:54PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
While lawn 4 hoops get checked and Chris S has a controlled break on lawn 3, will go check lawn 7 progress with Ian and Joe
28 Apr 2017 12:56PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
28 Apr 2017 1:11PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L7, Ian for 4back and 5
Joe 4 back and with the balls, makes hoop 1 and hoop 2, makes small error and hands three balls over to Ian
28 Apr 2017 1:13PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L3, CS through 1 back with 1 peel done , peelee at 2 back
28 Apr 2017 1:14PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L4, game 2 starts
MF low east bndry ball 8 yards nth Cnr 4
JC short duffers tice, 1 foot nth of hoop 6
MF shoots at partner from Cnr 3 , misses into Cnr 4
JC misses the duffer onto Sth bndry
28 Apr 2017 1:16PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L4, MF hits from Cnr 4 at partner , rush /.roquets it to hoop 3, loads it to hoop 2, rushes duffer to a no mans land spot on Sth bndry , 8 yard roll to hoop 1, 7 yard takeoff to other ball, takes off has west rush , stop shot hoop approach sends the reception ball well past peg height , runs hoop smooth , taps on and loads hoop 3 while going to hoop 2
28 Apr 2017 1:21PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L3, CS through 3 back , jawses penult going to 4 back
28 Apr 2017 1:25PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L4, MF through 3back , with a NSL
L3, CS puts rover peel to inches from rover , rushes back and makes penult
28 Apr 2017 1:30PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L2, SF pegs out game 2 to take the match 2-0 , Stephen was peg and peg , Harps got hampered after 3 back which gave Stephen an easy finish
28 Apr 2017 1:32PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L4, JC on lawn ,runs hoop 1 , hits 6 yard nth roquet , has good lawn position ahead
28 Apr 2017 1:35PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L3, CS peels rover at rover , pegs out to win game 2 +26TP and match 2-0
28 Apr 2017 1:37PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L1, Aiken has pegged out to take that match over Simon
L4, JC runs a quick 9 and sets a NSL
28 Apr 2017 1:48PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L4, MF lifts yellow from west bndry , shoots from A baulk - misses , think hit hoop 4
28 Apr 2017 1:51PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
L4, JC through hoop 2, has set standard TP ahead
28 Apr 2017 1:55PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L4, JC completes TP to square the match
28 Apr 2017 2:24PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L4, game 3 starts
JC super shot is 4,yards nth and quite a bit west
MF maximum distance
JC misses from Cnr 3 into Cnr 4
MF shoots at partner from A baulk - hits
28 Apr 2017 2:32PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L4, MF loads hoop 2 , has a straight 3 yard rush to hoop 1, plays it perfect , 2 yard hoop approach
28 Apr 2017 2:34PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
L4, MF completes break through to 4back, sets a DS
Rushes to Cnr 4, lays up in Cnr 4,
28 Apr 2017 2:50PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L4, JC lifts the west bndry ball shoots and hits the 13 yarder in Cnr 4
28 Apr 2017 2:53PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L4, JC makes hoop 1, over rolls hoop 2, retires in Cnr 2
MF shoots from east of 2 at partner west of 3 , misses the 11 yarder
JC shoots from Cnr 2 at partner NE of hoop 4, misses
MF shoots with red near 3 at partner hits the 10 yarder. Has set break after making a perfect rush to hoop 1.
Jawses the 4 back peel after hoop 3
28 Apr 2017 3:07PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Report from lawn 7,
Joe Hogan won game 1 with a TP
Game 2 Joe is on second break , Ian is 1 and 1
28 Apr 2017 3:09PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L4, MF rush peels 4 back after hoop 5, rolls it to nice peeling position going to hoop 6, runs 6 long , hits escape ball loads it to 2 back while going to peelee, takes off to 1 back ball, makes 1 back , loads 3 back and pushes penult peelee past peeling position, makes 2 back
28 Apr 2017 3:14PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
MF loads 4 back , makes 3 back , rushes to middle of Sth bndry, plays a great croquet stroke ,loads another ball to penult and has a dolly rush to 4 back
28 Apr 2017 3:18PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L4, MF makes 4 back , loads to SW of the peg , puts in a nice west side ball, peels penult from jaws ( rushed it in jaws) to 1 yard nth east of rover .
Makes penult , peels rover at rover from 1 foot , pegs out to win +25 TP and match 2-1
28 Apr 2017 3:23PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L7, report , Joe takes game 2 to take match 2-0 , test ends 14-7
28 Apr 2017 3:30PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
At 12 Mar 2025 3:14AM (Tournament) there are 12 people reading commentaries.