MacRobertson Shield
Test 2, Day 4 , Aus v NZ doubles by Peter Landrebe
Hi All,
On lawns 5-7 , wifi not good , so may be a bit disjointed today.
Matches starting at 8.30am
27 Apr 2017 8:25AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
L7,Harps Tahurangi high west supershot
Malcolm Fletcher Cnr 4
Jenny Clarke misses into Cnr 4
Robert Fletcher hits the double
L6, Chris Shilling high supershot
Stephen Forster maximum distance
Joe Hogan hits the maximum distance shot, loads hoop 2, no rush to 1, take offs , no hoop run- retires in Cnr 4
Ian Dumergue shoots from A baulk at the west ball 15 yards nth hoop 1 - misses
27 Apr 2017 8:38AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L7, RF makes hoop 1, load to hoop 3 lands short and his ball goes off nth bndry behind hoop 2
JC hits and makes a rush to Cnr 4 , plays it well , rush to hoop 1 gives her a 10'yard roll in , has a 3yard hoop - retires Cnr 4
27 Apr 2017 8:40AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L6, CS pairs up Cnr 4
SF hits partner in Cnr 2, takes off to Cnr 4 , hits and has a cannon - result is ball SE of 6 and 2 yards Sth hoop 1, with these balls that's near perfect.
Makes hoop 1 with rush NE
27 Apr 2017 8:43AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L7, RF hits , and hits it all the way to Sth bndry , sends partner towards hoop 3, going to the two balls Cnr 4, makes rush to hoop 1
27 Apr 2017 8:45AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L7, RF hits , and hits it all the way to Sth bndry , sends partner towards hoop 3, going to the two balls Cnr 4, makes rush to hoop 1
27 Apr 2017 8:45AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L6, SF through hoop 2, break ahead is good , just needs a few tidy up shots to bring it together
27 Apr 2017 8:47AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L7, RF through hoop 2, loading hoop 4 gets a rush to,the short load at hoop 3
27 Apr 2017 8:47AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L7, RF through hoop 3 under control
L6, SF through hoop 5 in tight control
27 Apr 2017 8:51AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L6, SF through 3 back , sets NSL with yellow the west ball
27 Apr 2017 8:58AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
L7, RF through 3 back , sets NSL , blue ball is the west ball, parity not as important in this match game 1 as the match on lawn 6,
JC lifts blue from west bndry shoots from Cnr 3 - misses into Cnr 4
27 Apr 2017 9:01AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
L6, JH lifts the ball at hoop 4, shoots from Cnr 3 - misses into Cnr 4
27 Apr 2017 9:02AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
L7, MF loads partner to mid court west of peg, takes off to the hoop 4 ball ( leg must hinder rush to 1 ) rushes it to 2 yards nth Cnr 4, makes arush to hoop 1
27 Apr 2017 9:04AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
L6 , ID makes hoop 1 , rushes back to Cnr 4 , a few yards west , loads hoop 4 , taps on red , plays the big roll loading hoop 3 7 yards Sth , but has. a short rush on the ball nnear hoop 2
27 Apr 2017 9:08AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L7, MF jawsed the peel of 4back after hoop 3
27 Apr 2017 9:11AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L6, ID over approaches hoop 3 , scatters red to east bndry
JH hits the 9 yarder
27 Apr 2017 9:15AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L7, MF in control , making hoop 6 off of peelee , break a bit loose , runs past peelee and has chanc to bring it back on time - has a 4 yard peel with a escape ball well Sth of hoop 6
27 Apr 2017 9:18AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L6, JH moves the balls around, loads hoop 2 , gets rush to Cnr 4 , promotes it and gets a cut to hoop 1, makes 1 and 2 , has hampered shot after hoop 2, hits easily and has set break ahead
27 Apr 2017 9:20AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L7, MF through 2 back , hoop approach stays in by 8 inches, runs hoop and has a East rush , cuts it NE , loads towards 4 back , makes a close 3 back , didn't try for nth rush , which may suggest peel was made at penult ( I am 70 yards away )
27 Apr 2017 9:26AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L7, splits peelee towards rover , keeping a good rush to 4 back, rover ok , but he may revisit after 4 back
27 Apr 2017 9:27AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L6, JH through 1 back and is making 2 back off of partner
27 Apr 2017 9:28AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L7, MF tidies up rover peelee , takes off to penult , runs penult with a Sth rush , has to leave a ball behind , rush hits peg solid, luckily not used the other ball near penult , takes off and gets rush to the peelee 1 foot in front of rover
27 Apr 2017 9:31AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L6, JH and CS Shilling in discussion for the leave, makes 3 back, has all 4 balls at hoop 4, sends yellow ( partner mid court )
L7, MF pegs out to win game 1 with a TP
27 Apr 2017 9:34AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L6, sets black at hoop 4 , puts blue to west bndry , rushes partner to east bndry 10'yards nth Cnr 4
Black looks tight on leg , rushable to 1 , but it's going to be Nth or grab some wire
SF lifts the 4 ball , shoots from Cnr 3 - hits the east ball
27 Apr 2017 9:39AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L6, SF sets a leave , Sth of hoop 3, nth of hoop 4 and lays on west bndry west of hoop 2
27 Apr 2017 9:46AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L6, JH shoots from nth of 3 at the two balls west bndry - misses
27 Apr 2017 9:49AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L7, game 2 starting
MF supershot 1 yard nth west of hoop 5
JC hits mid maximum distance west bndry ( yes west bndry ) also not a bad response as the supershot is short and makes 4th turn on a better chance of hitting and a break with two west balls
RF shoots from Cnr 1 - hits
27 Apr 2017 9:54AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L6, ID James in hoop , from 45 degrees
CS misses from hoop 4 through the two balls onto nth bndry
ID runs hoop 3 , not much ahead
27 Apr 2017 9:55AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L7, RF through 1 and 2, loads hoop 4 with tight rush to hoop 3
27 Apr 2017 9:57AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L6, missed Ian's ball movement , but return to see him running hoop 5 , with a rush intomcnr 3 and a load at hoop 6, with the pivot near east bndry level,with hoop 3
27 Apr 2017 10:05AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L7, RF finishes break and sets 3 ducks
27 Apr 2017 10:06AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L7, ID in control of the break , runs 1back
27 Apr 2017 10:12AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Sorry lawn 6
27 Apr 2017 10:12AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L7, HT shooting with 4th ball on from 3rd Cnr at the ducks - does not appear to,be any double , might be a Bassett double on offer - misses
27 Apr 2017 10:15AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L7, MF loads hoop 2, rush to hoop 1 a yard short , takes off makes hoop and hits the 4 yard return roquet , standard TP lawn ahead
27 Apr 2017 10:17AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L6, ID bounces out of 2 back , some angle in the shot, CS has a 4 yarder on Ian's ball , discussion with Joe, other balls are - a ball near 3 back ( partner )and a ball directly Sth of hoop 3 , by an inch.
CS lifts yellow and shoots from A baulk at the 3 back ball - hits , has. A laid lawn ahead with Joe on 4 back
27 Apr 2017 10:21AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L7, MF peels 4 back after hoop 3
27 Apr 2017 10:21AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L7, MF has penult jawsed after hoop 6
L6, CS through hoop 2 , partner as the reception ball , has a Sth east rush , which he takes mid court on the hoop 3 , 4 line , stop shots peelee to 2 yards Sth of 4 back , rushes black to nth bndry , loads hoop 4 and rushes blue to hoop 3
27 Apr 2017 10:30AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L7, Harps on the lawn, looks like a failed 1 back , rushes Malcolm through penult has. A good ball at hoop 1
27 Apr 2017 10:31AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Wifi down,
L7, HT in control of break through 1 back
27 Apr 2017 10:48AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L6, CS has two peels setting rover peel while going to 2 back
27 Apr 2017 10:49AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L7, HT through 2 back , Jenny comes on to discuss leave
L6, CS jawsed the rover peel with a rush to 3back
Update lawn 5, Greg and Simon one game up, Greg on a 3rd turn nine game 2 , and is through 2 back
27 Apr 2017 10:53AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L6, CS makes 3 back , rush peels rover, takes off to,4back
27 Apr 2017 10:55AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L7, sorry no leave for Harps, peels Roberts ball,through rover going to 3back , 4 back well loaded
27 Apr 2017 10:56AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L5, Greg completes the 3rd turn 9 , lays 3 ducks
27 Apr 2017 10:58AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L7, HT runs 4 back , has a 6 yard rush to penult ( it was best he could get it from below rover cramped position ) makes penult
L6, CS through penult
27 Apr 2017 11:01AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L6, CS runs rover, pegs out to take game 1, +10 TP
L7, HT pegs out Roberts ball - leave is blue , east bndry level and slightly Sth of hoop 3, and Cnr 1, MF is for 1back
27 Apr 2017 11:07AM (Tournament); 37 Readers
L6, CS pegs out to win game 1
27 Apr 2017 11:15AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L7, HT pegs out Roberts ball, leave is Cnr 1 and east of hoop 3 on bndry
MF rolls from e bndry , runs 1 back to Sth bndry
Hits Cnr 1 ball
27 Apr 2017 11:17AM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L7, MF loads 3 back getting a rush on a mid court ball line of hoop 1 and 2, makes 2 back,
He is hampered after hoop 3 back , looks ok, asks for hoop to be checked
27 Apr 2017 11:18AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
L5, GF finishes 3rd turn 9, AH hits a duck from Cnr 1
27 Apr 2017 11:19AM (Tournament); 37 Readers
L6, game two underway
SF supershot 3 yards NW of hoop 5
JH and CS taking a long time over the response
L7, MF hits hampered shot, loads penult going to 4back
27 Apr 2017 11:21AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L6, CS plays yellow to maximum distance east bndry
27 Apr 2017 11:23AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L5, AH through 1 back setting red ( hoop 1 ball ) on west bndry
27 Apr 2017 11:24AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L7, MF makes the last few hoops and pegs out to take game 1
27 Apr 2017 11:25AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L6, SF supershot
27 Apr 2017 11:42AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L6, CS maximum distance
ID misses from A baulk
JH misses double from B baulk
ID on break through hoop 4
27 Apr 2017 11:43AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L6, ID through 1 back , sets up for NSL
27 Apr 2017 11:49AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L6, Ian is making 3 back , setting NSL - break 1 game 2
L5, SImon and Greg game up, Paddy on controlled second break in game 2
L7, Malcolm and Robert finished their match 2-0
27 Apr 2017 11:58AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L6, ID sets tight NSL
JH lifts red from hoop 4 , shoots from A baulk - misses
27 Apr 2017 12:04PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L6, SF rushes well to hoop 1 , gets rush back to east bndry
27 Apr 2017 12:07PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L6, SF misses peel after 3
27 Apr 2017 12:11PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L6, SF jawses 4 back going to hoop 6, load for 1 back is nth of hoop 6
27 Apr 2017 12:15PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L6, SF runs 1 back , loads 3 back , peels penult going to 2 back
27 Apr 2017 12:20PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L6, SF makes 3 back , tidies up rover peel position , takes off to 4back
27 Apr 2017 12:23PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L6, SF peels rover at rover pegs out game 2 , to square the match
27 Apr 2017 12:29PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L6, game 3
CS high supershot
SF NE of hoop 5, 3 yards
JH shoots at east ball from Cnr 3 - misses
ID misses 13 yarder from Cnr 3 to Cnr 4
27 Apr 2017 12:53PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L6, CS hits the 6 yarder in middle of the court
27 Apr 2017 12:54PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L6, CS completes break to 4 back , has all 4 balls near 3 back, sets NSL, black at hoop 4
27 Apr 2017 1:23PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L6, SF lifts black from hoop 4, shoots from Cnr 3 - misses
27 Apr 2017 1:27PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L6, JH loads hoop 2, rushes to Cnr 4 from west bndry, 1 foot from a canon , makes rush to hoop 1
27 Apr 2017 1:31PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L6, JH misses hoop 1, SF misses 8 yarder , JH misses 7 yarder on Stephens ball Sth bndry
27 Apr 2017 1:34PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L6, SF rolls to hoop 1, runs it with rush nth
27 Apr 2017 1:35PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L6, SF onto a controlled break through hoop 4
27 Apr 2017 1:39PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L6, SF makes 1 back , well placed break ahead
27 Apr 2017 1:44PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L6, SF makes 1 back , well placed break ahead
27 Apr 2017 1:44PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L6, SF sets yellow at hoop 4 after making 3 back
27 Apr 2017 1:48PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L6, the leave is good, Joe been shooting from A baulk most lift shots, Stephen has pushed the west bndry balls up to 15-16 yards nth Cnr 4.
CS lifts Yellow from hoop 4 , hits from Cnr 3
27 Apr 2017 1:53PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L6, CS sets a leave, only one ball in court though , allows Stephen to go into Cnr 4,
JH makes hoop 1 , puts a croquet shot out, ID gets to hoop 4 , in a few turns , Nz shooting and missing or playing dry
27 Apr 2017 2:48PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L6, ID has all the balls and is through hoop 1 back
27 Apr 2017 3:01PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L7, GF pegged out 15 mins ago to take that match 2-1
27 Apr 2017 3:02PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L6, ID safely through penult going to the peg, no peels , but has been a good break for the match requirements
27 Apr 2017 3:15PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L6, ID safely through penult going to the peg, no peels , but has been a good break for the match requirements
27 Apr 2017 3:15PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L6, ID makes rover , sets DS 10 yards nth Cnr 4
27 Apr 2017 3:21PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L6, JH lifts red from west bndry and heads to A baulk .
Clips are , AUS 4back and peg
JH hoop 2 and CS 4back
JH has a few re-stalks - hits
27 Apr 2017 3:27PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L6, JH through hoop 2. Rush to end of BBaulk, ball at peg , ball at hoop 4
27 Apr 2017 3:33PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
reloads 4, rushes west, loads it as escape ball at 4 back , over cuts the rush to hoop 3 from the peg ( with peelee) fails hoop 3, break to peg and possible triple once break under control probably was required.
27 Apr 2017 3:36PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
SF hits the 4-5 yarder , loads penult. Rushes to 4 back , set break ahead for these 3 hoops
27 Apr 2017 3:37PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
SF makes the hoops, pegs out to take the match 2-1 and gives Australia a match score of 11-4 and a win in the test .
Still a day of singles tomorrow .
See you 8.30 am
27 Apr 2017 3:41PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
At 12 Mar 2025 3:05AM (Tournament) there are 12 people reading commentaries.