MacRobertson Shield
Test 2, Day 2 , USA v ENG singles by Peter Landrebe
Hi All, providing some commentry for the USA v ENG singles , will be keeping an eye on Australia's match as well, which are a 5 min walk away , so will miss some detail of the singles , but will endeavour to catch the main plays of the matches.
Sitting near lawn 1 and 2 , 3 and 4 are at a distance
Lawn 1 , Jeff Soo v Samir Patel
JS East bndry
SP Cnr 2, hit Cnr peg
JS shoots at the 13 yarder - hits
L2, Stuart Lawrence v James Death
JD east bndry
SL Cnr 2
JD shoots at the 13 yarder - hits
25 Apr 2017 8:31AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 3 David Maloof v Jamie Burch
Lawn 4 Matthew Essick v James Hopgood
L3, DMf east bndry
JB Cnr 2
DMf shoots from A baulk at partner-hits
25 Apr 2017 8:35AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L2 , JD sets , SL hits and sets a ball Sth of 1, ball in Cnr 2, and is together Cnr 4 with no rush
JD retires into Cnr 3 with the Sth ball
25 Apr 2017 8:37AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L1, Jeff lays a dream leave, SP hits from Cnr 3 , is through hoop 1 with a set break ahead
25 Apr 2017 8:38AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L2, SL takes off to Cnr 3, takes off to Cnr 2, goes out 9'yards short of Cnr 2 ball ( fast corner and curly nth bndry , a few have gone out the same area ) JD hits from Cnr 2 at that 9 yarder
25 Apr 2017 8:39AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L3, DMf through hoop 1, rushes partner mid court , loads it to nth of hoop 2 while going to a Cnr 2 ball
L1, SP in control through 3
L2, JD through 1, has balls out , no load at 2, but should establish break with what's in front, loads 3 a bit nth , gets rush to nth of 2
25 Apr 2017 8:42AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L4 Matthew on court with all 4 balls , long rush to hoop 1, plays it well , other 2 balls up near 6, runs hoop 1, has a 10'yard return roquet, misses to Sth bndry
25 Apr 2017 8:45AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L1, SP through 6
L2, JD through 3 and set
L3, DMf through 4, gathering the Cnr 4 ball
25 Apr 2017 8:46AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Going for walk , back in 15
25 Apr 2017 8:46AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L1, SP pegs out to win +26TP
L2, game is finished , I left when James was on court in control , and the timeing suggests he win game 1 , but will check
L3, JB appears to have done two peels of TPO , on DMf up to 4 back
25 Apr 2017 9:25AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, confirmed James Death took game 1 +26 TP
25 Apr 2017 9:26AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Watched some Aus v NZ and will start a new thread of commentry with my perspective
25 Apr 2017 9:26AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L2, Game 2,
JD east bndry
SL Cnr 2
JD misses partner
SL hits and rushes west of hoop 3
Takes off to Cnr 2 and gets a rush to 3 yards NW of hoop 1,
25 Apr 2017 9:28AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L1, SP low east bndry ball,
JS Cnr 2
SP misses on the left by a foot
JS misses the east bndry balls
SP promotes Jeff in court by a few yards , rushes to 1, some work , but makes hoop and hits a 5 yard return
25 Apr 2017 9:38AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L3, JB completes TPO , missed the leave , didnt see the contact turn
Gone to look at the play.
DMf in jaws of hoop 1
JB yellow ( hoop 1 in Cnr 4
Red in Cnr 3
DMf runs hoop 1, runs hoop 2, hits red in Cnr 3, rolls to hoop 3 , makes hoop
25 Apr 2017 9:42AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L1, SP in control through 3
L2, SL didn't get through 1, JD makes break and breaks down in jaws of 1 back, SL misses a 14 yarder
JD turns down running 1 back ? Plays black at red , 10 + yards - hits, rushes it into 5 , takes off to 1 , makes a 1 yard hoop , hits the partial ball still in 5, nicely set Sxp in play
25 Apr 2017 9:47AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Back in 20
25 Apr 2017 9:47AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L1, Samir has won game 2 to take the match 2-0, Stephen Mulliner and Danny Huneycutt warming up
25 Apr 2017 10:28AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L2, James SXP looks
Iike it was put down , with clips 3back 4 back - possibly under control ? Highly unlikely though for James .
Stuart has a ball on 4 back and in play with the back ball up to hoop 2 with partner , has a 3 yard hoop - misses
25 Apr 2017 10:31AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L3, JB back on lawn, I saw DMf fail hoop 4 when I left , Clip is still on 4 , but JB is through 2 back and separating 17 yards on west bndry.
DMf thinking ...
L2, JD misses something , SL back in front of hoop 2, similar hoop shot - runs it well , two balls to play with around hoop 3
L3, DMf lifts and goes to mid BBaulk , takes the shot at yellow in Cnr 2 ( Jamie's back ball ) hits
25 Apr 2017 10:37AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L2, SL loads 4 with partner instead of loading as peelee , safely through 3 and has a nice delayed set up
L3, DMf loads hoop 6 going to mid west bndry ball, rolls to 4 , has a 3 yard hoop , runs to bndry , misses 4 yard return roquet
25 Apr 2017 10:41AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L2, SL peels 4 back with rush to hoop 6
25 Apr 2017 10:43AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L3, JB retires red a few yards nth Cnr 4
DMf shoots through yellow near 6, misses into Cnr 3
JB shoots at red , misses
DMf goes into Cnr 1
JB rushes up east bndry looking for wire through hoop 4
25 Apr 2017 10:46AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L2, SL in control up to 2 back , making it off of peelee
25 Apr 2017 10:47AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L1, game 1
Stephen M , high west supershot
Danny H 4 yards off east bndry mid court
SM shoots through Danny's ball, misses into Cnr 4
DH paces and shoots through the supershot ball from A baulk , hits centre ball
25 Apr 2017 10:49AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L3 JB separates , goes into Cnr 3,
DMf shoots at east bndry ball,
JB pairs up in Cnr 3 area - not a perfect trap for 3 back , but maybe enough to not take the shot , nope heads into Cnr 2 ish , NW of 1 looks better
JB taps his ball and rolls down into Cnr 4 , 3 back zone
L2, SL completes TP , 1 game all
L1, DH makes 1 and 2 , lays up nth of 3
SM hits an 11 yarder from Cnr 4 to nth of 4
25 Apr 2017 10:57AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Apologies, been with Australia in some absorbing play .
L3 , After Jamie layed trap in Cnr 4, DMf stayed on west bndry area, Jamie made 3 back rolled into Cnr 3, DMf went Cnr 2
Jamie finished the. 2 ball break to take game 1 +10TPO
25 Apr 2017 12:00PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L2, SL completed the Tp to make it one game all
Game 3 clips are,
James Death 4back and 2
Stuart is 4 back and in play up to hoop 4 , setting a delayed ball movement
25 Apr 2017 12:02PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L3, game 2
JB hoop 1 and stuck in 2,
DMf for 4back and 6 , hits Jamie out of 2
25 Apr 2017 12:05PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L1, result was Stephen Mulliner won against Danny Huneycutt +24TP game 1 of the late starts
25 Apr 2017 12:05PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L1, game 2
SM not liking his hoop 1 approach retires to his ball in Cnr 3, hits hop 3 and stays 1 yard east
DH is shooting from 7 yards nth hoop 1 at ball in Cnr 4 - hits
25 Apr 2017 12:21PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L2, SL goes to peg with no peels , sets a steep DS , peg ball is tight , so can lay up east bndry 12 yards nth Cnr 4
25 Apr 2017 12:22PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L1, DH through hoop 1 with hoop 2 loaded ,
25 Apr 2017 12:24PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L2, JD shooting with the red 4 yards Sth hoop 2 at the east balls - hits
25 Apr 2017 12:25PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L3, DMf gone to peg with red , sets a reverse DS , quite flat and is rolling to west bndry from peg , puts yellow out , red is 5-7 yards shy
25 Apr 2017 12:27PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L2, JD has hoop 4 loaded , nearly jawsed 4 back from 1.5 feet going to his nth load behind hoop 2, rolls and loads hoop 5 ,taps on at hoop 4
25 Apr 2017 12:29PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L1, DH in control through 4
25 Apr 2017 12:30PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L3, JB misses with the peg ball from Cnr 1 into Cnr 2
25 Apr 2017 12:31PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L2, jD takeoff peel through 4 back going to hoop 6
25 Apr 2017 12:31PM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L3, DMf runs 4back and penult , hits 5 yard return , loads the peg and gets a rush to rover
25 Apr 2017 12:32PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L3, DMf pegs out to level the match
25 Apr 2017 12:35PM (Tournament); 36 Readers
L1, DH through 2 back , looks like a DS set up
25 Apr 2017 12:36PM (Tournament); 37 Readers
L2, JD through 2 back , peelee for rover is at 3 back , makes 3 back , no rush , sends it to rover , rushes to 4 back , loads penult , everything tight and controlled
25 Apr 2017 12:39PM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L1, DH sets good distance DS , peg ball tight
SM pacing out distances or every option , lifts blue from peg , heads to A baulk mid point , shoots at east balls , misses by mms
L2, JD peels rover from 1 foot , pegs out to take the game +5 TP and the match 2-1
25 Apr 2017 12:44PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
At 12 Mar 2025 2:55AM (Tournament) there are 12 people reading commentaries.