MacRobertson Shield
Test 2, day 1 Aus v NZ and USA v Eng by Peter Landrebe
Hi All,
Lawn 3, Simon Hockey and Greg Fletcher v Jenny Clarke and Harps Tahurangi
Lawn 4, Robert and Malcolm Fletcher v Joe Hogan and Chris Shilling
Lawn 1, David Maugham and James Hopggod v Danny Huneycutt and Matthew Essick
Lawn 2, Stephen Mulliner and Samir Patel v BEn Rothman and David Maloof
Sitting near lawn 3 and 4, which I will cover in detail, lawn 1 and 2 will be more updates of position.
Jarod Coutts is providing commentry for lawns 5-7
Play starting soon, blustery wind this morning and a bit cooler than the other days,
24 Apr 2017 8:35AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L2, Ben east bndry,
Samir Cnr 2,
David Maloof misses partner from Abaulk
Stephen Mulliner shoots from A baulk and hits
24 Apr 2017 8:37AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
L1, Suoershot from David Maugham , replied with maximum distance,
James Hopgood misses into Cnr 4
Matthew Essick hits supershot ball from A ( 11.5 yards )
24 Apr 2017 8:39AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L3, Simon plays a high supershot
Jenny plays into Cnr 2
Greg F hits from BBaulk at Cnr 2 ball
Roll from Greg loads black nthnof hoop 1, no Sth rush on partner , has a 7 yard takeoff from west bndry
24 Apr 2017 8:42AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L1, ME played some good shots to get hoop 2 loaded nth, and gets partner to hoop 1, runs hoop but misses hampered shot
24 Apr 2017 8:43AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L2, error by SM has Ben in Cnr 2 with three balls
24 Apr 2017 8:44AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L4, Chris high super shot
Malcolm maximum distance
Joe misses into Cnr 4
L3, gregs takeoff gives him a 4 yard hoop 15 degrees, consults Si,good positive answer
Greg runs th whoop firm, appears tight and ball pops through by a yard- we get a small fist pump ; loud applause , easily the best hoop for the event so far
24 Apr 2017 8:48AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
L4, Robert misses partner from A baulk
24 Apr 2017 8:48AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
L1, DM plays. A dry shot into Cnr 1, partner in Cnr 2 , ME together Sth of hoop 4, rushes to 3 and rolls Sth west of 2, going to Cnr 2, loads 3 but no hoop run
24 Apr 2017 8:52AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
L4, CS misses with supershot ball at the east bndry balls
24 Apr 2017 8:52AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L2, GF still has lots of work to keep break going, 10 yard takeoff to hoop 3 from east bndry
24 Apr 2017 8:53AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Sorry last comment was lawn 3
24 Apr 2017 8:54AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L4, RF makes a cannon in Cnr 4
24 Apr 2017 8:55AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L3, GF runs a 3 yard slight angle hoop 3 firm, was going to be faced with a 12yard + return roquet on the ball near 6 , but snicks the reception ball that was mid court between 3 and 4 for hoop and roquet
24 Apr 2017 8:57AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
L4, RF through 1, with some tidy up shots from a slightly out of ratio cannon , has a 12 yard rush to 2 , has a 1 foot hoop approach and a well set break ahead
24 Apr 2017 8:59AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
L1, ME in play up to hoop 5, looks hampered near peg, but safely continues
24 Apr 2017 9:00AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L2, Ben and David have the lawn, David approaching 1 , ball in Cnr 2 and 4, runs a 1 yard hoop with rush to 3
24 Apr 2017 9:02AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L3, GF under tight control through 6
L4, RF in control through 4
24 Apr 2017 9:03AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Any clarifications required please ask through or through our Facebook page " Australian MacRbertson shield team 2017"
24 Apr 2017 9:08AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
L4, RF through 2back with NSL ball placement in order
L3, GF through 2 back with 3 ducks ball movement
L1, MS through 3 back, the leave is a bit loose , kinda OSL - sets a few yards nth of Cnr 4, the peg ball is nth East of the peg
L2, through 5, sets partner to 2 back after discussion with Ben
24 Apr 2017 9:14AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L4, Joe lifts hoop 4 ball , shoots from A baulk - misses
24 Apr 2017 9:15AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L1, Eng play the peg ball ( think from A baulk ) misses
L3, Jenny plays 4th ball on from Cnr 1, hits the west bndry duck
24 Apr 2017 9:18AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
L3, Jenny in control through hoop 2
L4, MF in control through hoop 2, consults Robert on ball movement options as he makes 2 off of partner , rushes peelee to Sth bndry nth of 3 while going to pioneer Sth of 2, plays it well and subsequently is able to jaws the peel after 3
24 Apr 2017 9:27AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
L4, MF runs hoop 4 by an inch , hampered shot is a 4yard straight shot - misses
L2, DM also makes a loose DS leave setting 3 yard nth Cnr 4
24 Apr 2017 9:29AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
L2, lifts west bndry ball , shoots from A baulk- hits
24 Apr 2017 9:31AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L3, JC up to 2 back , sets Simons ball as the west bndry ball of the NSL
24 Apr 2017 9:33AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L4, CS through hoop 1, discussion with Joe, rushes RF out of 4 back rather than through it, MF clip is for hoop 5 though.
Which probably made the decision easier - getting Robert out of the game would of been attractive .
24 Apr 2017 9:43AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L3, GF lifts yellow and misses into Cnr 4
24 Apr 2017 9:43AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L2, SM under control through hoop 6
L1, DH on court through 4 back , looking at the balls , he may of completed all peels
24 Apr 2017 9:46AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
L2, also missed some of SM play, he is TPO'ing and peels rover going to 3 back
L1, DH completes game and TP to take game 1
24 Apr 2017 9:50AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L3, Harps through hoop 3, hoop 4 loaded 7 yards nth with partner ( peelee), discussion with Jenny for options.
Loads red to 5, rushes partner to 4, makes 4, runs hoop and hits 5 yards into the Cnr 4 ball
L4, CS through 6, discussion with JH
24 Apr 2017 9:54AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Lots happened
L3, Harps made an error with 1 peel done after 6 ( rush peel ) but put croquet shot out going to 2 back
L4, MF missed lift into Cnr 4 , JH in break but peelee at hoop 6 , makes 6 looking for rush over to 4 back
24 Apr 2017 10:21AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L1, ME makes first break game 2, sets NSl
24 Apr 2017 10:21AM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L3, SH in control after the Harps error approaching 2 back with all peels completed
24 Apr 2017 10:22AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L4, JH gets a jaws at 4 back after 6
24 Apr 2017 10:23AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
L2, Ben and David in big discussion , blue near hoop 2 , black east bndry line of 6 , yellow in jaws of hoop 1 , red just nth of hoop 1,
David heads to blue and shoots at red - hits, think its black on hoop 1, David clip might be 3 back - Ben gets him to make easy looking cross wire, not sure Davids convinced
L4, JH through 3 back , has straight tp ahead , load is well east of 4 back , so not the best set up to rush peel and push it to penult prior to the hoop
24 Apr 2017 10:29AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L3, SH safely through the last hoops to peg out +10 TP
L4, the jawsed 4 back may not be completely jawsed , possibly some leg making it a more delicate play than a rush peel , so swaps red and yellow around and has a straight finish , peels black , runs past peelee on the hoop run , rushes red to Cnr 3
24 Apr 2017 10:32AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L2, turns cross wire down , ball at 1 ,rushes yellow through to hoop 2, lays up Mid East bndry
24 Apr 2017 10:34AM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L1, DH on second break, jawses the 4 back peel after 3
24 Apr 2017 10:35AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L4 , JH Jawses penult, bombards it through with yellow, runs hoop gently , hits yellow , peelee only through by just less than 2 feet , so some good take off is required to,get a rush Sth , CS and joe discuss
24 Apr 2017 10:37AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L2, SM shoots from 1 to 2- misses
L4, JH wires himself looking for the takeoff, runs penult again looking for a wick or some luck - misses and finishes near rover
MF taps on and loads an escape ball to 4 back , makes 5 off of partner ( peelee ) needs a rush out , and gets it
24 Apr 2017 10:40AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L4, MF cuts the rush , has a 9 yard straight peel, weights good with some drift at the end, keeps it handy
24 Apr 2017 10:42AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
L4, not quite in position for MF after 6, takes off to 1 back , looks set for a 4 back peel and rush to 2 back
Oppo clips are rover and rover
24 Apr 2017 10:45AM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L4, MF peels 4 back with some nice touch and rushes 3 yards nth of 2 back, runs hoop with a nth rush
24 Apr 2017 10:50AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L3, game 2
HT supershot 3 yards NW of 5
SH lays a tice 1 yard NE of 5
JC shoots from Cnr 1 through Simons ball - misses
GF has an 11 yarder from b baulk or ? Prob best option - SH response needed a yard or two on it
GF - hits
L1, Big applause as DH takes game 2 and match
24 Apr 2017 10:54AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L4, MF rushes to 3 back from 4 back, makes a tough angled hoop , loads penult nice and tight , rushes to 4 back - has. A good straight double finish set up
24 Apr 2017 10:55AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L2, I am out of touch what's happened - but it looks like SM had made the peels and not got in front of 3 back earlier
BR in control of his break through 3 back approaching 4 back
24 Apr 2017 10:59AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L2, GF through 1 with set break
24 Apr 2017 11:00AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L4, MF rush into rover from 3 yards , has snuck up a bit, only a few inches out but quite. A bit of angle- not irishable , no deep balls makes the jaws And half jump ( not much room anyway ) that attractive - think RF will get him to make hoop and leave
24 Apr 2017 11:02AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
L2, BR pegs out to take game 1
24 Apr 2017 11:03AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L4, MF makes rover , rushes partner to west bndry , sets black to east bndry , shy a few yards but has rush to,the peg and can tuck it in tight
24 Apr 2017 11:07AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
L4, JH lifts peg ball, shoots at partner from A baulk , shortest shot , about 15 yards - misses
L3, GF under control through 5
24 Apr 2017 11:09AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L4, rushes to west bndry , inches from blue, stops it in a yard, rushes blue to black , makes tight rush to rover , rover approach a bit longer and angle than wanting , makes hoop to bndry rushes back east, make rush to peg , pegs out +4 game 1
L3, GF through 2back with a NSL set up
24 Apr 2017 11:15AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L3, GF sets NSL , smidge Sth than perfect
24 Apr 2017 11:25AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L3, HT shoots from A baulk , makes an edge on blue shooting at yellow , slides past both by mms
24 Apr 2017 11:28AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L3, SH loads 2, rush to 1 , gives him a 5 yard roll, misses an angly 1 foot hoop
24 Apr 2017 11:31AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L2 , SM on 3rd turn break , through 5
24 Apr 2017 11:32AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L3, HT shoots from 2 to 1 , hits
24 Apr 2017 11:33AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L4, MF super shot 3 yards NW of 5,
CS mirrors it east
RF hits firm and hits
24 Apr 2017 11:35AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L4, RF completes break to 4, back
JH on court through hoop 2, with set lawn
24 Apr 2017 11:59AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L3,HT completes break , sets NSL
GF lifts 4 ball , misses into Cnr 4
JC through 1 , with a nth rush
24 Apr 2017 12:00PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L2, Samir on court up to hoop 4, loose break , but one good take off from Sth of 4 should bring it all together , runs 3 yard hoop
24 Apr 2017 12:02PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
L4, JH keeps break under control through hoop 6
24 Apr 2017 12:06PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L3, JC also under control , through 4 , has Cnr ball out , and is sending peelee to 4 back
24 Apr 2017 12:07PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L2, Samir looks hampered on the rush from 4 back to 6, resets a few times, plays it well
L3, JC through 5, James the peel from a tight angle and has a straight rush to hoop 6
L2, Samir up to 1 back , got peelee after 6 and places it at penult,
L4, JH at 3 back , has all,the balls at the hoop
24 Apr 2017 12:13PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L2, Samir. Missed the peel at penult going to 2back
L3, JC up to 2 back in control
L4, JH sets NSL ( red , Robert at 4 )
L2, Samir makes 4 back , sets the straight double up,
24 Apr 2017 12:20PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L3, JC peels penult going to 4 back,
L4, MF lifts yellow , shoots from A baulk at red near 4 - misses
24 Apr 2017 12:22PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L2,Samir has a 2 foot straight rover rover , peels clean, strikers ball looks nasty towards leg, needs ref
L3, JC has a well placed rover for final peel
24 Apr 2017 12:26PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
L3, JC peels rover clean from 1.5 feet , back ball safely through
Pegs out from 6 yards to win +17TP and makes it 1-1
L4, Samir fails rover
24 Apr 2017 12:32PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
L4, CS croquets a ball Sth of hoop 1, tries to get a rush to hoop 1 with red ( leg of 4 must be in the way) loads it to nth of 2, retires east bndry with rush facing towards peg, cuttable anywhere, yellow shoots from Sth of 1 at the east balls, hits well unluckily cannons into other ball and splits it down the bndry
L2, DM in controlled break through hoop 2
24 Apr 2017 12:37PM (Tournament); 36 Readers
L4, MF plays the takeoff well , gets a dolly to hoop 1
24 Apr 2017 12:40PM (Tournament); 38 Readers
L3, having a break
L4,just back at the lawn , penult peeled jawsed , clip on 1 back, JH in play nth bndry , ball near 1, but JH for 4back,
24 Apr 2017 1:01PM (Tournament); 43 Readers
L5, Aus took game 1 +3
NZ took game 2 , I think +26 TP
Game 3 , NZ making first break, from a supershot opening , responded with a tice west , and followed up by another tice into mid court , offering no double.
Australia missed 4th turn on, Paddy making 1st break
24 Apr 2017 1:05PM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Not much battery left, so will try to continue with phone
24 Apr 2017 1:05PM (Tournament); 41 Readers
L2, Eng SM peg , SP rover
BR jawses peel of 4 back rushing to 6, clubs it slightly ,
Has a 6 yard roll in, 2.5 yard hoop , runs it well
24 Apr 2017 1:11PM (Tournament); 40 Readers
L4, sets a leave with the yellow nth of hoop 3, red Sth w of hoop 1, and lays up on Sth bndry wired from red, rush facing hoop 1
24 Apr 2017 1:15PM (Tournament); 38 Readers
L4, yellow shooting from nth of 3 at bkl/ blue - narrow miss
24 Apr 2017 1:18PM (Tournament); 37 Readers
At 12 Mar 2025 3:06AM (Tournament) there are 12 people reading commentaries.