MacRobertson Shield
Test 1, day 3 , Aus v Eng, doubles by Peter Landrebe
Hi All,
Aus V Eng on court 5-7, doubles .
Lawn 5; Malcolm and Robert Fletcher v James Death and Jamie Burch
Lawn 6; Ian Dumergue and Stephen Forster v Stephen Mulliner and Samir Patel
Lawn 7; Greg Fletcher and Simon Hockey v David Maugham and James Hopgood
Starting 8.30am
20 Apr 2017 8:30AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
L5; James Death supershot 3 yards NW from hoop 5
Malcolm Fletcher east bndry maximum distance
Jamie Burch shoots from Cnr 3, takes edge of yellow
JB loads hoop 2, 4 yards Sth of hoop , has a 1 yard rush to hoop 1, needing some cut , gets a bit much and has a 3.5 yard takeoff to the hoop,
Runs a 1 yard straight hoop
Loads 3 nicely Sth and west , rushes into 2 with control
20 Apr 2017 8:38AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L6, similar supershot opening played by Australia, Ian hits 3rd turn , has a 4 yard takeoff to hoop , plays it well and has a 1 yard straight hoop
20 Apr 2017 8:40AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
L7, supershot opening from Aus, Greg missed 3rd turn from Cnr 3, James H missed at partner from A baulk, Simon shoots from nth of 5 and misses JH ball
20 Apr 2017 8:43AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L5, JB under control, and safely through 2 back , some discussion with James D on leave option
20 Apr 2017 8:44AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
L6, Ian in control through hoop 3
20 Apr 2017 8:45AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L5, JB and JD set a defensive leave , black with rush on yellow 11 yards nth Cnr 4, and retires blue to west bndry 11 yards Sth Cnr 2
20 Apr 2017 8:47AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L5, Robert misses from A baulk at black
20 Apr 2017 8:50AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
L6, Ian sticks in hoop 4, Stephen M misses 4th ball on from A baulk , approx 8 yards ?
Ian resumes break , but with an extra ball if he needs it
20 Apr 2017 8:52AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
L5, JD through hoop 1, some angle to deal with , but runs it with a rush nth
20 Apr 2017 8:53AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
L7, seeing the balls from 70 + yards, James H has his 6th turn break under control up to hoop 5, he di have some work to do at hoop 4, with. Aroll a bit longer than ideal
20 Apr 2017 8:56AM (Tournament); 35 Readers
L5, JD peels 4 back after 3, gets a nth rush after 4, loads peelee to Sth of 6
20 Apr 2017 8:58AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
L5, sorry, nth of 6.
JD peels penult to a foot from rover
L7, JH clangs 1 back , was looking like a MSL setup, Simon has a tap on with a loaded break
20 Apr 2017 9:02AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
L5, no peel attempt for James going to 2back, but sets nicely for 3 back
Puts rover peel into the jaws , controlled rush to 3 back , but hoop run gives him a Sth rush, load at 4 back is slightly nth , so leaves peelee as is and rolls loading penult while going to 4 back
20 Apr 2017 9:05AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
L6, Ian safely navigated around to complete break , picked up 4th ball directly after 5 , which gave him more leave options .
20 Apr 2017 9:06AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
L5, JD bombards rover peel while going to yellow rushes peelee level with hoop, takes off to have a 2 inch hoop run, pegs out to take game 1 +26TP
20 Apr 2017 9:07AM (Tournament); 37 Readers
L6, Ian setting DS, looks wired and tight, Ian and Stephen F have some options of how far down east bndry they set,
Stephen M wil, take the Abaulk if they creep too far Sth , and Samir looks more comfortable shooting from B baulk .
Stephen M shooting with red ( west bndry ball ) from b baulk at the 21 yard shot- hits
20 Apr 2017 9:13AM (Tournament); 39 Readers
L7, SH break is through 3 back, and sets a NSL- very tight at 4 , appears to rush to hoop 1 though, Greg F checking it before they lay the rush on east bndry
20 Apr 2017 9:17AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
L5, game 2
RF supershot 3yards NW hoop 5, JD max distance, MF misses from Cnr 3, JB misses partner from A baulk,
RF shoots at Jamie's' ball - hits close to centre
20 Apr 2017 9:19AM (Tournament); 42 Readers
L6, Stephen M through 1, some discussion with Samir , continues break , looks like TPO was the outcome of discussion , peels blue through 4 back by mms after 3
20 Apr 2017 9:22AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
L7, JH has hit the lift , giving the next play a lot of thought , consults David, , leaves blue mid west bndry area, puts black 3 yards Sth hoop 4 , has a cut onto red , but it goes nowhere and spits a yard nth of 4, rolls to 1- plays it defensively by pushing red towards Cnr 1, does not get running position , so retires Cnr 1
20 Apr 2017 9:28AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
L7, sorry my error, forgot James H broke down at 1 back earlier And the roll must of been for 2 back not hoop 1 !
20 Apr 2017 9:30AM (Tournament); 42 Readers
L7, GF hits from mid west bndry into Cnr 1 balls , hits it solidly
20 Apr 2017 9:32AM (Tournament); 42 Readers
L6, SM break running smooth , but has some work still, load at 4 back is 4.5 yards nth , peels rover going to 3back
20 Apr 2017 9:34AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
L5, RF break under control , makes 3 back and sets a NSL
20 Apr 2017 9:38AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
L6, SM gets a good rush from 3 back and gets the break back to good order
20 Apr 2017 9:39AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
L7, GF leaves ball nth Cnr 1, rushes towards Cnr 4, stops it towards 2, holds rush to 1, makes hoop, runs it strong and has a 6 yard return that he rushes with control into Cnr 1- good shots to establish the second break early
20 Apr 2017 9:41AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
L5, James D , lifts black from 4, shoots from Cnr 3- misses into Cnr 4
MF rushes nicely 3 yards Sth of the west bndry ball
20 Apr 2017 9:42AM (Tournament); 45 Readers
L6, SM pegs out Ian , rushes Samir's yellow to the spot on east bndry just nth of hoop 4 and retires into Cnr 2- ball on east bndry does have a lot of room to roll to 1
20 Apr 2017 9:45AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
L6, SF takes contact , takes advantage of the wide space on offer , rolls yellow mid court and runs a 1 yard slight angled hoop 1
Rushes towards 3, takes off to Cnr 2- rush maybe ?
Not quite , but enough to chip it down west bndry to make roll easier
Runs hoop 2 under control.
20 Apr 2017 9:48AM (Tournament); 48 Readers
L7, GF up to hoop 5 with. a delayed TP setup at 4back
20 Apr 2017 9:53AM (Tournament); 48 Readers
L6, SF up to 1 back on his contact turn
20 Apr 2017 9:54AM (Tournament); 48 Readers
L5, MF peels after 5, has all balls up near 4 back, makes hoop 6, puts peelee and blue near 6, rushes to 1 back , not all under control , RF has a few wanders out to see him.
Loads 3 back leaves peelee at penult , gets a good rush to 2 back , has a 7 yard straight roll in , runs a 1 yard hoop to Sth bndry , has rush nth, 3 back tight - so all good and on track
20 Apr 2017 9:59AM (Tournament); 52 Readers
L7, GF peeled 4 back before 6
20 Apr 2017 10:00AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
L6, Stephen F, runs rover , pegs out to win game one +13OTP - classy turn from Stephen F
20 Apr 2017 10:01AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
L5, MF has a straight double finish ahead
Plays blue just Sth of peg, sets black as penult escape ball, peels red from 2 inches to 1 foot west of rover
Plays black to 2 yards Sth of rover gets rush on blue to west of peelee,
Has a 1 foot straight peel
Irishes both through clean, pegs out to take game 2 +26TP
20 Apr 2017 10:11AM (Tournament); 45 Readers
Coffee time for Si, Greg under control lawn 7, lawn 6 just started with supershot by England
20 Apr 2017 10:12AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
L7, GF has a straight double finish with penult jawsed
L6, not sure what eventuated , but Stephen F plays a retiring shot from the leg of 1, to nth bndry , SM through 1 and hampered slightly , hits. A good 7 yard shot and is up to hoop 2, some work ahead
20 Apr 2017 10:25AM (Tournament); 45 Readers
L6, SM plays a great roll loading hoop 4 and getting a rush on the east mid bndry ball , cuts it nicely up to level hoop 4 east bndry
SM then rolls blue towards Cnr 2 while going to black on nth bndry below 3 ????
Black goes out .
SF rushes red to blue in Cnr 2 area , rushes to 1 with control
20 Apr 2017 10:32AM (Tournament); 56 Readers
L7; GF peels penult and has a 1 yard rover peel, jawses it and has a 2 foot jump - jumps clean and has a 10 yard return
L6, SF turns the balls over at 2, SM back into his break
20 Apr 2017 10:34AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
L7, GF hits his 10 yarder clean, surveys what he has at rover, red is close to peelee in the jaws , so shouldn't have to many problems , also has hit the yellow nicely 5 yards nth of rover and has the bombard option - misses the bombard ( its possible black isn't fully in the jaws , and the bombard needed some edge ) rushes red nth of peelee - lines up , plays it perfect and now rushes black up to peg , has a 5 yard peg out.
Greg and Simon take the game + 19TP
20 Apr 2017 10:41AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
L6, SM under control in his break , through 2 back , looks like DS set up
20 Apr 2017 10:42AM (Tournament); 64 Readers
Game 2, James D supershot 3 yards nth hoop 5
MF 3 yards west of James - good tactic , mix up,from the 90% maximum distance reposnse or the occasional Cnr 2, possibly Jamie hasn't had the next shot for a while
20 Apr 2017 10:44AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
L6, tight DS from SM , 22 yards from Cnr 3
20 Apr 2017 10:45AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
L5; JB missses through the supershot into B baulk , RF taps on and should have an easy start
20 Apr 2017 10:46AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
L6, Aus miss lift from Cnr 3 to Cnr 4
20 Apr 2017 10:49AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
L7, RF making quick work of this break , safely through 1 back, setting another NSL
20 Apr 2017 10:52AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
L7, RF making quick work of this break , safely through 1 back, setting another NSL
20 Apr 2017 10:52AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
L7, game 2 , DM supershot 3 yards nth hoop 5
GF maximum distance
JH shoots from 3 Cnr - hits
20 Apr 2017 10:55AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
L7, game 2 , DM supershot 3 yards nth hoop 5
GF maximum distance
JH shoots from 3 Cnr - hits
20 Apr 2017 10:56AM (Tournament); 56 Readers
L6, SP makes hoop 1 , sticks in 2
ID misses 11 yarder into Cnr 2 area
20 Apr 2017 10:57AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
L5, JD misses lift from Cnr 3 into Cnr 4
20 Apr 2017 10:57AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
L7, JH loads hoop 2, fails hoop 1, Simon hits the 7 yarder from A baulk with 4th ball on
20 Apr 2017 11:00AM (Tournament); 52 Readers
L6, SP controlling a 3 ball break, up to hoop 5, can pick up 4th ball at 1 back- hits a 7yard return roquet after 5
20 Apr 2017 11:02AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
L5, MF under control , sets up a delayed peel at 4 back after getting abrush nth after 4 , takes off to 5 with some care , as it's directly behind the hoop and a smidge west - plays it well
20 Apr 2017 11:05AM (Tournament); 52 Readers
L7, SH under control - break up to hoop 5
20 Apr 2017 11:06AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
L6, SP mostly under control, has break through 2 back with a rush nth with red, sends it to 4 back - nicely placed 1 yard Sth of the hoop , rolls to 3 back from mid west bndry , also accurately done and has short rush to the hoop
20 Apr 2017 11:09AM (Tournament); 53 Readers
L5, MF peels 4 back after 5, sends peelee to 2 back after 6
20 Apr 2017 11:11AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
L6, SP keeps break going , but no peels , 4 yard roll into penult - safely handled , 5 yard rush to rover , sets tight cross peg
Clips Samir peg
Stephen M 4back
Stephen F 2
Ian 1
20 Apr 2017 11:17AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
L5, MF peels penult with rush to 4back
20 Apr 2017 11:17AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
L7, Simon finishes break, DM lifts and shoots from Cnr 3 - misses into Cnr 4
20 Apr 2017 11:18AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
L5, MF loads rover 1 yard nth east of hoop , makes penult , rolls black 3 yards Sth rover , rushes blue close to peelee , still should be enough stop room to keep a sideways escape ball - not quite , has a 1 foot straight peel
Peels clean, hits back on blue
Pegs out to take the match
20 Apr 2017 11:24AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
Missed a bit of play , lunch delivery duties
L6, think SF hit lift and has taken his break from hoop 2 to 4 back and is setting a NSL
L7, Greg in play , looks like he is setting up to peel 4 back with a rush to 1 back - played it well
20 Apr 2017 11:43AM (Tournament); 48 Readers
L6, Stephen M shoots from A baulk - hits
20 Apr 2017 11:48AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
L7, GF sends peelee back to penult , makes 3 back with a west rush
20 Apr 2017 11:51AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
L6, SM through 4back
20 Apr 2017 11:52AM (Tournament); 45 Readers
L6, SM makes penult, has partner near peg , rushes it 8 yards Sth of the east bndry black ball , takes off and has a manageable cut to rover .
Runs rover from 15-20 degrees and has two balls to get the rush back to yellow on east bndry
20 Apr 2017 11:57AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
L6, SM pegs out to win +17
1 game all
20 Apr 2017 11:59AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
L7, GF peels penult, makes 4 back , sends peelee to rover about 2 yards NE
20 Apr 2017 12:01PM (Tournament); 51 Readers
L6, stops for lunch
20 Apr 2017 12:01PM (Tournament); 49 Readers
L5, NZ v USA , late start singles Toby Garrison v Ben Rothman
20 Apr 2017 12:04PM (Tournament); 51 Readers
L7, GF peels rover from 1.5 feet , sends peel towards bndry , his ball ends up in the jaws
Plays the subsequent shots, rushes to peg to finish and wrap up the match
20 Apr 2017 12:09PM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Lawn 6 match resumes
20 Apr 2017 1:17PM (Tournament); 55 Readers
Supershot from Aus, with 3rd 4th and 5th turn misses
SP played a promotional canon Mid East bndry loading 1 and going to the Cnr 4 ball
SP now completes break and sets DS
20 Apr 2017 1:19PM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Ian Dumergue shoots from west bmdry as it lays , just misses black near the peg and red on east bndry
20 Apr 2017 1:27PM (Tournament); 60 Readers
SM hampered after 1 , some distance to travel but can play it upright - misses nearly hits his hoop 2 load
20 Apr 2017 1:28PM (Tournament); 61 Readers
ID shoots with blue west bndry line of 6 at yellow Sth of hoop 2 - misses
20 Apr 2017 1:30PM (Tournament); 61 Readers
SM hits the 5 yarder well , rushes it Sth of the ball nth of 1, loads it past peg towards 3, rushes into cnr2 , makes hoop off of the west bndry ball ,
Has to play some good shots to make it a finishing turn
20 Apr 2017 1:34PM (Tournament); 67 Readers
SM loads 4 , getting a rush on the yellow near the peg, needs some cut- plays it ok , 3 yard side roll in -but takes off , runs hoop , rushes Cnr 2
Croquet's yellow to west bndry area , 8 yards Sth Cnr 2, gets rush on the blue ball , rushes blue into Cnr 1
Loads that to 5 , going to a tight loaded 4- plays it a bit big, but all ok
20 Apr 2017 1:40PM (Tournament); 67 Readers
Some nice shots from Stephen M , sees him run 5 with control and a good delayed set up at 4back
20 Apr 2017 1:46PM (Tournament); 62 Readers
No peel going to 6, but it looks like the end result will still allow a rush peel after 6
20 Apr 2017 1:49PM (Tournament); 64 Readers
SM makes 2 back off peelee , sends it to penult , hits penult with a bit of pace and stays close.
Makes 3 back with a rush
20 Apr 2017 1:54PM (Tournament); 66 Readers
SM has to put peelee back through 6 , means a slight longer roll into 4 back, plays it all well and runs 4back
Plays a straight penult peel from a foot , sends it to 1.5 yards past peg
20 Apr 2017 1:59PM (Tournament); 65 Readers
Loads a relatively deep ball at rover, no side ball, can only get it 3 yards nth of rover.
Rushes peelee into position and has a 3 yard peel , quite straight .
Plays it well and peels yellow by a foot , red stays back by a foot , Stephen plays the next shot really fast , I missed it as typing , so unsure if it was a hoop run or a jump to clear over peelee - result was a jam in rover
20 Apr 2017 2:04PM (Tournament); 70 Readers
SF taps on, rushes to 1 , makes 1
20 Apr 2017 2:05PM (Tournament); 71 Readers
SF break running tight and is through 2back
20 Apr 2017 2:16PM (Tournament); 61 Readers
SF gets rush out of 3back, rushes yellow to west bndry 3 yards Sth Cnr 2.
Places red ( rover ) near peg and sets on east bndry 10 yards nth Cnr 4
20 Apr 2017 2:19PM (Tournament); 65 Readers
SM misses from A baulk
20 Apr 2017 2:21PM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Ian takes a rush to 1, runs 1 , by a smidge, but out enough to hit partner
20 Apr 2017 2:25PM (Tournament); 64 Readers
Ian gets a rush on red towards Cnr 2 , black ( partner) is a few yards off east bndry mid court , rushes to Cnr 2, stops it out by a few yards , rushes yellow down west bndry and is faced with a croquet shot loading 3 and getting hoop position at 2, successfully played and runs hoop to bndry
20 Apr 2017 2:30PM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Ian misses the short roquet onto Stephens red, 3, 4 yards ?
20 Apr 2017 2:32PM (Tournament); 67 Readers
SM gets to rover , runs hoop , no rush back to yellow , but lots of room for the takeoff,
As a 5 yard pegout
Hits peg to win the game + 15 and the match 2-1
20 Apr 2017 2:36PM (Tournament); 62 Readers
At 11 Mar 2025 1:10AM (Tournament) there are 11 people reading commentaries.