MacRobertson Shield
NZ vs USA Day 3: Clarke vs Lawrence by Jarrod Coutts
We're racing!
Lawrence R an Y
CLarke B an K
Y to EB
B duffer 1y of 6
R down the line from C3 and misses N of c4
20 Apr 2017 8:28AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
K has a good shot and hits the duffer to 2yW of h4
20 Apr 2017 8:29AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Plays a good shot and gets a southwards rush on the northern EB ball and has a 3y takeoff to get a rush to H1 and plays it reasonably well
20 Apr 2017 8:31AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Approaching from 4y SSW
20 Apr 2017 8:31AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
OK approach and has a 4y straight rush to H2. Plays it well and gets a rush out of 2 with a ball near 3 so should be round now
20 Apr 2017 8:34AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Had to roquet her h6 pioneer after she ran h5 but some good recovery strokes and she's back in control
20 Apr 2017 8:42AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Making hard work of the leave.. hoop and roquet at 3b means the croqueted ball is now 2.5yN of h4 so I don't think we'll be seeing the NSL she had planned
20 Apr 2017 8:49AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
All other clips on 1 but it's a clip on 4b 4th turn, so I'll take it
20 Apr 2017 8:50AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Y 2y off the WB level with 6
R 4yE of the peg
B an K laid up in c4
20 Apr 2017 8:51AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
R takes what looked like a huge doubles from where it lay - I'm sure there would have been a gap, but it didn't look great from the angle I'm sitting on. Lawrence fills his boots and that should be great all
20 Apr 2017 8:54AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
A photographer has just run out to the middle of the lawns between 2 and 3. Liz runs onto the court and saves the day. Well done Flemming!
20 Apr 2017 8:55AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Lawrence plays a cracker of a recovery stroke after not rushing to within 10y of the WB ball from c4. Gets a good rush to h1 but underhits and is appraoching from 5ft S
20 Apr 2017 8:58AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
5ft N of h1*
20 Apr 2017 8:58AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
Awful shot and doesn't even finish level with the hoop. On these hoops, you have to leave yourself a shot at the hoop. If you get within 4 yards 35 degrees, you're odds on to continue the turn
20 Apr 2017 8:59AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
Makes a very interesting decision and guards the boundary to stop the ball at c4 shooting at the reception ball. This leaves Clarke a 18 yarder free shot with her 4b ball
20 Apr 2017 9:00AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Good distance leave from Clarke. Lawrence misses from WB to N of c4 and Clarke has 3 balls with the 4th being 3y SE of c2. First finishing turn opportunity for her
20 Apr 2017 9:05AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Reasonable turn so far - gets some sort of rush out of h2 off partner so has a good chance at a standard TP with all the balls out
20 Apr 2017 9:11AM (Tournament); 42 Readers
Delayed TP for Clarke with a little bit of work to do
20 Apr 2017 9:13AM (Tournament); 39 Readers
Underhits the rush to the ball E of h4 and has no h5 pioneer unless she plays a stoppo approach getting in front of h4
20 Apr 2017 9:14AM (Tournament); 39 Readers
Which she does, so is back in control
20 Apr 2017 9:14AM (Tournament); 39 Readers
Gets a good rush out of h5 but doesn't get the rush peel and manages to jaws the peele going to h6
20 Apr 2017 9:20AM (Tournament); 41 Readers
Soo has just run 1b with two peels done
20 Apr 2017 9:24AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Clarke approaching 3b from 3yS with good chance at peeling going to 4b
20 Apr 2017 9:29AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
Straight rover peel left..
20 Apr 2017 9:39AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
Front ball goes into the jaws.. jumps it cleanly through. Hits the deep ball the wrong way and doesn't get a good rush on the escape ball to bombard it through
20 Apr 2017 9:41AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
Good cut still gives her a good chance
20 Apr 2017 9:42AM (Tournament); 47 Readers
Bombard works.. but unfortunately also makes a roquet so that will be the end of this TP
20 Apr 2017 9:42AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
Rolls both off the EB into c4 and 2yN and both clips go on the Peg
20 Apr 2017 9:43AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
Lawrence misses his 10y leave and Clark makes the leave but doesn't finish with a rush to the peg and is instead pointing at h1
20 Apr 2017 9:51AM (Tournament); 50 Readers
Good cut to 2yNW of h1 and calls the ref. Is pegging out towards the direction of both oppo balls, so this would be good if both balls hit the peg this turn
20 Apr 2017 9:52AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
Front ball misses and back ball finishes within 1ft of the peg.. Clarke deciding what to do
20 Apr 2017 9:53AM (Tournament); 50 Readers
Pegs it off and we are now on 25
20 Apr 2017 9:53AM (Tournament); 47 Readers
Lawrence makes an incredible decision
20 Apr 2017 9:54AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
I'm hoping I'm wrong, but it looks like he had a rush along the NB with his partner ball and to load 2 getting a rush to h1 on Clarkes peg ball. but ends up roqueting Clarkes ball to near H3 and giving himself a really tough croquet stroke and then taking his rush to h1 into the wire of h6
20 Apr 2017 9:56AM (Tournament); 52 Readers
Lawrence plays a good croquet stroke to have a pioneer at H2 and a rush to H1, but rushes it directly onto the wire of H6...
Can only roll them to a place north-ish of H1, and then plays a scatter towards H1, leaving his R and Y about 8 yards apart, either side of H1.
On lawn 3, Chris has hit the lift against Stephen. Chris is H1 with both balls and Stephen is rover and peg. Chris is now on a 4-ball break.
Back on lawn 2, Jenny has just shot and missed the peg from near H2, ending up near C4.
20 Apr 2017 9:59AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
Lawrence has made h1 and 2 with some form of a rush to h3. Clarke is on the SB close to H4
20 Apr 2017 10:07AM (Tournament); 45 Readers
Lawrence laid up in c2 and Clarke shooting from c4. I think it's a fairly safe shot as he is not looking likely to take a break round if she misses
20 Apr 2017 10:11AM (Tournament); 45 Readers
Misses the peg.. but hit's the back ball and that should be game over
20 Apr 2017 10:13AM (Tournament); 45 Readers
20 Apr 2017 10:21AM (Tournament); 47 Readers
Clarke still K an K etc etc
20 Apr 2017 10:23AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
K supershot
20 Apr 2017 10:23AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
B misses into c4
20 Apr 2017 10:28AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
Y misses partner
20 Apr 2017 10:28AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
Clarke hits the 2 balls on the EB with her supershot ball and has work to do for a break, but has first chance to go round
20 Apr 2017 10:29AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
Plays a canon out of c4 and is approaching h5 from 5yW
20 Apr 2017 10:34AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
doesn't get good position enough and aborts to c3
20 Apr 2017 10:34AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
Lawrence had first chance for the break and is 'woefully short' (Rhys Thomas, 2017). Plays a scatter and has potentially lost the innings
20 Apr 2017 10:45AM (Tournament); 56 Readers
Clarke misses a 13 yarder
20 Apr 2017 10:47AM (Tournament); 56 Readers
Lawrence misses a 25 yarder
20 Apr 2017 10:47AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
Clarke hits a 10 yarder and is taking Croquet in c4 with two balls on the WB peg high
20 Apr 2017 10:48AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Misses a 4 yarder and gives Lawrence the innings
20 Apr 2017 10:58AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
First time this test, that all black shirts are on the lawns. If you're a NZ fan, we need some more of this.
20 Apr 2017 11:06AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
Lawrence made an error and Clarke now on her first break
20 Apr 2017 11:08AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
B for 4b
K for h1
Y for h1
R for h4
NSL with R at h4
20 Apr 2017 11:23AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Lawrence goes to c3 and misses into c4
20 Apr 2017 11:23AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
Clarkes rush to h1 finishes just off the SB and has a mid range approach for these conditions
20 Apr 2017 11:25AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
Good shot leaves her a 1y pretty straight hoop
20 Apr 2017 11:25AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
Fails it badly but for NZ's fortune it lands back in front - we think 1ft 10 degrees
20 Apr 2017 11:26AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
I was way off - 30 degrees at least is the verdict from Garrison
20 Apr 2017 11:27AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
I'm not sure what happened but now Lawrence is in. Not an established break yet, but should go round and currently approaching h5
20 Apr 2017 11:41AM (Tournament); 52 Readers
Lawrence goes round, leaves a very avg leave - 3y join on WB peg high with Clarkes 4b ball 1ftN of h4 and Clarkes h1 ball at h2
20 Apr 2017 12:08PM (Tournament); 56 Readers
Clarke hits the 10 yard lift and is going round with peele in position until she misses a 3y dribble at partner when making h4
20 Apr 2017 12:09PM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Lawrence then misses the 7 yarder for the break with is h1 ball and Clarke now has a 3yarder to and a roll from c4 to h4 for the break to be back on track if she wants it
20 Apr 2017 12:11PM (Tournament); 56 Readers
Clarke has a leave instead
20 Apr 2017 12:19PM (Tournament); 52 Readers
Lawrence hits a 25 yarder with his H1 ball and has a standard TP if he does it properly
20 Apr 2017 12:19PM (Tournament); 52 Readers
Lawrence fails h2 and gives Clarke the innings with the standard TP all ahead of him
20 Apr 2017 12:27PM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Clarke is still 5 and 4b so Clarke must have made 4 then made a mistake/laid up and Lawrence hit. Lawrence now on a straight rover peel to level the match
20 Apr 2017 1:07PM (Tournament); 51 Readers
Lawrence just lining up the peg out so it will be 13TP to USA in g2 and force the decider
20 Apr 2017 1:11PM (Tournament); 50 Readers
Clarke B an K
Lawrence R an Y
Lawrence hits 3rd turn and sets a very average leave, giving Clarke a 14 yarder
20 Apr 2017 1:45PM (Tournament); 63 Readers
Clarke hits 4th turn and is going round
20 Apr 2017 1:49PM (Tournament); 63 Readers
Clarke gets to 4b - I think Lawrence missed and then Clarke just missed her rush to h1. Lawrence now has the innings and has a good chance to equalize
20 Apr 2017 2:15PM (Tournament); 62 Readers
Lawrence fails h1
20 Apr 2017 2:20PM (Tournament); 65 Readers
Clarke misses the 4ish yarder at the ball in the jaws
20 Apr 2017 2:20PM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Lawrence having an NSL with Clarkes 4b ball at 3b
20 Apr 2017 2:37PM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Clarke lifts the h1 ball and goes to c3..
20 Apr 2017 2:42PM (Tournament); 46 Readers
Misses to 2yW of c4 - no one has hit down that line today so I think she made the right decision shooting at the inlawn ball
20 Apr 2017 2:42PM (Tournament); 41 Readers
Lawrence on a standard TP
20 Apr 2017 2:49PM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Gets the 4th peel after h4
20 Apr 2017 2:53PM (Tournament); 46 Readers
20 Apr 2017 2:53PM (Tournament); 45 Readers
Lawrence completes the TP to win the 3rd game +17TP
20 Apr 2017 3:22PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
NZ 2 USA 6
20 Apr 2017 3:22PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
At 12 Mar 2025 2:58AM (Tournament) there are 12 people reading commentaries.