2016 Golf Croquet World Team Championship Tier 1
World GC tier 1 Tuesday by Martin Burger
Duncan Dixon v Stephen Mulliner is about tostart on court 1 .
Closest game this morning was the Clarkes v Rachel & Lionel which went to golden hoop in game 3
The other block singles were on first as USA v Ireland playoff is looking likely for 2nd place .
17 May 2016 1:54PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
duncan is UK played U to 4' straight . R misses
17 May 2016 2:01PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Y misses. U runs , looks close to L wire of 2 .l
17 May 2016 2:03PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Rmises to N boundary . K about 3 yd infront of 2 . Y hits U , both near NB
17 May 2016 2:05PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
U angled , R 1ft in front of hoop , K clears gently
17 May 2016 2:06PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Y clears U to nerly peg high , Y about 4 yd angled . U takes posn , Y clears U to peg high u
17 May 2016 2:08PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
K fails to block , Y runs , 1-1 p
17 May 2016 2:09PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
U about 8 ft in front of 3 not far enough to be straight , between U and corner 3
U was straight enough and runs , 2-1 to Duncan .
17 May 2016 2:11PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Other 3 now infront of 4 , U shoots and bounces off wireR clears K
17 May 2016 2:12PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
K clears Y tries 4 from about 2yd E of 5, bounces to side
17 May 2016 2:14PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
U clears R but still R has 5 yd fairly straight
17 May 2016 2:14PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
R runs to boundary , 2-2
17 May 2016 2:15PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
K had 2 yard shot to get position at 5 Y and U join , R shoots hardand misses
17 May 2016 2:16PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
K didn't have hoop shot , stops Y to EB .Y clears U
17 May 2016 2:17PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
R has long shot at K in position , misses. K runs to 1 yd past 6 , 3-2 Duncan
network dropout , Duncan won 6 and Stephen 7
Y and U were almost touching and K took position but R Clears
Stephen runs long 8 , 4-4
17 May 2016 2:35PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
sorry router had to be reset . now at 10 , Y close to wire , U and K 3-4 ft in front ,
Y took close position and U jump failed , but K is successful . I think that is now Duncan 6-4
17 May 2016 2:38PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Y about 6' 20degrees , U straighter 5y R deeper than Y same line , K shooting from NB clears R , y runs 2Yd past peg ,
17 May 2016 2:41PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
U 4ft in front , R from WB clears U to near EB . R is about 4 yd E of 12 .
K clears U but K goes off SB , Y now about 5' in front .
17 May 2016 2:44PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
U misses Y R plays block on K K hits R , Y runs 6-6
17 May 2016 2:45PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
U about 3 yd W 2 yd N of 13 , R half way to boundary , in front K looks a bit shourt U clears R to near III .
17 May 2016 2:47PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
R goues for big clear on K , goes off WB , and K about 7Yd S of 13
17 May 2016 2:48PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
K now into back of 13 , Y tries hoop but goes sideways off K . All 4 balls now round hoop t
17 May 2016 2:50PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
K is near NB , R in frontabout 6 ft , U deeper than R, Y to play , at side of hoop don't know what it can see . Y takes 1 ft position
17 May 2016 2:52PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
U stops r off SB , U still angled in front of hoop. K clears Y ,which hits peg , Stephen has to jump to avoid rebound !
Y nicks U to side of hoop , Y nto III, now allballs on boundaries
17 May 2016 2:55PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
R tries hoop from NB , now about a YD SW . , K about 5yd N of hoop , Y takes posn about 5ft
17 May 2016 2:57PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
U next to Y , R nestles onto K but K could bee Y
17 May 2016 2:58PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Y has 20 yar shot on U from EB , hits , U now near NB , U runs slightly angled hoop from near boundary , 7-6 to Duncan
17 May 2016 3:00PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
game 2 R a bit short , Y in front UK a bit deep , R played nxt to hoop blocking U , K clears Y , Y put back
17 May 2016 3:04PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
A few clearances only R close to hoop now , R mst have been tapped into jaws as it has run to about 3yd short of 2 , , joined by K and Y u
17 May 2016 3:07PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
U cleared R R cleared K K missed Y , Y fails what looked like straightforward hoop , bounces to side
17 May 2016 3:09PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
U shourt angled , R in front about 3 ft , K hits Y and that hits R, leaves Y runnable but fails again . d
17 May 2016 3:11PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
U ties angled hoop but goes into jaws from far wire , R takes 2'straight , K goes off WB hoop hight , Y clears hoop ball to IV and ends up on NB about 3y W of III, Shot at R from IVhits beg goes offside on NB , R runs , 2-0 stephen u
17 May 2016 3:15PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
K NE of 3 , Y into jaws . clearances , then K tries jump , fails to SB , U shoots at Y from near peg . R takes near halfway position . , so does K .
Y runs 3 to about 3yd short of 4 a bit E of line , U 2 yd straight , R next to it
17 May 2016 3:20PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
. K into short hoop posn , Y clears it ,.
17 May 2016 3:21PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
U runs 4 - it was very close to R and ref was called . , Stephen 3-1
17 May 2016 3:23PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
R a bit far at 5 , K and Y in position , U misses from SB , R stops K off EB , K misses Y which Y dribbles through by about 6 inches(from about 6 ft angled) , could be awkward next shot 4-1 Stephen
17 May 2016 3:26PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
U took position at 6 , R and Y and K a bit far out , U failed apparently easy hoop and Y ran long hoop , 5-1
17 May 2016 3:29PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Uk got good position at 7 and U ran 7 a bit hard past 8 , R K played up to 8 and Y nudged K abit to side , U cleared Y and R failed hoop . K has run it though , Stephen 5-3
17 May 2016 3:33PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Y halfway to SB at 9 , U between Y and SB , R looks good 3ft in front . K goes for block , may have worke d, Y hits U off SB . U move R and K to unrunnable positions
17 May 2016 3:36PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
R deep position , K short position Y position about 2 yd .
17 May 2016 3:37PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
U and Y off Sb , U still straight
17 May 2016 3:38PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
R fails hoop from about 4 yd , spins to side , K runs looks just E of 10 , can't tell whether runnable as am near I . all play up and K clears R to Sb . U runs 5 yd hoop . Good comeback by Duncan , now 5-5
17 May 2016 3:42PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
all 4 have played for position to 11 , R clears K , Y is 4 yd in front , U about 1 y . K clears Y both to NB , Y clears U U takes deep position
17 May 2016 3:45PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
R shorter position , K by U , Y hits U , U from NB gets nich on R , goes into IV but stop R running , so R clears K to NB
K striaght NB , Y a bit E , K runs from NB through hoop to SB and hedge 6-5 Duncan , Y takes 3 ft position at 12 . , U misses , R 6 ft position .
17 May 2016 3:49PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
K went short of hoop and Y runs by 3 ft . 6-6 another golden hoop
17 May 2016 3:50PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
U from WB to 13 , about a yard long , R shoots at U misses goes off NB . K to what looks like 2 ft straight . Y misses next to R
17 May 2016 3:53PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
U jawses 30 deg hoop , R jump misses , K rush peels , 7-6 and 2-0 Duncan .
17 May 2016 3:55PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Chris Clarke has just started on court 1 against Lionel Tibble . Meanwhile , Jenny hit her ball jawsed in 11 fom the NB behind hoop 2 to win her 1st game aginst Will Gee , .
Reg and David Walters seem to be haing a close battle too .
Lionel UK , Chris RY , Lionel has just run hoop 1 as far as 6 . , Y just past , U about 3 yd short of 2 , R seemed to block Lionel failed a clearance and Chris has scored hoop 2
17 May 2016 4:16PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
U is close to 3 but has just gone past 1 ft east trying for position . . Now quite windy and cool
U is now about half way to NB ,with K a little W , Y misses clearance . . U takes shorter position , Rclears . K runs longish angled hoop a foot past 4 , 2-1 Lionel .
Incidentally there will be a 3-match play-off between USA an Ireland this evening for 2nd place . , 1 doubles and 2 singles
17 May 2016 4:23PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
30-yarder with R moves 2 balls but U is now in front of 4 , cleared . Then U moves oppo and partner , Y tries long hoop but spins off .
U and R take position , , K tries block , Y nicks , U stop clears R . R to side of hoop , U and K now about 6 ft in front and Y misses clearance .
U runs . Y is offside . R gets 2 ft position at 5, K clears . .
17 May 2016 4:28PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Y slides past 5 from penalty spot . All 4 balls unrunnable in front of hoop, various clerances , R now near LH wire . Not obvious if runnable , Lionel had a good look at it. . U hit Y trying to get to 6b , but hit peg , Chris with R runs 6 short of peg as it was rather angled .R hit wire , K hit other wire and both are unrunnable next to hoop. U has taken position
17 May 2016 4:36PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Ref called , R is about an inch from K and next to the hoop . Hits K to EB but balls have been put back so must have been double tap . Lionel has taken 3 yd position , Y hit 15 yds but U still runnable , and does . 4-2 Lionel
17 May 2016 4:41PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
At 7 R K Y play up , U nicks . , R clears , K takes halfway , Y runs 7 straight nearly as far as 5 . Now ref called for halfway decision on K . Tape measure coming out with 2 refs
17 May 2016 4:45PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
seems to be onside , U in 3 t position , R into RH wire , K clears Y to beyond the hoop but it clears U , Y off the NB . R has been tapped close to hoop , K has jumped it 5-3 Lionel
17 May 2016 4:55PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Y seems to have good position at 9 , U and R play up to it , K misses clearance from SB behing 8 Y has cleared U - R was in good position to run the hoop deep , and has done so . about 3 YD N of peg on hoop line . Other balls went for position and R ran . 5-5 .
17 May 2016 4:59PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
K got position and othe rballs did not move it so it ran . Y just past 12 with other balls around . K cleared R , Y went backward through hoop to 3 inch position ,
cleared by K . . . after more clearances K needs another clearance as U and Y are now runnable , but lears U Y doesn't run however , , now just in font of hoop .with K and U nearby . K has cleared it after R missed to near III . Y has managed to clear U a short way
17 May 2016 5:07PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
U runnable but K just missed clearance on Y so Y has cleared it . U now needs to clear R but must have bee blockd as it played halfway . R takes short position however . Seem to be hoop 13 tactics .
R 1 ft position , K and U near peg with rush on K to 13 . Buy Y misses clearance on them so has lost initiative .
17 May 2016 5:11PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
U clears R which takes position but doesn't block K which runs 12 to win 7-5 to Lionel .
17 May 2016 5:14PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Ref on setting hoops .
17 May 2016 5:14PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
2nd game started . R 6 ft from hoop , a bit short , K missed , Y almost blocking R , U missed . R now strainghter , U clears about 10 yrds , Y bounces off hoop almost to WB
17 May 2016 5:23PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
All balls toposition hthe Y clears K , but U runs by 1 foot . R 3yds short of 2 . ,
17 May 2016 5:24PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
all balls played up R clears K ,. Now UK on NB , K clears Y which was runnable . , Y goes back in front , U clears only about 5 yards .
RY are taking position and UK clearing at the moment
17 May 2016 5:28PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Chris was unlucky in that a 5 yard clearance hit a 3rd ball and left U in front of the hoop , so U ran , 2-0 Lionel
17 May 2016 5:31PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
RKY to 3 then U missed , R stoped K to 4 . . Moreshort clearing o
17 May 2016 5:33PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Chris has just cleared himself leving Lionel at hoop3 which he jawses , but cleared from EB . All the balls are still round 3
17 May 2016 5:41PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Chris ran a longish hoop 3 almost to SB . K and Y both had good strength but U has just cleared K . R takes position and K clears Y . . Another take position and clear sequence developing .
17 May 2016 5:48PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
K hasmissed a clearance to NB . Y is into jaws . U cleared and R ran 4 . 2-2
17 May 2016 5:51PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Y has now made 5 , to hoop 2 length .
17 May 2016 5:54PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
U got position poss wired as Y seemed to try hoop from behind but failedand U has run 6 . 3-3
17 May 2016 5:55PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
R angled posn , K about 6 ft in front . R has made hoop by about 10 yards . 4-3Chris .
17 May 2016 5:59PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Lionel missed short clerance but Chris then failed hoop . Y in good position , Lionel missed with U but R missed short clearance of K so K cleared it .
U took position relying on K to clear Y partially successfully
Chris nicked a clearance to end up near 9 . Lionel jawsed so he had to come back onside , K scored 8 4-4 . i
17 May 2016 6:10PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Chris made 9 the Lionel made 10 . Lionel just shot with K hit and jawsed himself.
17 May 2016 6:18PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Hemade the hoop with U , down to 12 . R has just missed K which has run . 7-5 LIonel . . until the jaws at 11 Chris seemed to have the initiative but it gave his balls too much to do .
17 May 2016 6:22PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
At 28 Feb 2025 4:22PM (Tournament) there are 9 people reading commentaries.