CA President's Cup
Round 10 by Robert Fulford
Dave had a lucky escape in this round against Wixy.
Wixy had the first ball round and took it all the way to rover giving lift to position getting balls into hoops 3,4 and 6 for the leave.
Dave failed to get going from a couple of attempts and Wixy got in and established a break.
With his peel done and finishing on a 4 ball break Jack failed 4b.
Dave went round and pegged Jack out.
From there Jack had a few long range approach attempts, but Dave was able to finish without Jack making more progress.
I played Mark. Mark took the first break to 4b after we had both made errors at the start. I made a couple of cagey leaves after the contact and with Mark choosing to corner, eventually went round with a good pick up. From there Mark missed three lift shots and I achieved no peels with breaks of 5,4,12 and 3 hoops.
Paddy has TPOed James and still going. James has just hit a lift with Paddy wide joined, but failed roll up to 2 and taken very long wired position. Paddy has cornerrd the ball behind 2 in c1.
10 Sep 2016 1:23PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
James runs long hoop 2. Shoots at ball near 3. Hits.
10 Sep 2016 1:24PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Paddy is for 5 and peg.
James is playing off the hoop 5 ball. Approaches and runs 3 and gets a rush he could just about plausibly rush to C1. Misses it! to 10 yards n of 1
10 Sep 2016 1:27PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Missed the next bit Paddy now has the innings with James hiding in c4. No more hoops made.
10 Sep 2016 1:40PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Steve has just won a pegged out ending against Jeff +4.
10 Sep 2016 1:41PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Paddy managed to get a pick started, but with lots of hard work done failed 2b.
James takes lift and hits 7 yarder at ball in front of 2b. Has straight forward chance now. With the ball near 3b being in a good place to go to it and pioneer 5. Had 3 ball going.
10 Sep 2016 2:03PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Dave has started round 11 against Stephen. Stephen had the first break but failed hoop 4. Dave hit a 7 yarder and is going round.
10 Sep 2016 2:04PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
James has played a couple off shocking croquet strokes in his break. His 1b pioneer was going to be close to C2 but fortunately clonked into 1b. Has made 3b but ended up taking croquet so he is impaired by 3b and can only take off to his 4b pioneer.
10 Sep 2016 2:07PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Makes 4b and has rush back to ball near 3b.
10 Sep 2016 2:08PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
James splits well getting a rush to penultimate and a rover pioneer. Rushes to 4 yards diagonally in front. Has 5 foot hoop to make.
10 Sep 2016 2:10PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Waiting for wind
10 Sep 2016 2:10PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
10 Sep 2016 2:11PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Dave's break is still going for 3b now. Guessing he will try to leave his balls in C2 & C3, Stephens hoop 4 ball in C4 and hoop1 ball roughly 7 yards N of C1. Has run 3b cleanly and has 5 yard return. Hits. should get leave okay.
10 Sep 2016 2:16PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Paddy hits roughly from peg to rover with his 2b ball.
10 Sep 2016 2:17PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Takes off to penultimate and moves James's ball. Tries speculative take off to 2b, joins partner near the middle of the S boundary.
10 Sep 2016 2:19PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Stephen has left a rush in C1 and Dave has hit from C2 to c3. Plays brilliant massive roll, getting partner near to 2 and close to Stephens balls which were not far from the west boundary. Has made 1 but doesn't have enough space to get both oppo balls to 3. One is by the peg.
Paddy is 2 balling out from 3b with James in C2. Finished. Good turn
10 Sep 2016 2:26PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Dave has his peelee 4 yards and 20 degrees behind 4b so looks like maybe only 25% to get it jawsed. Runs into another ball. Will be delayed now. Hoops have a bit more give today so slightly easier.
10 Sep 2016 2:29PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Off to play
10 Sep 2016 2:29PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
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