CA Open Championship
Sunday Morning - The Final by wixy
Morning all from Cheltenham, I am sat on the tea room veranda on the last table next to the clubhouse, so just behind hoop 4 on lawn 8 which is where the final will be played. Last night it was estimated to be running at about 10secs but with rain over night and dark clouds looming it is likely to be slower today.
Samir has gone up to the hut between lawns 6 & 7 and looks to be applying sun cream which is probably a tad optimistic. He has played in two Opens finals previously, against Rob Fulford in 2008 and Reg Bamford in 2013, losing both 3-0, I think it would be surprise scoreline today.
10 Jul 2016 8:51AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Couple of pundits sittings next to me are talking about the result, both favor Samir, although predict a tight match at 3-1 or 3-2
10 Jul 2016 8:54AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Ben Rothman got to the World Championship final in 2009 losing 3-0 to Reg Bamford and so although perhaps slightly less experienced than Samir, I don't think he will be too affected by the status of this match, at least not in the early stages. He has only dropper one game this week, I believe, and that was yesterday against Paddy, so he will be confident about competing toe to toe in this final.
10 Jul 2016 8:58AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Simon Jenkins is attempting to set up a livestream to broadcast the final, it depends a lot on the WiFI which struggles to reach the tea room but it's worth a go. He has found a long power extension and is fiddling around so watch this space.
10 Jul 2016 8:59AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
It's 10:01, they are still practicing.
10 Jul 2016 9:01AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
I am now connected to Sam Murray's Ipad which has a 10gb data connection so we shouldn't run out
10 Jul 2016 9:04AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Rothman conducts the toss, offers a choice of Bird or Balls, Samir opts for Balls but it was Bird. Rothman takes the play and Samir chooses Red & Yellow. The players shake hands and we are off in the 2016 British Open Single Championship Final
10 Jul 2016 9:08AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
A local club member walks past and says he wasn't go to come to watch this morning, he had planned to go to church but he changed his mind at the and has come to worship the croquet gods instead
10 Jul 2016 9:10AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
So as with pretty much all other games this week, It was an East Boundary opening from Rothman, just North of h4, Samir went to C4, Rothman missed partner from A Baulk and then samir hit. He poked a ball ok a couple of yards and rushed to hoop 1, tried to run it gently and ended up hampered from the reception ball. Some early action for ROT Ian Vincent who goes on to watch the hampered stroke, which is to join up a yard or so south of partner in c2.
10 Jul 2016 9:12AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Watch here
10 Jul 2016 9:14AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Rothman missed with Black from h1 at Red & Yellow by c2, This has given Samir a nice chance at a easy start of a break for his h2 ball
10 Jul 2016 9:15AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Poor croquet stroke from Samir from North West of h2, sending out black as a pivot trying to get a rush on yellow which was North East of h6 towards h3, he ends up with a rush pointing back at h2. He hits it and rolls it down behind h4, thats yellow his partner, goes to blue which has been left down by the east boundary near h4 since turn 4 of tha game. Rolls that out between h1 & h2 attempting to get position in front of h3, has a go at a long angled hoop but it bounces back towards him. He will be disappointed with that turn.
10 Jul 2016 9:19AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Rothman takes his 10 yarder with Black between h3 & h4 at red near h4, missed to the north boundary.
10 Jul 2016 9:21AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Samir hits his 6 yarder with red and black and approaches h3 to a rough position but runs it smoothly, he should now have a break
10 Jul 2016 9:22AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
So Rothman sits and watches from the very far end of the bench in front of the clubhouse, about as far away as possible from where Samir will be sat while he is off the lawn, he has set up on the veranda of the tea room at the end nearest the CA office
10 Jul 2016 9:24AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Samir has made h5 and is setting up a tight cross peg leave before going to partner as his h6 pioneer
10 Jul 2016 9:25AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Samir has made 6 and rushed over to the east boundary, leaving a rush for his 1b ball. Shot from A Baulk will be should as looks like he is south of the line of h5.
10 Jul 2016 9:28AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Rothman shoots with his ball east from the peg as it lay, missed what must have been some sort of larger target
10 Jul 2016 9:30AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Samir pokes it out a bit, rushes partner to the middle of the lawn, sends it towards 2b, gets a rush to 1b which is pointing at h6. Plays a cut along the right line but well short, needs a backward take off, the wind blows a bit for the first time while he casting for the hoop stroke. He steps back, casts again and has run the 1b
10 Jul 2016 9:33AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Samir has made 1b and will be making a Diagonal spread after 3b
10 Jul 2016 9:34AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
No he won't he had previously sent his 1b eception ball to the peg, but after 2b rushes it towards 3b, so will be an NSL. Why didnt he croquet it to 3b after 1b?
10 Jul 2016 9:36AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Samir has got black on the front of h4, I dont think that will rush south of h1 but will rush somewhere close to h1, sends blue over the the west of the lawn and lays a rush for his h1 ball on the east boundary somewhere level with h5
10 Jul 2016 9:39AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Rothman lifts black from on h4, takes the long shot down the wobbly east boundary, hit it at a moderate pace and probably at a ball but its clear that it slowly hilled to miss to c4
10 Jul 2016 9:41AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
James Death has turned up and seems fairly happy that i have volunteered him for commentary duties this afternoon, he has gone over to the managers tent in search of a random Z game for something to do
10 Jul 2016 9:43AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Samir made h1, rushed close to the ball in c4, switched the balls over, has now got a break with partner at h4
10 Jul 2016 9:47AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Samir flirted with the south boundary after h3, but hes ok and now has the balls out for a delayed tp
10 Jul 2016 9:49AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Samir missed the hoop completely on his peel attempt before h6, he is now leaving his 2b pioneer at 4b before going over to make 1b
10 Jul 2016 9:56AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Samir peels 4b before 2b and plays an ok rush to 2b
10 Jul 2016 9:59AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Samir peels 4b before 2b and plays an ok rush to 2b
10 Jul 2016 10:00AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Samir has made 3b and has 2 peels to do
10 Jul 2016 10:04AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Partner is in the jaws of penult while making 4b
10 Jul 2016 10:04AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Has a good position for the straight rover peel, should finish
10 Jul 2016 10:06AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Oliie Chapman has taken his dad up to lawn 11 in search of snails
10 Jul 2016 10:08AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Samir gets his straigth rover peel with an ugly full roll irish peel fomr a couple of feet
10 Jul 2016 10:08AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Samir takes game 1 26tp
10 Jul 2016 10:10AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Game 2 starts with Samir playing to the east boundary, Rothman went just out of c2, Samir shoots from c3 down the east boundary at partner towards c4, misses to a foot west of c4
10 Jul 2016 10:14AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
David Magee just asked James Hopgood if he is having lunch, and he says he isn't?! Must be a first, he always plays better after a hot lunch! Although he isn't actually playing today
10 Jul 2016 10:15AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Rothman shot at partner i c4 on turn turn, missed, Samir has now played his ball from by c4 and rush partner up to 4 yards east of h3, takes off to Rothmans balls, and misses!
10 Jul 2016 10:17AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Rothman shot at partner in c2 that should have said
10 Jul 2016 10:22AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Rothman has made 1 and is now rushing making h2 off partner, his hoop 3 pioneer will be Samirs ball that is 4 yards east of h3
10 Jul 2016 10:23AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
He has sent out a h4 pioneer and rushed the piovet off the east boundary by his h3 pioneer so is in good shape with a 4 ball break
10 Jul 2016 10:24AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
I think Rothman will go straight to 4b in this turn
10 Jul 2016 10:26AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
He has sent out blue as an early 2b pioneer after h5
10 Jul 2016 10:28AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Ollie Chapman reports back that he didnt find a snail yet, he says they have all gone on holiday
10 Jul 2016 10:29AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Miranda confirms that all the snails have gone to the beach to build sandcastles
10 Jul 2016 10:30AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Rothman has got partner in c2 after 1b
10 Jul 2016 10:30AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
As predicted, Rothman has made 3b and is leaving Samirs balls across c4 and will be going off to c3 with his last stroke
10 Jul 2016 10:34AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Samir drags his ball from the south boundary up to c3, plays the usual roll sending yellow out towards h1 going to partner near c4.
10 Jul 2016 10:38AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Samir leaves a rush to hoop 1 from 4 yards north of c4
10 Jul 2016 10:39AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Rothman shoots yellow at Samirs blue, hits
10 Jul 2016 10:40AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Jmes Hopgood is sitting next to me, and next to him is Dave Kibble, the conversation keeps returning to Mac selection
10 Jul 2016 10:42AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Conversation now turns to his wedding in a couple of weeks, he says he just cant wait to get it out of the way with now
10 Jul 2016 10:43AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Conversation now turns to his wedding in a couple of weeks, he says he just cant wait to get it out of the way with now
10 Jul 2016 10:43AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Rothman has moved Samirs balls to h3 & h4 and has left a rush for his h1 ball to h1 from c2
10 Jul 2016 10:44AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Looks to me like Samirs ball near h4 has a some sort of double at Rothmans balls
10 Jul 2016 10:45AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Samir instead shoots at partner, I'm right behind the line and t was always missing on the right
10 Jul 2016 10:47AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Having a few troubles with internet for some reason
10 Jul 2016 10:54AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Rothman has made h2 and rushed partner over to h3, should be a standard tp from here
10 Jul 2016 10:54AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Jeff Dawson has just beaten Mark Avery in the Plate, he went to report the score to the manager but he is asleep!
10 Jul 2016 10:56AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Rothman has failed the 4b peel after h3
10 Jul 2016 10:57AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Im getting a lift home with Mark Avery who is leaving about 13:00 so you will need James Death from then onwards
10 Jul 2016 10:58AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Rothman has made h5, he has set up for the peel going to hoop but no forward rush means a big roll
10 Jul 2016 11:02AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Good roll gets strikers ball close to partner but cant keep it in of 4b for the peel
10 Jul 2016 11:03AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
I don't know whats happening, the internet seems to be ok but commentary isnt sending without me constantly refreshing the pages so I am giving up, sorry
10 Jul 2016 11:07AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
At 13 Mar 2025 8:38AM (Tournament) there are 5 people reading commentaries.