CA Open Championship
Friday Morning - Quarter Finals by wixy
Hello from the tea room at Cheltenham, sadly it's too bright to sit outside and be able to see the screen. I haven't managed to get connected successfully to the CA WiFi so for the time being I am using mobile data, so this service is subject to termination should I start running low on internet.
The 8 seeds have all made it through to the quarter finals so no surprises so far. Action today sees;
Lawn 7 - Bamford vs Patel
Lawn 8 - Burch v Maugham
Lawn 1 - Mulliner v Rothman
Lawn 2 - Death v Chapman
08 Jul 2016 8:53AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Bamford seems to have been playing superbly as usual despite turning up with a brand new mallet and never hitting a ball with it before the tournament. He has cantered through the swiss and made fairly light work of his match yesterday with two SXP's. He will take some beating but if Samir can play like he did yesterday against me and keep shooting straight then there is potential for the match to be close, Reg clear favourite though as you would expect.
08 Jul 2016 8:56AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Burch's main asset is shooting straight at everything all of the time. He will probably start as favourite against Dave in my opinion, Dave is still very good once he has the balls and has established a break but he doesn't always managed to get that far in a turn before breaking down. Neither will be under estimating each other, but both will fancy progressing.
08 Jul 2016 8:59AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Mulliner and Rothman looks fairly close although I suspect Mulliner will edge it as he has a more rounded game and croquet strokes, whereas Rothman relies on hitting a lot of 3, 4, 5 yarders in the middle of his breaks, which he is good at but I think lack of control could be his downfall at the business end of the tournament.
08 Jul 2016 9:01AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Chapman is favourite for me against Death. Chapman has played very well only dropping one game in the event to Jeff Dawson yesterday following a tpo. Death has everything, he could play any shot on the lawn but I still think he struggles take games seriously, preferring instead to try the outrageous and entertain the crowd. More importantly.......I've just looked up and seen that hes wearing shorts!
08 Jul 2016 9:04AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Best of 5 today so potential for a whole days worth of croquet.
08 Jul 2016 9:05AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Lawn 1 - I missed the start but Mulliner has hit with Rothmans balls both in lawn so chances of first ball round.
Lawn 2 - Chapman went first, Death to corner 2, Chapman missed partner
Lawn 7 - Patel east boudary, Bamford corner 2
Lawn 8 - Practising
08 Jul 2016 9:09AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner has rolled to hoop 1 with partner, runs a long hoop and has a break.
Lawn 2 - Death missed 4th turn at Chapmans balls, Chapman has rushed to 1
Lawn 7 - Patel shot from c3 at partner missing in to c4
Lawn 8 - Burch and Maugham have a lot of flirting before starting, both laughing a lot. Burch goes to east boundary, Maugham to c2, Burch centre balls partner from A baulk, looking at taking off to c2
08 Jul 2016 9:13AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch leaves a rush to h1 without going to c2
08 Jul 2016 9:14AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman made 1, rushed to Deaths ball just off east boundary, rushed to c2 and now approaching h2
08 Jul 2016 9:14AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford has missed Patels east boundary ball and ends up south of it so Patel now has a dolly rush in to c4 where partner is. He didnt play this cannon very well against me yesterday....
08 Jul 2016 9:16AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman has run h3 and now has a 3 ball break
08 Jul 2016 9:17AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch has made h2 with his h3 pioneer at h6, should have a break
08 Jul 2016 9:18AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Lawn 7 - What did I say! Patel seems to have faulted the cannon out of c4.
08 Jul 2016 9:18AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Lawn 1 - I think Mulliner must have made h3 and then missed the return roquet. Rothman is now picking up a break from h3.
08 Jul 2016 9:20AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 7 - Balls went back but not as a cannon, Bamford has ended up stop shotting a ball 2 yarders out of c4 and get a rush to h1
08 Jul 2016 9:21AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman is making 1b with partner already in c2
08 Jul 2016 9:22AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch has played his 3 ball break all the way round to 2b, leaving Maughams ball in c4, he will be making 3b off partner
08 Jul 2016 9:23AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford made h1 and rushed in to c4
08 Jul 2016 9:23AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman ran 2b by not very much, managed to play a good roll through so ends up not needing to make 3b
08 Jul 2016 9:24AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch has made 3 and has Maughams red in C4 and yellow 7 yards north on the east boundary. Gets his own h1 ball to 5 yards south of c2 and goes off to c3 with strikers ball
08 Jul 2016 9:26AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch didnt make 3b
08 Jul 2016 9:26AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman is around h6, hasnt managed to get a tidy break yet but should be ok
08 Jul 2016 9:27AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2 - Death took contact from Chapmans ball in c2, went off going to chapmans 3b ball in c3
08 Jul 2016 9:28AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford is digging the balls out, backward take to h3, has got a h4 pioneer
08 Jul 2016 9:29AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham played the roll out of c3 going to partner in c4, lays up on the east boundary maybe wired from black at h1 with a rush pointing at h1
08 Jul 2016 9:30AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch shots black at blue near c2, hits it in the middle, chances to make 3b now and get a good leave
08 Jul 2016 9:31AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman has made 3b and is leavng one of Deaths balls just off the east boundary somewhere near peg high and the other at h1, joining up in c2
08 Jul 2016 9:33AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 7 - I stopped watching......Reg had a break, but he has put his clip on h5 and walked back to the clubhouse
08 Jul 2016 9:34AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch made 3b, end up leaving a ball 3 yards off the east boudary level with h4 and tried to roll other oppo ball towards c1 whilst going to partner in c2, but it hit hoop 5 and stayed there
08 Jul 2016 9:35AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn - Burch goes to end of B baulk
08 Jul 2016 9:36AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 7 - Death missed from h1 at partner
08 Jul 2016 9:37AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Sorry that was lawn 2
08 Jul 2016 9:37AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 7 - Patel makes h1 and gets an early peel on Bamfords h1 ball, has got a break
08 Jul 2016 9:38AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman went to 4b, left Mulliners h1 ball in c1, Mulliners h4 ball in c4, his own h1 ball in c2 and strikers ball in c3
08 Jul 2016 9:39AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham has ended up trying to roll up to h1 from c2 i think, strikers ball goes off the south boundary with a big bang! Burch joins up again in c2
08 Jul 2016 9:40AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1 - Guessing that Mulliner took off from the ball in c2 to the ball in c3 but didnt get close enough so just joined up with partner in c4
08 Jul 2016 9:41AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham missed from south boundary in front of h1 at partner near east boundary level with h4. Burch plays h1 ball and takes off to Maughams balls from c2
08 Jul 2016 9:42AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman shot at partner in c3, missed
08 Jul 2016 9:43AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman in approaching h2 sending partner towards h3, makes hoop now should finish with a standard tp
08 Jul 2016 9:44AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch has done well, now needs to approach h2, putting partner towards 3 for a break and standard tp
08 Jul 2016 9:44AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner rushed towards h1, hasnt approached it and so is now shooting at Rothmans balls in c3, just misses, Rothman now has all the balls and even a h1 pioneer so should finish
08 Jul 2016 9:45AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman somehow ended up with a 4 yarder after h1! Now rolls from south boundary putting both balls to h3, hits a 7 yarder at partner!
08 Jul 2016 9:51AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 7 - Not been watching but suspect Patels turn hasnt been as good as it could have been following the good start as he has only managed to get the second peel on Bamfords backward ball jawsed after 1b
08 Jul 2016 9:52AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman is approaching h1 without a good h3 pioneer, partner is very close to the north boundary and the other ball is 3 yards south of h3, not a nice position at all
08 Jul 2016 9:53AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman approaching 1b with 2 peels done
08 Jul 2016 9:54AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch approaching 2b with 2 peels done
08 Jul 2016 9:54AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman sent out a h4 pioneer after h2, going to the ball south of h3, rushed it level with h3 and then took off in to partner near north boundary
08 Jul 2016 9:55AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman is lining up the 4b peel after from about 4 or 5 yards away, which i would say is poor given the position he had at the start of this turn
08 Jul 2016 9:56AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 7 - Patel has made 3b, leaving partner near c4, Bamfords h5 mid way up the west boundary, Bamfords h3 ball 5 yards east of c2 and strikers ball in c1
Lawn 1 - Rothman fails to peel, his h5 pioneer is 3 yards north west of the hoop and ends up with a backward take off to h4. makes it and now looking at setting up for peel before h6.
08 Jul 2016 10:00AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch finishes with a straight rover peel to take the first vs Maugham, very speedy turn!
Lawn 2 - Chapman is having a straight rover peel to take the first vs Death
08 Jul 2016 10:02AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman leaves himself another 3 yarder after h5 at partner but manages to dribble at it and gets the 4b peel before h6
08 Jul 2016 10:03AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch goes first in game two, hits hoop 5 as a supershot and it stops dead in front, Maughman hits it, pokes it towards c2 and then goes in to c4
08 Jul 2016 10:04AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford takes contact with his h3 ball from the ball in c1, takes off up the west boundary, manages to rush partner to end of b baulk, looks to not be approaching his hoop
08 Jul 2016 10:06AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch missed partner 3rd turn, they have some more flirting whilst Maugham wonders up to b baulk
08 Jul 2016 10:06AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman approaching 2b off partner with a peel done
08 Jul 2016 10:07AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 2 - Death went first to east boundary, Chapman to c2, Death then missed partner from a baulk
08 Jul 2016 10:08AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham shoots at partner in c4, misses and shouts abuse at the ball/ lawn
08 Jul 2016 10:08AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford joined up near c3 but left a rush for his h5 ball, Patel misses with his h1 ball from c4 at Bamfords balls
08 Jul 2016 10:10AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman now has a delayed double peel to do, balls in good positions
08 Jul 2016 10:11AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 2 - Death made h1 but didnt get a rush back to partner on east boundary so has to play big roll from partner sending in towards h3 going to c2. Is well short but in front of h2 so he runs it and then misses Chapmans ball in c2
08 Jul 2016 10:13AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford plays his h5 ball, pokes out Patels ball but ends up with a rush pointing at the middle of the east boundary, deals with it and now has a 3 ball break
08 Jul 2016 10:15AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch is again ignoring the ball in c4 and progessing with a 3 ball break, now at h6
08 Jul 2016 10:16AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman got the penult peel, made 4b but has stuck in penult, clips on, end of turn
08 Jul 2016 10:16AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner wonders on to the lawn carrying a towel and bottle of water but no mallet
08 Jul 2016 10:17AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman takes off from c2 to Deaths ball a yard east of h3. Ends up in the east boudary yard line area! Hits and will now take off to partner at h4 to get a rush to h1
08 Jul 2016 10:20AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner for 1 & 4, plays his h1 ball, an ugly choice I suppose really
08 Jul 2016 10:21AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch goes to 3b with a not very good leave, he has left one of Maughams balls 2 yards north west of c4 and missed corner c3 on the east boundary so Maugham will have a dolly rush to t
08 Jul 2016 10:23AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford seems to have peeled Patels h1 through h1 after 2, has to rush to 3b from 2b and looks like hes making a diagonal spread
08 Jul 2016 10:25AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapaman has made h3 and looks like hes going for a pop on Deaths ball going to a good h4 pioneer
08 Jul 2016 10:26AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham takes his lift, rushes Burchs 3b ball in to corner 4, pokes in out to h4 and rushes partner to h1
08 Jul 2016 10:27AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
I am waiting for the winner of Andrew Hope vs David Goacher in plate, there is a 3.5hr time limit so I could be with you until 1.30
08 Jul 2016 10:30AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham has to take off to h2 from north boundary, runs it and now has a break, QPO?
08 Jul 2016 10:31AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner has gone to h6 with a diagonal spread
Lawn 7 - Bamford has gone to 4b with partner for 3. He makes a diagonal spread, gets Patels 4b at the peg so that it doesnt rush to h2. Patel is 2 & 4b
08 Jul 2016 10:33AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham is setting up for a pop on Burchs h1 ball before h5 rather than the QPO
08 Jul 2016 10:34AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman is steadily going round, he is now making 1b
08 Jul 2016 10:35AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner has missed a 3 yarder after 1b
08 Jul 2016 10:37AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 7 - Patel must has shot at partner from a baulk and rushed it to h3! Handy! Takes off to Bamfords balls to get a h4 pioneer and rush to h2
08 Jul 2016 10:38AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman seems to have taken a lift and missed towards corner 2, Mulliner now has a 7 yarder which he misses.
08 Jul 2016 10:39AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman has gone to 3b, leaving Deaths balls across c2, His own h1 ball in c4 and his 3b ball in c1. He must have got two pops so i assume Death is now 3&3, but im not certain
08 Jul 2016 10:43AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham has got 2 pops on Burchs ball on the way to 4b
08 Jul 2016 10:44AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Lawn 2 - Death took of from the ball in c4 to the ball in c1, then took off to partner just east of c2, got a rush on it and rushes it to north boundary in front of h3
08 Jul 2016 10:45AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Lawn 7 - Patel has a peel done and is working around to 1b
08 Jul 2016 10:46AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Lawn 2 - Death needs to approach h4 from c4 for a break, Plays it with a drive sending a ball out to between h6 & h3, does well, gets a 1ft hoop, runs it but his h5 pioneer is over behind h5 so needs a good roll
08 Jul 2016 10:50AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Lawn 8 - Burch ignores his contact instead deciding to take his lift with the 3b ball and rush his 7 yarder down the east boundary to make 3b
08 Jul 2016 10:51AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman is approaching penult with a couple of balls in the middle of the lawn so should finish this turn
08 Jul 2016 10:52AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Lawn 7 - Death has gone to 1b and made a spread
08 Jul 2016 10:54AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman has taken the first game
08 Jul 2016 10:54AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Lawn 8 - Jamie made 3, has left his h1 ball on east boundary level with h4, his 4b ball in c4, Maughams 4b ball just south east of h6 and Maughams h1 ball north west of h2
08 Jul 2016 10:56AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Lawn 7 - Patel has a straight rover peel to do
08 Jul 2016 10:56AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Lawn 2 - Death left a rush for his h3 ball, Chapman missed the long lift so Death rushed in front of 1b, peeled it going to the ball left at the peg, rushed that the east boundary by h4 and takes off in to c4 to get a rush to h3! could be an outrageous turn.....what did i say!
08 Jul 2016 10:58AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Lawn 7 - Patel pegs out to finish his tp to win the first game
Lawn 8 - Maugham take the longest shot he can find of the lawn, his h1 from behind h2 to the ball in c4, middles it and stomps after it with determination, should be a standard tp from here
08 Jul 2016 11:02AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Lawn 2 - Death has changed his mind, moved the balls around and is now going for the QPO, gets the first peel after h4
08 Jul 2016 11:03AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman has run h2 with the first break of game 2
08 Jul 2016 11:03AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham needs to approach h1 with a 5 yard backward take off, runs the hoop and is hampered, looks tough, straight through the hoop but far enough through that he cant follow through. Calls a ref, hits it very hard and makes a roquet, this should be it for game 2
08 Jul 2016 11:06AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Lawn 7 - Death approaching 1b, hasnt got the 4b peel yet, will be attempting it going to 2b
08 Jul 2016 11:06AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Lawn 7 - For some reason partner was on 4b so he has to use his 1b reception ball to canon that out the way, Jaws the peel but only rushes to near h5, rolls up to 2b, looks long, runs it, its starting to get outrageous
08 Jul 2016 11:09AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
They were lawn 2
08 Jul 2016 11:10AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Lawn 2 - Death is now for 3b, hasnt got the 4b peel, hes in trouble now
08 Jul 2016 11:11AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford has won the opening on the east boundary with a ball in c2
08 Jul 2016 11:11AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Lawn 1 - not watching but Rothmans clip is on h5, Mulliner now in play
08 Jul 2016 11:12AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham not making this standard tp look easy, peel was jawsed after h3, no forward rush out of 5, nothing serious but youd expect better
08 Jul 2016 11:13AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 7 - Death has the peel jawsed before 4b, has to jump over it, peels it but fails the hoop
08 Jul 2016 11:15AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham has set up to peel penult before 1b.
08 Jul 2016 11:16AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford is for h2 and has a cannon in c2
08 Jul 2016 11:18AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner has made 5, I suspect he will go to 1b and lay for an sxp
08 Jul 2016 11:19AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham jawses rover peel before 2b
08 Jul 2016 11:20AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman has a break and a double peel to do, I wont bother keeping an eye on that one
08 Jul 2016 11:21AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner had a good position to make a diagonal spread but hasnt managed to get the peg ball anywhere where it needs to be. This will be a B spread
08 Jul 2016 11:22AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford has the balls out, apporaching 5, he will be laying for a sxp
08 Jul 2016 11:23AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
I can smell lunch
08 Jul 2016 11:24AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner is taking ages to position his rush, Rothman is standing on the other side of the court watching impatiently
08 Jul 2016 11:25AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Lawn 8 - Maugham has taken the second
08 Jul 2016 11:27AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman took the short shot from A baulk and has hit
08 Jul 2016 11:27AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Lawn 7 - As expected its a diagonal spread from Bamford with a rush for his h1 ball
08 Jul 2016 11:28AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
I had a conversation with Paddy earlier in the week about pork pies, he says he is a big fan. I asked him if he had ever had a gala pie, he hadnt so i tried to explain what it was to him, he said hes not a big fan of boiled egg though so perhaps wouldnt like them as much. Well anyway there is gala pie today for lunch so i will try to force feed him to see what happens.
08 Jul 2016 11:30AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Burch and Maugham and lunching, Maugham is doing some friendly (for a change) management
08 Jul 2016 11:31AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Sam Murray seems to have just purchased a baseball cap from the CA shop and now looks even worse than normal, he has got a very tight tshirt on today too
08 Jul 2016 11:33AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
thats why we call him tshirt
08 Jul 2016 11:33AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Lawn 2 - Chapman is up to 4b with both peels done so will be 2-0 at lunch
08 Jul 2016 11:34AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Lawn 7 - Patel missed the long lift, Bamford has made h1 with partner at h2. after 1 he roquets the reception ball and takes off to the ball in c4. Hogan roll to send out a h3 pioneer going to h2, looks ok but i think he will be a tad disappointed with how short both balls were
08 Jul 2016 11:36AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
James is desperate for lunch, hes waving at Paddy
08 Jul 2016 11:39AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Paddy ignores him but comes down to the clubhouse anway
08 Jul 2016 11:39AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman seems to have taken two breaks to 4b
08 Jul 2016 11:39AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford peeled 1b after 2 and has made h3 with a forward rush
08 Jul 2016 11:40AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Lawn 7 - Reg hasnt rushed in front of 2b very well for the peel before h4. Looks devasted, arms crossed, cannot believe it. Manages to jaws the peel anyway but leaves himself a 3 yard rush
08 Jul 2016 11:43AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Paddy went for the gala pie without any persuasion from me, i wonder if he will eat the egg
08 Jul 2016 11:43AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner has gone on to the lawn to inspect the Rothmans diagonal spread, again he hasnt taken a mallet with him
08 Jul 2016 11:44AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford rushed very well for h4, gets a h6 pioneer which is well west and rush peels 2b before h5
08 Jul 2016 11:45AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner is taking his lift and shooting at partner at peg from A baulk
08 Jul 2016 11:46AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner hits, this is his h1 ball so options for a SXP or TPO, we all know that he loves both
08 Jul 2016 11:48AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner appears to have not approached h1. He wonders up to h2 with his hand on his hip, looking at the floor, not happy at all. He left partner in the middle of the lawn so no easy way to retain the innings here
08 Jul 2016 11:50AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford has doe 3 peels, his 2b pioneer is at 4b, he is now taking off to his 1b pioneer near 1b
08 Jul 2016 11:52AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Lawn 1 - Mulliner has joined up in the middle of the lawn, giving Rothman a massive massive massive double with his h1 ball and his 4b ball at h1. This should be another standard tp for 2-0 to Rothman
08 Jul 2016 11:53AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Paddy has eaten all of his pie
08 Jul 2016 11:53AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Goacher and Andrew Hope are still in play - I did not expect that!
08 Jul 2016 11:54AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Actually I did
08 Jul 2016 11:55AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford only manages to jaws 4b peel before 2b, shakes his head, cut rush to 2b is good but the strikers ball nearly collided with peele in the jaws
08 Jul 2016 11:56AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Lawn 1 - Again Rothman hasnt managed to get a good h3 pioneer, has to rush partner there from 2 or 3 yards away
08 Jul 2016 11:57AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Lawn 1 - Again has to peel from yards away rather than feet, doesnt look suprised but i would be disappointed from the start he had
08 Jul 2016 11:58AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman wonders round to the other side of the hoop to line the peel up
08 Jul 2016 11:59AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford has 2 peels to do and is approaching 3b. Peelee is south of penult tho
08 Jul 2016 12:00PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford has got peelee somewhere near the jaws of penult before 4b
08 Jul 2016 12:01PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman has peeled 4b and now rushed it to 6 before taking off to h5
08 Jul 2016 12:02PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman has a backward take off approach to h5 and another 3 yard return roquet
08 Jul 2016 12:03PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman plays a roll sending out a 1b pioneer which is short and has another 3 yarder which he hits to in front of h3. Now plays a better ball sending out an escape ball for the penult peel and getting a rush in the right direction on partner by 6.
08 Jul 2016 12:05PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford gets a straight penult peel from in the jaws
08 Jul 2016 12:06PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Lawn 7 - Bamford hits his rush in front of rover a bit short, hes quite angled, no idea of distance. Cant see him going for an irish peel here, he has an ok deep ball
08 Jul 2016 12:09PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Lawn 7 - it was a stop shot, got the peel and jumps over it to the boundary, maybe a 4 yarder back, no problem so 1-1 and perhaps lunch for Reg
08 Jul 2016 12:10PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Lots of people coming back from far away lawns, but not Hope & Goacher!
08 Jul 2016 12:11PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman is going for the Rover peel before 3b, but hes not got a great pioneer to go to, looks ok to indicates to stephen that it is through
08 Jul 2016 12:12PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Reg and James having a chat near corner 4 of lawn 7, Paddy going back up to lawn 2 to start game 3
08 Jul 2016 12:14PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Maugham and Burch have started again but Im going to go and do something else now, then play my plate game but perhaps I will do some more commentary this afternoon or tomorrow
08 Jul 2016 12:14PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Lawn 1 - Rothman has done all the peels of his tp and ran 4 so that will be 2-0 to him!
08 Jul 2016 12:15PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
At 13 Mar 2025 8:40AM (Tournament) there are 5 people reading commentaries.