CA Open Championship
Thursday main event knockout by Joel Taylor
In the absence of any Z games, I'm going to attempt to let you know what's going on at Cheltenham today. The show lawn features Patel v Carter. On lawn 1 Maugham v Murray is reaching the end of game 1. Wicks v Avery is in game 3, I think.
07 Jul 2016 11:11AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Maugham has just finished game 1 with a standard tp after Murray got to 4b & 4b v 1 & 1.
07 Jul 2016 11:12AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Patel won game 1 and is merrily working his way round to 4b on the first break of game 2.
07 Jul 2016 11:14AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Avery has the innings against Wicks and is approaching 4 with a 3-ball break.
07 Jul 2016 11:15AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Patel has managed to put both oppo balls in corner 4 for a very tidy contact leave.
07 Jul 2016 11:16AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Carter has given Samir a shot into corner 4, which he's missed, so Carter should be able to get started on a break now.
07 Jul 2016 11:22AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
The good news is I have a Z game, so I'll pick up the commentary again later.
07 Jul 2016 11:23AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
The big news is that I won my Z game by 14 after failing a tp at rover & rover.
07 Jul 2016 3:16PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Currently happening:
- Rothman is beating Cumming on lawn 8. He won game 1 with an error strewn 2-ball ending, and is finishing a 5th turn tp to win game 2.
- Maugham is winning game 2 with a tp against Hopgood.
- Patel seems to have been on the lawn a lot against Kibble.
- Ormerod and Tibble are still playing on lawn 5.
- Louise is 1 game up against Death.
- Mulliner is playing someone on lawn 3.
- Wise and Girdlestone are playing a Z game, as are Martin Murray and Steinar.
- Tea is currently being served.
07 Jul 2016 3:21PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Maugham has jawsed peelee in rover, currently approaching 4b.
07 Jul 2016 3:22PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Rothman, the croquet equivalent of Mariano Rivera is closing out yet another tp - a straight rover peel required.
07 Jul 2016 3:23PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
He has peelee about 150 cm directly in front of rover with a deepish catcher and a side escape ball. He'll probably aim to peel before running rover (ie not Irish).
07 Jul 2016 3:25PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
He has peelee about 150 cm directly in front of rover with a deepish catcher and a side escape ball. He'll probably aim to peel before running rover (ie not Irish).
07 Jul 2016 3:26PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
He jawsed and half jumped through to the boundary.
07 Jul 2016 3:26PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Now he has a 30 cm straight rush to peg from the south boundary.
07 Jul 2016 3:27PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
The rush is good and Rothman wins game 2 by 26tp and the match by 2 games to 0.
07 Jul 2016 3:27PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Maugham also won 2-0 against Hopgood.
07 Jul 2016 3:28PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Death and Bradforth have just resumed for game 2 after the tea interval.
07 Jul 2016 3:28PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Patel appears to lining up a straight rover peel to win his game too. It's all happening here.
07 Jul 2016 3:29PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
I have another Z game, so ta ta for now.
07 Jul 2016 3:31PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Sorry for the rubbish commentary - I ended up playing all afternoon/evening. Turns out Maugham hadn't won when I reported it earlier. Sorry for the confusion. There should be some good matches tomorrow.
07 Jul 2016 8:46PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
At 13 Mar 2025 9:11AM (Tournament) there are 5 people reading commentaries.