Women's AC World Championship
Day 5 (Knockout Day 1) by Paddy Chapman
Hello from Nottingham. I'm currently writing this commentary from my phone, so apologies in advance.
29 Jul 2015 11:03AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
I'm sitting on the East boundary of Lawn 5 so I can see only 3 games - Jannin Hawker vsAilsa Lines, Kathleen Colclough vs Rachel Rowe and Miranda Chapman vs Rosemary Newsham.
29 Jul 2015 11:05AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Ailsa vs Jannine are still in game 1; likewise with Rachel vs Kathleen. Miranda is game up vs Rosemary (winning the first with a TP). The current state of play is that Ailsa is 4b & peg vs Jannine on Penult & 6. Rachel is H6 & 3b H4 and 4b
29 Jul 2015 11:07AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Miranda on an early break in Game 2, having won the first game. She is now approaching H5.
29 Jul 2015 11:07AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
At approx. 9am this morning, two Ians (Vincent and Plummer) and myself timed lawn 2 at 12sec. If the sun comes out I would expect that to improve.
29 Jul 2015 11:10AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Lawn 6 (bowls side) was timed at 10.9sec (let's call it 11sec)
29 Jul 2015 11:10AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Ailsa is on a potential finish, having run 4b with a reception ball, a ball near H2 and a ball near the peg
29 Jul 2015 11:11AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
I looked away for a second and Rachel is also on the lawn in the other game (but I'm not sure how she obtained the innings)
29 Jul 2015 11:12AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Miranda is still on the first break and looks to be in full control at the moment.
29 Jul 2015 11:12AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Ailsa has a rover pioneer now and should get a good rush to penult on the ball that is near H2
29 Jul 2015 11:13AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
I see on Lawn 1 (a long way from here) that Gabrielle has finished off the match vs Beatrice
29 Jul 2015 11:13AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
I think she is first to finish for today
29 Jul 2015 11:14AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Ailsa has just got hampered after penult
29 Jul 2015 11:14AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Referee on to watch - misses. It looked quite a difficult shot and it was played as a sweep.
29 Jul 2015 11:16AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Jannine shooting from rover to penult - hits
29 Jul 2015 11:17AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Rachel has made H6 with something of a break ahead of her. Her partner is for 3b.
29 Jul 2015 11:20AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
It looks like Jannine has opted not to make penult for some reason. She looks to be having a leave, laying up for her H6 ball.
29 Jul 2015 11:21AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Ailsa is taking on a shot at partner with her rover ball (not to be confused with her rover ball) ((she is shooting with her ball for rover, not her ball for peg))
29 Jul 2015 11:23AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Misses. Jannine now has a good chance at a break for her H6 ball. I can't help thinking that she should have made some hoops with her penult ball in the last turn
29 Jul 2015 11:24AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
On lawn 4, Rosemary missed the lift against Miranda, and Miranda has just rushed to H1 - finishing 1 yard north - takes off and 'copes'.
29 Jul 2015 11:25AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
On lawn 5, Rachel is still on a break, having just run 3b (her partner is for 3b)
29 Jul 2015 11:26AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Miranda has hit her return roquet after H1 and loaded a pioneer to H3 going to the ball in C4. Takes off to partner at H2 and I suspect she will be attempting a delayed TP
29 Jul 2015 11:27AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Rachel is still continuing on her merry way to the peg
29 Jul 2015 11:28AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Jannine has run H6 and now has a 4-ball break.
29 Jul 2015 11:29AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
MIranda has a good H4 pioneer but failed to get a forward rush after H3. Long takeoff coming up
29 Jul 2015 11:30AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Disaster for Jannine - after 1b, she rolled partner to in front of penult going to her pivot ball, but her ball ended jawsed in penult, unable to hit anything. She is currently thinking
29 Jul 2015 11:31AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Miranda coped with the long takeoff and has already run H5 with two balls at 4b for the first peel. She's quite quick on the lawn.
29 Jul 2015 11:34AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Plays a good croquet stroke, 1b pioneer a yard north of the hoop. Jawses peel and gets a 1yd rush to H6. Cuts the rush to a yard north of the hoop
29 Jul 2015 11:35AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Jannine found the furthest place from baulk that she could (which wasn't very far unfortunately for her), and Ailsa has hit her 6 yarder from B-baulk. There are two balls near penult and she is for rover and peg - should finish.
29 Jul 2015 11:37AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Miranda rush peels partner after H6 (or more correctly, before 1b) and sends it to 2b as a good pioneer
29 Jul 2015 11:39AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Kathleen hits the long lift in the middle againts Rachel. Kathleen is H4 & 4b vs vs 3b & peg. She hit the lift with her 4b ball - might we see a 3-ball ending?
29 Jul 2015 11:40AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Delayed double is laid out nicely for Miranda. Good takeoff to the 3b pioneer and is approaching from a yard
29 Jul 2015 11:41AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Ailsa makes rover and hits the 5yd return in the middle, rushing it close to partner in the process. Rush to the peg and this will be 1-0 to Ailsa
29 Jul 2015 11:43AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Miranda's penult peel sits in front of the jaws, and she gets a good rush to 4b
29 Jul 2015 11:43AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Kathleen misapproaches 4b againt Rachel - she has left Rachel an 8 yarder (ball near penult and ball north of 4b)
29 Jul 2015 11:45AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Ailsa pegs out to take game 1 vs Jannine
29 Jul 2015 11:45AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Rachel turns down her 9 yarder (might be wired?) at partner in favour of a 18-ish yarder at the oppo ball in C2 - misses narrowly.
29 Jul 2015 11:47AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Slight disaster for Miranda - straight double, partner glues on the peg. That is the end of the TP. She makes rover and glues an oppo ball on the back of rover. Other ball goes between WB and H2. Lays up in standard spot on EB
29 Jul 2015 11:50AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Kathleen is now approaching 4b from close, with a 4-ball break. I think we'll see a 3-ball ending
29 Jul 2015 11:50AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Rosemary is taking the short lift at partner fro B-baulk to West boundary against Miranda. Good stroke, but misses narrowly. Miranda should win the match from here
29 Jul 2015 11:54AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Kathleen runs penult with a sort of a rover pioneer
29 Jul 2015 11:54AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Miranda slightly over-approaches rover to about 35deg but runs it easily along the ground. Take off to partner at the peg...
29 Jul 2015 11:57AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
1yd pegout to reach the quarters
29 Jul 2015 11:58AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Miranda through to the last 8
29 Jul 2015 11:59AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Kathleen has elected not to peg out Rachel's rover ball (peg ball)
29 Jul 2015 11:59AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Instead she is having a reverse diagonal spread, with Rachel's 3b ball at H4 (Kathleen's hoop) and her rover ball at the peg.
29 Jul 2015 12:00PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Ailsa and Jannine have gone for lunch.
29 Jul 2015 12:02PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Rachel lining up the longest shot on the court making a double out of Kathleen's two on the west boundary. Hogan error I think - through the middle.
29 Jul 2015 12:03PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Kathleen needs to play one good stroke and she will have a 3-ball break to win game 1. Rush to H4 coming up from near the peg
29 Jul 2015 12:05PM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Could have been better - 3 yards directly west - slightly tricky approach coming up but pleased to see she is playing it as a croquet stroke rather than a takeoff
29 Jul 2015 12:05PM (Tournament); 35 Readers
Plays it well - 2.5ft hoop and a deep ball
29 Jul 2015 12:06PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Grovels through
29 Jul 2015 12:06PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
She has barely looked at the hampered stroke - must be impossible. Lining up the shot at partner near H5 - misesto about 13 yd past. This leaves Rachel's ball near C2 a 13-ish yarder at it also
29 Jul 2015 12:07PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Rachel taking the shot from C2 for a break...
29 Jul 2015 12:08PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Hits - but not the 13yd, instead the 25-ish yarder at a ball near H5. Should finish from here
29 Jul 2015 12:09PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
I was struggling to cope with commentating 3 games at a time, but now the others have finished / gone for lunch, I can report on the only other match I can see from here - Sarah Hayes vs Alison Robinson. Sarah won the first and had a lot of early play in the second. I was just about to say that Alison is now on a break in G2 but she has just failed H4
29 Jul 2015 12:11PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Rachel makes 3b and has a 3.5 ball break to the peg to win.
29 Jul 2015 12:12PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
As they say in England, "Trivial finish from here"
29 Jul 2015 12:12PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Runs 4b. Penult ball maybe a yard north of ideal, but should be absolutely fine
29 Jul 2015 12:13PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Rushed the reception ball after 4b into 4b and it bounced slightly awkwardly East of the hoop, making going to the penult pioneer a bit more difficult than ideal. Taking off to the sort-of-pivot ball which is in a few yards from the west boundary, between penult and peg
29 Jul 2015 12:14PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Good split loading rover and finishing 2.5 yards North of the penult pioneer.
29 Jul 2015 12:15PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Runs penult
29 Jul 2015 12:15PM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Approaching rover
29 Jul 2015 12:17PM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Negotiated safely
29 Jul 2015 12:18PM (Tournament); 35 Readers
Short of a grievous, that is 1-0 to Rachel
29 Jul 2015 12:18PM (Tournament); 35 Readers
No grievous. 4ft pegout - success. 1-0 to Rachel.
I'm going to take a break because it's absolutely awful trying to commentate on a phone.
29 Jul 2015 12:20PM (Tournament); 36 Readers
I've now had lunch and am back at lawn 5 watching G2 between Rachel Rowe & Kathleen Colclough, and also G2 between Ailsa Lins & Jannine Hawker
29 Jul 2015 1:59PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
When I returned, Ailsa was 3b & H1 vs Jannine on 4b & H3. Jannine has just run H3 with Ailsa's balls in C1 and end of A Baulk respectively
29 Jul 2015 2:00PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
In the other game, Rachel is 1&1 vs Kathleen on 4b & H4
29 Jul 2015 2:01PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Kathleen has just hit a 6 yarder at Rachel's ball in C3, with Kathleen's 4-back ball a few yards south of 4b. One good croquet stroke and she should have a 3-ball break.
29 Jul 2015 2:02PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
plays it pretty well - good pioneer at H5 and a 5ft rush to H4 - still requires another good shot.
29 Jul 2015 2:02PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Rush finishes about 7 yards short of H4
29 Jul 2015 2:03PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Slightly defensive approach leaves a 5ft hoop and the hoop is failed. Rachel has a 7 yarder at the ball in the hoop from near H5, or a 10yd at the reception ball
29 Jul 2015 2:04PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Jannine now lining up a longish H5 with a break ahead of her if she runs it - runs with control and has a forward rush
29 Jul 2015 2:06PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Rachel shooting at the ball in H4 - Misses the ball and the hoop
29 Jul 2015 2:07PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Kathleen runs H4 and shoots at Rachel's ball in C4 - misses.
29 Jul 2015 2:09PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Jannine still on a break. I'm told that while I was refereeing Kathleen's hoop stroke, Jannine got wired from something mid-break, but no one seems to know any more details than that, and from what I can see she is still in control of this break.
29 Jul 2015 2:13PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Rachel has taken croquet from in C4, sending a ball towards H2 (reached about H5 level) and rushed to H1 (bit short). Rolls up and has a 3ft angled hoop which she runs by a foot. She is not hampered from her reception ball
29 Jul 2015 2:14PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Rachel rushes pretty well to H2 from near H5. Her partner ball is lurking west of H2 on the boundary. She approaches the hoop from where the rush finished, but fails to obtain position - now taking on her 6 yarder at partner.
29 Jul 2015 2:16PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
29 Jul 2015 2:17PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Rachel plays a load-and-hold stroke but it looks like she is not in position at H2 - now having a long think
29 Jul 2015 2:17PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Takes on the hoop and hits near wire first - not a bad result - her ball joins up with partner near H3
29 Jul 2015 2:18PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Jannine is now running Rover, with the other balls near the peg. DSL coming up - Jannine is 4b & peg vs H1 & 3b
29 Jul 2015 2:25PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
The other game has been waiting quite a while for Jannine's leave, so nothing to report there yet.
29 Jul 2015 2:28PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Kathleen hit Rachel's balls from H2 to H3 and if she can rush to H5 from near the peg then she has a 4-ball break.
29 Jul 2015 2:30PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Ailsa hits the short lift shot against Jannine
29 Jul 2015 2:30PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Ailsa has approached H1 well and runs the hoop cleanly
29 Jul 2015 2:34PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Kathleen has her 4-ball break under control and has just run H6.
29 Jul 2015 2:34PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Both Ailsa and Kathleen are now on 4-ball breaks.
- Ailsa H1 and break (at H3) vs Jannine 4b and peg
29 Jul 2015 2:37PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Both Rachel and Ailsa are currently game-up.
29 Jul 2015 2:37PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
I'll report back when there's more to report.
29 Jul 2015 2:39PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Ailsa has just failed H4 off Jannine's backward ball
29 Jul 2015 2:40PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Jannine on a break to win G2
29 Jul 2015 2:47PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Jannin wins G2 - match score: 1-1.
29 Jul 2015 2:48PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Kathleen is still on a break to the peg vs Rachel.
29 Jul 2015 2:52PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Just run 4b and sent out a rover pioneer about 4 yards too far. Plenty of room to have a back-up pioneer but it is going to be partner ball that goes to rover in its place so I'm wondering what the leave will be like.
29 Jul 2015 2:53PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Interestingly, Kathleen has left one oppo ball between peg and 6 after running penult, then rushed partner South of her deep rover pioneer, croqueting that out East of H4 and makes Rover off her previously deep Rover pioneer. I'm not sure what leave is coming up yet.
29 Jul 2015 2:58PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Rushes her Rover reception ball between H5 and peg, croquets it out 5 yd west and 1yd south of H2 and rushes the other oppo ball about 5 seet SE of the peg. Takes off to partner near H4.
29 Jul 2015 2:59PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Rolls both balls out approx. level with H4
29 Jul 2015 3:01PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Rachel plays from where it lies and hits her 12 yarder at oppo
29 Jul 2015 3:04PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Rachel failed to approach H1 and has joind up north of the hoop, with Kathleen's ball at H2. Kathleen has a free-ish shot through to the south boundary
29 Jul 2015 3:08PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Kathleen misses and Rachel plays a load-and-hold stroke well, gets a 1ft H1 - which she runs. Now has a break.
29 Jul 2015 3:12PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
I say that...commentator's curse. I think she must have miaspproached H2 because she appears to have some kind of wide join between peg and H3. Kathleen has just joine
d up near C4.
29 Jul 2015 3:15PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Rachel has shot and hit another 12 yarder and gaind the innings back. Looking more closely, I think she must have missed a return roquet after H2 in her previous turn, because she has a clip on H3 now. Anyhow, she should go round now.
29 Jul 2015 3:17PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Rachel has made H3 and come up short of her pivot ball - 4 yards short. Shoots at it and misses, but hits her H4 pioneer accidentally (which was several yards south of H4)
29 Jul 2015 3:19PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
That was a bit lucky really.
29 Jul 2015 3:20PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Takes off back to pivot and has a sort of a rush to H4. Rushes it closer to H5
29 Jul 2015 3:20PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Takes off for position and runs a 4 foot hoop to the boundary. Now should have a break.
29 Jul 2015 3:23PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Rachel has misapproached 1b and looks like she needs to jump through.
29 Jul 2015 3:26PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Does so.
29 Jul 2015 3:27PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Game 3 Jannine vs Ailsa has just started. Jannine has just missed 4th turn short shot after a C2 second turn opening.
29 Jul 2015 3:28PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Rachel left a 3 yarder at her 3b pioneer and just snicked it. There is a pioneer at 4b I think, so we should have a 3-ball ending.
29 Jul 2015 3:32PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Ailsa has made H1 but not got in front of H2. Played to C3
29 Jul 2015 3:36PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
I think Rachel changed her mind about pegging a ball out after 3b. She then started to have a leave, but missed a 4-yarder into B baulk. Kathleen has just run 4b with no rush to penult, but a ball at rover.
29 Jul 2015 3:39PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Kathleen rolled off penult and ran it to near the south boundary. She snicked her rover pioneer and took off back to partner at penult. Rushed this to rover and very unluckily the rush rolled through rover (no wire) by a foot.
29 Jul 2015 3:45PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Took off for position and ran rover, but hit her reception ball in the process. I don't think she can see the peg from where she ended up.
29 Jul 2015 3:46PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Kathleen has rolled over to the west boundary, putting the front ball out in the process - she is now 7 yards apart with a rush to H1 ish
29 Jul 2015 3:46PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Kathleen peg & peg
Rachel 4b and (H1 or H2)
29 Jul 2015 3:47PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Jannine is now on a 4-ball break vs AIlsa
29 Jul 2015 3:48PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Rachel took the shortest shot - her lift at partner in C4 - missed.
Kathleen middled her 7 yarder down to near H1. She has elected to obtain some distance between the balls and give herself a rush to the peg.
29 Jul 2015 3:55PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Jannine is still on a 4-ball break.
29 Jul 2015 3:56PM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Kathleen has over-hit her rush to the peb rather dramatically - now has a 7 yard pegout.
29 Jul 2015 3:58PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
29 Jul 2015 3:59PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Front ball smacks the peg in the middle. 3 yard pegout for other ball
29 Jul 2015 4:00PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
29 Jul 2015 4:00PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Match score: 1-1.
29 Jul 2015 4:00PM (Tournament); 17 Readers
While I was away getting a cup of tea, Jannine failed 2b. Ailsa is now on a 4ball break approaching 1b
29 Jul 2015 4:14PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Sorry I'm going to have to leave now. Hopefully someone else can pick up the commentary in my absence.
29 Jul 2015 4:18PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
At 09 Mar 2025 3:02PM (Tournament) there are 5 people reading commentaries.