2015 Solomon Trophy
Solomon Day 3 by Robert Hurst
Apologies for the abrupt stop to yesterday's commentary. I realized my charger had not been working properly. As a result my laptop died. Shortly thereafter a rainstorm came and I put all my electronics in the car. They never came back out.
10 May 2015 8:21AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
It's gray and rainy at Pinehurst today. Three matches are already underway and at 10-2, the USA must win out to take the trophy. Quite a tall order.
10 May 2015 8:22AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Matches in play are Stephen Mulliner vs. Matthew Essick on lawn 1, Doug Grimsley vs. Pete Trimmer on lawn 2, and Dave Maugham vs. Damon Bidencope on lawn 3.
10 May 2015 8:23AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Stephen has gone round fourth turn and made a DSL. Matthew has hit.
10 May 2015 8:26AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Looks to just be 9.
10 May 2015 8:32AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete has taken 6 and tried to make the lady's leave.
He's not gotten R in the jaws of 1b.
10 May 2015 8:34AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Doug's missed. Pete will get a go.
10 May 2015 8:35AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
He's jawsed 1b before H1.
10 May 2015 8:38AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Matthew has gone round and had an MSL.
10 May 2015 8:40AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete's failed to get a rush on R and will have to hit U first at H2.
10 May 2015 8:41AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
He's knocked R out of the hoop.
10 May 2015 8:42AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Stephen's lifted the ball behind 3b amd missed the long shot into C4.
10 May 2015 8:43AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete's attempting to peel 1b after H2.
10 May 2015 8:44AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Peel is rejected.
10 May 2015 8:44AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
He's had 4 goes at the 1b peel at this point.
10 May 2015 8:46AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Matthew is approaching H4.
Peelee is a foot in front of 4b.
10 May 2015 8:47AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete peels 1b going to H4.
10 May 2015 8:51AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Matthew has peeled 4b before H6.
10 May 2015 8:52AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete's peeled 2b before H5.
10 May 2015 8:55AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Patthew peels penult before 4b.
10 May 2015 8:58AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Pete's attempting the 3b peel before 1b. His 1b pioneer is 2 feet northwest of H5.
10 May 2015 9:00AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Obviously, that was put under the wrong match heading.
10 May 2015 9:00AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete's gotten the 3b peel but his rush to 1b goes off on the middle of the west boundary.
10 May 2015 9:01AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
He's doing a thick take off approach. long angled position.
10 May 2015 9:02AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Hoop shot fails off the far wire.
10 May 2015 9:03AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Matthew has done the straight rover peel and has missed the peg with peelee
10 May 2015 9:03AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Striker hit the peg.
10 May 2015 9:03AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Stephen is for 1 and 4b. Matthew peg and box.
10 May 2015 9:04AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Stephen is playing R, which is the 4b ball.
10 May 2015 9:04AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Doug has missed. Clips are Pete for 1b and 4b, Doug for 1 and 1.
10 May 2015 9:05AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Pete hits 12 yarder at K with Y (1b ball).
10 May 2015 9:05AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Stephen has made 4b. He's laying up near C1. Matthew is a yard west of C3.
10 May 2015 9:09AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Matthew has played to the south boudnary 5 yards west of C4.
10 May 2015 9:10AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Stephen has made H3 and rushed to 2 yards west of Matthew's ball.
10 May 2015 9:14AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
He should get Y round off this.
10 May 2015 9:14AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
He's playing for the finish. He's peeled R after H6.
10 May 2015 9:18AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
This game has devolved. Pete's now for 2b and 4b. Doug is in play approaching H1.
10 May 2015 9:19AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
He's failed H1.
10 May 2015 9:19AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Stephen had angled position at 2b. He's through, but is hampered on his shot at R.
10 May 2015 9:20AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
He's missed the sweep.
10 May 2015 9:21AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Matthew has a 3 yard shot at the peg. Bashes it and wins the game. +7.
10 May 2015 9:21AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2- Essick vs. Mulliner
I missed the opening, Stephen had the first shot at H1, failed it. Matthew is going round.
10 May 2015 9:34AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1- Essick vs. Mulliner
Matthew has gone round and made an MSL.
10 May 2015 9:42AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
that's obviously game 2.
10 May 2015 9:42AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2- Essick vs. Mulliner
Stephen has lifted the ball on H2 and hit from A baulk.
10 May 2015 9:45AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Stephen is having a go at a TPO. First peel done after H3. He's approaching H5.
10 May 2015 9:52AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
He's peeled penult after H6.
10 May 2015 9:56AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
After much interaction, Pete's finished game 1 +19.
10 May 2015 9:57AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2- Essick vs. Mulliner
Stephen's peeled rover going to 3b.
10 May 2015 10:00AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 2- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete's played Y to the east boundary.
Doug's played U ro just south of C2.
10 May 2015 10:00AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Pete's hit from C3.
10 May 2015 10:01AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2- Essick vs. Mulliner
Stephen has failed to pop K before rover.
10 May 2015 10:03AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
He's made rover hard and accidentally roqueted peelee.
10 May 2015 10:05AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
He plays U to 2 yards south of the peg from the south boundary. Lining up a spot for a cannon peg out.
10 May 2015 10:06AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
He doesn't get the chance at the cannon.
10 May 2015 10:06AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
He's placed Y and U's clips on the peg. Croqueted his balls of the east boundary. Y is 2 yards N of C 4, R is 15 yards N of C4.
10 May 2015 10:09AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Matthew lifts K and takes contact from Y. Rolls K to R and puts Y 3 yards north of the peg.
10 May 2015 10:09AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
R goes to a few yards west of H6. Bad rush to H1. he'll have a 5 yard reverse takeoff to H1.
10 May 2015 10:11AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Angled 4 foot position.
10 May 2015 10:11AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
It hops through the hoop.
10 May 2015 10:11AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Matthew has the balls in front of him and has a break to finish.
10 May 2015 10:12AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 1- Bidencope vs. Maugham
10 May 2015 10:13AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Bidencope takes game 1 +17.
10 May 2015 10:14AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2- Essick vs. Mulliner
Matthew is approaching H5; he's under complete control.
10 May 2015 10:16AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Matthew has won the game and the match. +7, +14.
He keeps his team's slim chance alive.
This is his first match win in a test
, and looks to be the first of many.
10 May 2015 10:24AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
GB lead the USA, 10-3
10 May 2015 10:31AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Rothman vs. Death
10 May 2015 10:32AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Ben and James will start shortly.
10 May 2015 10:32AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Opening was as follows:
Ben (K) supershot.
James (Y) dribbles at it from C1, misses.
Ben (U) misses Y to C4.
James (R) misses K and Y from C1.
Ben (K) hits U in C4, is now approaching H1 off Y, 5 yard reverse takeoff.
10 May 2015 10:42AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Good approach, 1 yard H1 for the first break.
10 May 2015 10:43AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Dribbles through. Hampered shot at Y. Mallet is up.
10 May 2015 10:43AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Jeff comes on to referee. Looks pretty straight. Hoop is tested for contact. No contact.
10 May 2015 10:45AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
He tests his swing through the hoop. Now will play it as a sweep.
He's just missed.
10 May 2015 10:45AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
James has 3 yards with Y at K.
10 May 2015 10:46AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
James rushes K to H2. Takes off to try to get a rush to R on the east boundary7 yards south of C3. Bad cut finishes 3 yards west of C3.
10 May 2015 10:47AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Rushes R to a yard and a half NNW of H1. Take off is good. James should be away.
10 May 2015 10:48AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 2- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Doug's had 9.
Pete hit and took 6, with another lady's leave.
Doug goes to C3.
Pete rushes R just through 1b.
10 May 2015 10:50AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Takes off to U southeast of H1 and will be approaching H1 from the south boundary.
10 May 2015 10:50AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Pete's through H1. He rushes U to 6 yards north of H6. Rolls it to H3 while going to K in C3. He tries to send K to 2b and hits the peg firmly.
10 May 2015 10:53AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
He makes H2 off R and rushes R to northwest of the peg. Sends it to 2b with an easterly rush on K.
10 May 2015 10:54AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Snicks it.
10 May 2015 10:55AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Pete's just approached H3 from the north boundary, sending U towards H4.
10 May 2015 10:57AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Rothman vs. Death
James has made 3b and sent K off the west boundary. Ben has 3 balls in the middle of the lawn.
10 May 2015 10:58AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 2- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete ran H3 and missed his return roquet at K
10 May 2015 10:58AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Doug's missed K at Y and Pete will have a go at a quint from H4.
10 May 2015 11:00AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Rothman vs. Death
Ben's made H1. I'll let you know if he does anything interesting.
10 May 2015 11:01AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 2- Grimsley vs. Trimmer
Pete's hit everything and blobbed H4.
10 May 2015 11:03AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
I'll be at lunch for a while.
10 May 2015 11:04AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Pete bt. Doug +15.
Thats the test.
10 May 2015 12:19PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
GB retains the Solomon Trophy.
10 May 2015 12:20PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
The question now becomes what leaves we'll see from the winning side in the dead matches.
10 May 2015 12:20PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Rothman vs. Death
Ben's won game 1, +17tp.
10 May 2015 12:20PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
Dave's leveled the match. Game 3 is underway and Damon's made H1 with a H2 pioneer a few yards west of the hoop.
10 May 2015 12:30PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
10 May 2015 12:31PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Jeff's gone to standard position, Samir responds with a duffer tice, Jeff misses from C3 to C4, Samir hits the tice.
10 May 2015 12:31PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
He's just gotten a C4 canon.
10 May 2015 12:32PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Pretty good result. K goes to a yard or so south of H2, He's approaching H1 from a few yards southeast. He's made H1 with all the balls ahead of him.
10 May 2015 12:34PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
Damon's failed at H3.
10 May 2015 12:34PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Dave's hit Damon's ball in H3.
10 May 2015 12:35PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Dave's failed H1.
10 May 2015 12:37PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Samir has a hampered stroke after H3 but walks all over it. Hits the reception ball in the center.
10 May 2015 12:38PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
Damon hits.
10 May 2015 12:39PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
Samir pops U before H5
10 May 2015 12:40PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Looks to be a 1b leave.
10 May 2015 12:40PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Stand corrected- U is going to 1b.
10 May 2015 12:41PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
U goes just of the west boundary after 1b. Fails to leave K on the back of H1 after 2b, its easy visible from A baulk.
10 May 2015 12:46PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Returns after 3b to tidy up K.
10 May 2015 12:46PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Takeoff goes to far. He's looking around at other options.
10 May 2015 12:47PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Y is 13 or so
yards N of C4.
10 May 2015 12:48PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
He's rushed K to 2 yards west of H4 and will be sending it to sort of OSL position. It's 5 yards ENE of the peg. R goes 4ish yards south of Y.
10 May 2015 12:50PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Jeff lifts U and will shoot at K from B baulk.
10 May 2015 12:51PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
10 May 2015 12:51PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
He managed to make hoops 2 and 3. Samir is now on the lawn, playing his ball for H1.
10 May 2015 1:05PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Obviously, that was all under the wrong heading...
10 May 2015 1:06PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
Damon has made 9 with his H1 ball. Clips are as follows:
Damon U for H3, K for 4b.
Dave both for H1.
Damon has left R in NSL position and Y just under 7 yards west of the peg.
Dave's lifted R and missed at Y from A baulk.
10 May 2015 1:08PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Samir has failed H1 and Jeff is back in. He's made H1 with K. U's clip is on H4.
10 May 2015 1:09PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
He has all the balls. I predict TPO here.
10 May 2015 1:10PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
He's got R (4b) at 3. He's just sent U to H4 and has a rush on Y to H3.
10 May 2015 1:11PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
Damon's failed H3. He's checked for a wedge and the hoop is fair.
10 May 2015 1:14PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Jeff's gotten red in front of 4b after H3. Maybe just in the jaws. Can't tell from here.
10 May 2015 1:15PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
The players are back from lunch.
James has a standard opening.
Ben responds with a duffer. James shoot at partner from C3 and misses.
10 May 2015 1:16PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Wonder what we might see if James gets in...
10 May 2015 1:16PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
Dave's joined with partner near C2.
Commentary on this match
may fall by the wayside. It's difficult to see that far and keep track of three lawns at the same time.
10 May 2015 1:17PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Damon's hit.
10 May 2015 1:17PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
Ben's hit the tice.
He's playing defensively. He's rolled R toward C4 going to U. I figure hell send U to H2 and try to roll H1 from K on the east boundary.
10 May 2015 1:19PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
10 May 2015 1:19PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Decent roll. Hes got a longish fairly angled hoop shot. He's turning it down.
10 May 2015 1:20PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Jeff's made H5, 1 peel done. He didn't have a forward rush ad has rolled Y north of H6 going to peelee northeast of H6.
10 May 2015 1:21PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
James has missed K at U.
Ben's rushed R to H1 and should be away.
10 May 2015 1:22PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Jeff's trying to organize peeling penult before 1b. Balls are in a bit of a clump.
10 May 2015 1:24PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Escape ball is a bit tight to penult.
10 May 2015 1:24PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
He's coped well. Peel is through and tidy rush to 1b.
10 May 2015 1:25PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Peelee has gone to 3b.
10 May 2015 1:29PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Gets a good rush back to rover after 3b.
10 May 2015 1:31PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Clubs it a bit.
10 May 2015 1:32PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Peel attempt hits a lot of far wire. Peelee ends up a ball west and an inch north of rover.
10 May 2015 1:33PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
Ben's gone round and had a DSL. James lifts to b baulk and shoots the ball by the peg. Misses.
10 May 2015 1:38PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Straight rover is through. Trivial pegout is good.
Rushes U to a few inches north of H4. Sends it to 5 feet off the east boundary with H4 in the way of the approach to H1. K goes to C2.
10 May 2015 1:42PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Gallery and commenter think he's got to take off from K. He walking that way.
10 May 2015 1:43PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
He's not gotten a rush. 4 yard shot at U.
10 May 2015 1:44PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Rolls H1 from a yard or 2 north of C4. yard and a half hoop, slight angle.
10 May 2015 1:45PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Dribbles through. doesn't look like he can see U.
10 May 2015 1:46PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Samir plays to just north of the middle of the west boundary.
10 May 2015 1:47PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Jeff plays U (H4) a few yards north of C4.
10 May 2015 1:48PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Samir will shoot at K.
10 May 2015 1:49PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
10 May 2015 1:49PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
He's lining up to play the wrong ball.
10 May 2015 1:50PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
He's done so.
10 May 2015 1:50PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
He's realized it.
10 May 2015 1:50PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
He whacks both balls back toward the corner.
10 May 2015 1:51PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Jeff takes off from C4 to U. Trap upcoming.
10 May 2015 1:52PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
Ben's failed H5. James is in play. Guesses as to where he'll stop?
10 May 2015 1:53PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Samir goes to C3.
10 May 2015 1:54PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Jeff made H4 and has missed his gentle cut at K.
10 May 2015 1:55PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Samir is shooting. Good chanc
e to finish if he hits.
10 May 2015 1:56PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
10 May 2015 1:57PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Jeff plays K and rushes U to 5 yards east of C2.
10 May 2015 1:58PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
James has knocked R to H6 and is taking 9.
10 May 2015 1:58PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Jeff is getting a tight wired rush
10 May 2015 1:59PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Samir shoots at Jeff... Must not have been wired?
10 May 2015 2:01PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
James has a DSL.
R is by the peg.
Ben is R for H6 and Y for 4b.
James is U for 1 and K for 4b.
10 May 2015 2:02PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Jeff ignores Y and rushs to the east boundary. Finding another wired spot.
10 May 2015 2:03PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
Ben's lifted R to C3 and missed.
10 May 2015 2:04PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Samir surveys the lawn.
10 May 2015 2:04PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Samir goes 5 yards N of C4. Jeff rushes across the lawn towards the west boundary.
10 May 2015 2:06PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Finding a tight, wired, in lawn rush to his hoop.
10 May 2015 2:06PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Samir shoots, must see something. Ugh, terrible result. He's clanged into Jeff's hoop and stayed there. Jeff has a break for the game.
10 May 2015 2:08PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
James has run H5 to hampered position and missed.
10 May 2015 2:14PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Ben's missed the 4b peel and escaped to 1b.
10 May 2015 2:19PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Jeff's finished game 1 +12tpo.
10 May 2015 2:20PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
Ben's had a straight peel at 4b. Peelee went into the yard line. He's rushed the oppo ball into C3.
He's back to the pavilion to put on his rain gear, as the rain has picked up quite a bit.
10 May 2015 2:27PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Looking at his options.
10 May 2015 2:27PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
He's sent U west, a few yards off the boundary. Fails to rush Y into position and sends it to rover.
10 May 2015 2:29PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
He'll be making a leave for penult and peg. James's clips are on H6 and 4b.
10 May 2015 2:30PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Interactive opening in game 2. Neither player has gotten anything going.
10 May 2015 2:31PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Just as I say that, Jeff has hit and is away..
10 May 2015 2:34PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
Ben's managed to create a DSL.
10 May 2015 2:36PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 3, game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
They've been looking at ball positions after Dave has peeled rover straight for quite sometime. I'm not entirely sure what exactly they are looking at. It's a long way away.
10 May 2015 2:37PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Rothman vs. Death
James is weighing his options. Lifts U (H6) to A baulk. R and Y are both in lawn.
10 May 2015 2:39PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
James has missed.
10 May 2015 2:39PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Ben rushes to K. Should finish.
10 May 2015 2:40PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Ben wins +12.
That's 11-4.
10 May 2015 2:47PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 3, game 3 Bidencope vs. Maugham
Maugham has won game 3.
10 May 2015 2:49PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
It appears that scores entered on my phone have been duplicated. Let me know if anything looks suspicious. I think I have corrected all the errors.
10 May 2015 3:03PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo vs. Patel
Jeff is in his second break. He's jawsed 4b after H3.
10 May 2015 3:04PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
That should of course read "Lawn 2, Game 2"
10 May 2015 3:04PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 1 Maloof vs. Burch
This match has just finally started.
10 May 2015 3:05PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
This match has also started. Matthew needs to finish today so he can attend school tomorrow.
10 May 2015 3:06PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
This match has also started. Matthew needs to finish today so he can attend school tomorrow.
10 May 2015 3:06PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 1 Maloof vs. Burch
Jamie went round and had a tea lady.
10 May 2015 3:28PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
David missed and Jamie has peeled 1b before H2, 2b before H4, 3b going to H6 and is approaching 2b.
10 May 2015 3:31PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Matthew has gone round 5th turn with a DSL, Pete has missed from C3.
10 May 2015 3:32PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 1 Maloof vs. Burch
Jamie's jawsed 4b before 3b. The rush to 3b was 6 yards south of H5. Copes and has made the hoop.
10 May 2015 3:35PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Rush peels 4b, sends it to rover and will approach 4b from a couple yards north of peg high.
10 May 2015 3:36PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Crashes the longish hoop shot through to the boundary.
10 May 2015 3:36PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Peels penult straight. Peelee goes just through... He makes the hoop and rushes R to angled yard or so position.
10 May 2015 3:40PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
He's gotten red in front, can't tell if its jawsed. He's turned around and hit U, rushed k but it hits the peg. He's lining up a long cannon peel attempt.
10 May 2015 3:42PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
K hit the wire. Red is still there. Long jump attempt. He's put red through but Y has careened off.
10 May 2015 3:44PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Jamie is for rover and peg. David has a clump of 3 balls south of rover and a contact.
10 May 2015 3:44PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Stephen had the first shot at H1. Failed. Jeff is getting around.
10 May 2015 3:59PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Damon's for 3b on the second break, no peels done.
10 May 2015 4:00PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 1 Maloof vs. Burch
Maloof has gone around.
He's for H1 and 4b.
Jamie's for peg and rover.
10 May 2015 4:04PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Y appears to be south of the peg in the leave.
10 May 2015 4:05PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Damon's trying to make a vertical spread.
10 May 2015 4:06PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Jeff's making a DSL and is very unhappy with himself.
10 May 2015 4:06PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
He's left it open... Stephen (R) shoots from by the peg at Y.
10 May 2015 4:07PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 1 Maloof vs. Burch
Jamie's missed.
10 May 2015 4:08PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Damon calls Matthew onto the lawn for a chat.
10 May 2015 4:09PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Dave and Pete are for 1 and 1. Matthew is for 4b, Damon is for the peg.
10 May 2015 4:10PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Stpehen missed. Doug got Y to near H1, R to near H2, and returned to partner on the east boundary.
Samir hit from H1 to H2. He sent R OB on the takeoff to oppo.
10 May 2015 4:15PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 1 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
R missed at Y that was not really behind H5. Matthew has made 4b and penult. He's finished.
Game 1 to USA +26.
10 May 2015 4:16PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 1 Maloof vs. Burch
Jamie's back in. David's clips are on H5 and penult.
10 May 2015 4:19PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Maugham (R) plays supershot.
Damon (U) plays to the east boundary 13 yards north of C4.
Pete (Y) misses it into C4.
Matthew (K) shoots at R from A baulk. Misses into C3.
10 May 2015 4:23PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 1 Maloof vs. Burch
Jamie's won +12
10 May 2015 4:23PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 2 Maloof vs. Burch
Jamie has first chance in game 2.
10 May 2015 4:26PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Doug did well to get going, but has made H6 to hampered position. He's shot at the 1b pioneer and missed.
10 May 2015 4:29PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 2 Maloof vs. Burch
Jamie's hampered after H5. He shoots at red near H1. Misses.
10 May 2015 4:39PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Matthew's gone round and had an MSL
10 May 2015 4:47PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Stephen hit and is finishing a TPO.
10 May 2015 4:49PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Rushes partner into C4. Pegs out K. They have a talk and Stephen goes to C3.
Doug is for 1b. Samir (Y) for H1. Stephen for peg.
10 May 2015 4:53PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Doug mishit the roll taking contact from C4. He's gone out of bounds 9 yards north of C4. Y is a bit south and 5 yards west of peg.
10 May 2015 4:55PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Samir joins partner.
10 May 2015 4:55PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Doug hits R in C3 and rushes Y to 1b.
10 May 2015 4:57PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
He makes the hoop is hampered on Y.
10 May 2015 4:58PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
He doesn't try it. Goes to the middle of the N boundary. Samir goes to C2. Doug hits R in C3. Rolls it to 5 yards east of 3b and gets 4 yard position. Tries to get good position and overhits it.
10 May 2015 5:04PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Samir has a tight rush to H1 from C2.
10 May 2015 5:05PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Over cuts it and ends up level with the peg in the line between hoops 1 and 2.
10 May 2015 5:06PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Rolls both back toward C2. Y is on the yard line, 4 yards east of C2. Rush pointed a bit east of H1. Doug taps to a yard west of C4.
10 May 2015 5:07PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Samir rushed R off the south boundary, approached H1 sending R a couple yards south of H2. He's gone through H1 by four feet.
10 May 2015 5:10PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
He's hunting for a wired position behind H2.
10 May 2015 5:11PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Doug plays to the middle of the west boundary.
10 May 2015 5:12PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Stephen to C3.
10 May 2015 5:13PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Doug takes angled position.
10 May 2015 5:13PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Meanwhile, Pete's hit and done all the peels of his TPO and popped U (Damon) through 1.
10 May 2015 5:15PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Doug's taken tight position at 2b.
Samir rushs to H2, makes it with a rush to H3. Makes H3 with a vaguely southern rush... Cuts it to 6 yards NNW of h4.
He's sent R northwest of H2 going to U. Taps U and tries to roll of H4. Get's long angled position. Clip goes on. Stephen hops up to give him a spot behind partner.
10 May 2015 5:20PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Pete's leave sees R (H1) in C4 and Y (peg) in C3.
Damon takes contact in C4. He rolls R to 2 yards south of H6 and misses at Y in C3.
10 May 2015 5:22PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Pete's taken off from U and hit R. He rolls them both toward C1. He gives Dave a rush to H1.
10 May 2015 5:24PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
There have been quite a few photos of the even posted at croquetnc.org
It's been hectic the last few minutes trying to keep track of multiple 2 on 1 endings.
10 May 2015 5:32PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
R and Y have split up. Damon has hit R very close or in C1 and rolled off and made H2. R ended quite short of the hoop and he's now shooting at Y in C3. He's missed.
10 May 2015 5:33PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Pete's rushed U to C4. He'll have a trap somewhere near C2.
10 May 2015 5:34PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
With Samir and Stephen laid up in C2, Doug has just hit the 33 yard shot.
10 May 2015 5:35PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Doug's made 2b, but didn't get a rush to 3b.
10 May 2015 5:36PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
His roll to 3b is short. They are looking at tight wired position. He may have overhit it a bit. Stephen (R) can likely see it, but it would be 9 or so yards. He hits Y a few yards out of C2.
10 May 2015 5:38PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Damon played 3 yards up the east boundary. Dave's made H2 and missed Y.
10 May 2015 5:39PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Damon takes the 14 yarder at R on the south boudary.
10 May 2015 5:40PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
10 May 2015 5:40PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Dave has a tight rush to H3. Damon goes 12 or 13 yards south of C2. Dave takes the rush to H3, makes the hoop and has a tight cut across to U.
10 May 2015 5:49PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
I've lost track of this one a bit. It appears that R and Y are on the west boundary. Doug's just made 3b and gone just north of the middle of the east boundary.
Samir has hit R and gone to near C1. with a rush to his hoop (6).
10 May 2015 5:52PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Dave rushed U to H4. Made the hoop, rushed U to a couple yards east of 1b, rushed Y to 6 yards west and 2 yards N of H5. Rolls off and makes the hoop. Has a rush to U and should finish.
10 May 2015 5:54PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 3, Game 2 Maloof vs. Burch
Jamie's won. I have no idea the score or the circumstance.
10 May 2015 5:54PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
That'll be 13-5 to GB.
10 May 2015 5:55PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Samir has made H6 and 1b. He's left R 2 yards south of H2 and gone to C4. Doug lifts to A baulk and hits Y.
10 May 2015 5:56PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
He's rolled Y to penult and then missed a 5 or 6 yard shot at R.
10 May 2015 5:57PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Spoke too soon. Dave's misapproached 2b and goes to C2.
10 May 2015 5:58PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Damon lifts to end of A baulk and has 11 yards at Y.
10 May 2015 5:59PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
10 May 2015 5:59PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Doug's hit and over rolled 4b. Takes wired position at 4b.
10 May 2015 6:00PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Pete joins R in C2.
10 May 2015 6:01PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Wrong game...
10 May 2015 6:01PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Doug stuffs 4b.
10 May 2015 6:01PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Damon hits R in the center.
10 May 2015 6:02PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Samir has made 2b, has to roll 3b from a few yards west of the hoop. Runs
10 May 2015 6:03PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Samir has made 4b and has control.
10 May 2015 6:04PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Damon has a long hoop shot at H3 and misses.
10 May 2015 6:05PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Lawn 2, Game 1 Soo/Grimsley vs. Patel/Mulliner
Samir finishes. +4tpo(M)
10 May 2015 6:06PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Lawn 1, Game 2 Bidencope/Essick vs. Maugham/Trimmer
Dave's got another chance to finish.
He's made 3b with all three balls.
10 May 2015 6:13PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
David finishes +11tpo(T) and levels the match 1-1. Not sure if this one will be concluded in the morning or not.
10 May 2015 6:15PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
At 02 Feb 2025 10:51AM (Tournament) there are 10 people reading commentaries.