MacRobertson Shield
Test 3, day 5, lawn 5, Jenny Clarke vs Jamie Burch by Dallas Cooke
Jamie blue to E boundary
Jenny red to corner II
Jamie hits blue, sets a rush to hoop 1
Jenny shoots from corner III, hits blue
Rushes black to corner II, rushes yellow to hoop 1, 4 yards NE, fails hoop 1
Jamie shoots across from E bdry, misses.
15 Jan 2014 9:11AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Jenny hits Jamie's ball, sends it ti hoop 2, but it goes 5 yards past
15 Jan 2014 9:11AM (Tournament); 35 Readers
Makes hoop 1, rushes to boundary N of 2, picks out the ball in corner 2, and has a 4 ball break
15 Jan 2014 9:14AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
Loads 2back after 5
15 Jan 2014 9:25AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
1back pioneer is 3 yards NW of the hoop. Rushes back to 2 back after 6 and changes the balls, to get a rush to near corner II.
Goes to have a look at the ground around hoop 4, no doubt to help decide whether to set a NSL
15 Jan 2014 9:26AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Gets to 4back but the NSL goes astray. Blue SW of hoop 2, black near hoop 4 but open to the baulk, also black can see red on the E bdry. Yellow goes to corner II.
15 Jan 2014 9:33AM (Tournament); 81 Readers
Jamie lifts blue, shoots from corner III at red, misses into corner IV.
15 Jan 2014 9:35AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Red hits black
15 Jan 2014 9:35AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
Jenny yellow 4back, red 1
Jamie Blue 1, Black 1
15 Jan 2014 9:36AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
Jenny approaches hoop 1 with red, makes it, splits black to 3 while going to yellow in II, rolls off hoop 2 with yellow and has a 3 ball break
15 Jan 2014 9:40AM (Tournament); 81 Readers
After hoop 3 takes off to blue in IV, gets 2 feet from it, and has a 4 ball break
15 Jan 2014 9:42AM (Tournament); 90 Readers
Black still near hoop 3
15 Jan 2014 9:42AM (Tournament); 93 Readers
After hoop 4 takes off back to hoop 3 to gather in black
15 Jan 2014 9:45AM (Tournament); 96 Readers
Jacket off
Jenny has it all under control approaching hoop 6
15 Jan 2014 9:53AM (Tournament); 105 Readers
Goes to peg with a tight diagonal spread.
15 Jan 2014 10:08AM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Jamie lifts blue fromm the pag to III, and misses into IV
15 Jan 2014 10:08AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Jenny gets a 2 yard position at 4back
15 Jan 2014 10:12AM (Tournament); 133 Readers
Runs it hard, hoop and roquet
15 Jan 2014 10:13AM (Tournament); 132 Readers
Jenny finishes, 26-0
15 Jan 2014 10:17AM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Hoops are being tested
15 Jan 2014 10:20AM (Tournament); 133 Readers
Hoops are being tested
15 Jan 2014 10:21AM (Tournament); 133 Readers
sending k up behind h3 takes off to cnr 2 and goes out.
jenny shots b from h4 at r & y and hits y in cnr 2, rushes r to boundary behind 1
makes h1, & roquets r 3yds short cnr2 wb
15 Jan 2014 10:38AM (Tournament); 140 Readers
rushes y to k at 3 then brings k bake to h2 makes, hits r in cnr 2 and 4 break to the peg, here we come.
15 Jan 2014 10:42AM (Tournament); 140 Readers
sends k to middle between 3 & 4 makes hoop off y
15 Jan 2014 10:44AM (Tournament); 139 Readers
r pioneer ball is a bit deep at 4, takes k down picks up r and makes h4 to boundary
15 Jan 2014 10:47AM (Tournament); 140 Readers
hits k to h5 where is collides with y, k sent tot 6 and goes back for r send to peg, hoop 5 made
15 Jan 2014 10:49AM (Tournament); 139 Readers
h6 made, break very much under control
15 Jan 2014 10:51AM (Tournament); 133 Readers
1bk made
15 Jan 2014 10:54AM (Tournament); 140 Readers
looks like diagonal spread leave as r sent towards wb, precision shot sneaking y past 5 to load 3b,
2bk made
15 Jan 2014 10:58AM (Tournament); 144 Readers
nope, nsl it is, having a tad problem getting y into position, well done,
Great leave
15 Jan 2014 11:00AM (Tournament); 146 Readers
woops hadn't quite finished, got distracted by toby hitting great lift shot
15 Jan 2014 11:01AM (Tournament); 147 Readers
now its a good leave with k & b middle of eb
15 Jan 2014 11:03AM (Tournament); 149 Readers
Jamie lines up ball from b baulk and middles k with y, nice shot
15 Jan 2014 11:03AM (Tournament); 146 Readers
rush to behind 6, not exactly where he wanted, roll to r at h2 and over does it has a rush to c3 not h1
15 Jan 2014 11:05AM (Tournament); 146 Readers
he has taken rush to c2 and set up
15 Jan 2014 11:07AM (Tournament); 139 Readers
jenny shoots with b...
15 Jan 2014 11:08AM (Tournament); 138 Readers
hits y, front ball to behind r on boundary
15 Jan 2014 11:09AM (Tournament); 146 Readers
plays drive y to 4b, 7 roquets r in same stroke,
sends r to line behind 2 collects k at 4
15 Jan 2014 11:11AM (Tournament); 150 Readers
rolls to set up in c4 and k goes out. still has 2y rush up line to y
15 Jan 2014 11:13AM (Tournament); 149 Readers
r shoots at y, nails it
15 Jan 2014 11:13AM (Tournament); 147 Readers
takes off to balls in cnr 4
nice rush to h1 with b
15 Jan 2014 11:14AM (Tournament); 149 Readers
made, gets rush back to k by h4
k & b at hoops 3 & 4, rush to middle of lawn , straight roll to h2, over cooks it
15 Jan 2014 11:17AM (Tournament); 140 Readers
what to do?...
15 Jan 2014 11:18AM (Tournament); 141 Readers
sends r 1yd on nb from c2
15 Jan 2014 11:19AM (Tournament); 142 Readers
k shoots from h3 to k at h4, looks hard at it as it slides past..
15 Jan 2014 11:20AM (Tournament); 141 Readers
Jamie hits y with r over to h3 & takes off to ? not sure if he meant closest ball of boundary ball.,
leaves k on boundary, rushes b to h2 and makes h2 with r
15 Jan 2014 11:22AM (Tournament); 144 Readers
not a good roll to send b back into position, very short,
makes h3 from y
15 Jan 2014 11:23AM (Tournament); 136 Readers
just eating a very nice piece of chocolate slice,
morning tea at half eleven
15 Jan 2014 11:26AM (Tournament); 133 Readers
Jamie has just made h5, break very much under control
15 Jan 2014 11:26AM (Tournament); 134 Readers
you have to quick around here an ant nearly got my cake
h6 done and dusted
15 Jan 2014 11:28AM (Tournament); 127 Readers
15 Jan 2014 11:29AM (Tournament); 130 Readers
k sent out to side for nsl, b sent to 3bk, very short,
2bk made
15 Jan 2014 11:30AM (Tournament); 130 Readers
r just sneaks it way thru 3bk, setting up on eb,
15 Jan 2014 11:33AM (Tournament); 131 Readers
jenny picks k up and shoots down boundary and misses in the middle of the two balls, 1/2 y from c4
15 Jan 2014 11:34AM (Tournament); 135 Readers
game status
b & r on 4bk
y & k on h1
15 Jan 2014 11:35AM (Tournament); 137 Readers
y gets nice placement on b to take to h1
15 Jan 2014 11:36AM (Tournament); 143 Readers
hoop run under control, rush to peg, loads 3 with b and collects k for h2
15 Jan 2014 11:38AM (Tournament); 141 Readers
Jamie's game has slowed and is being played with precision
15 Jan 2014 11:39AM (Tournament); 145 Readers
having said that, he is a bit shot in his placement of r to start his tp.
15 Jan 2014 11:40AM (Tournament); 145 Readers
h3 made, has to now do delayed tp
15 Jan 2014 11:41AM (Tournament); 147 Readers
15 Jan 2014 11:41AM (Tournament); 146 Readers
h5, tp, not going to happen, r is now at 1bk
15 Jan 2014 11:43AM (Tournament); 150 Readers
15 Jan 2014 11:43AM (Tournament); 150 Readers
15 Jan 2014 11:47AM (Tournament); 146 Readers
sorry, just discussion the nail biter last night between Toby, Aaron, Robert & Samir. What a game!
Jamie has been cruising round the lawn and has just made 4bk
15 Jan 2014 11:50AM (Tournament); 153 Readers
Jamie is now placing b to the hoop, runs rover with y
15 Jan 2014 11:52AM (Tournament); 152 Readers
send k towards w boundary , wires b thru peg, not sure if he happy with it.
15 Jan 2014 11:54AM (Tournament); 153 Readers
diagonal spread...must be good
15 Jan 2014 11:55AM (Tournament); 148 Readers
jenny picks up k, shoots from b baulk oooooh!!! man that was close. Robbed
looks like game 3 here we come.
15 Jan 2014 11:57AM (Tournament); 155 Readers
r runs 4bk, looks like a 3ball finish using b
15 Jan 2014 11:59AM (Tournament); 159 Readers
makes penultimate but hits y, rover made
peg out made simple
Game two to England 26-9
15 Jan 2014 12:01PM (Tournament); 164 Readers
Lunch time I hope as I need a recharge
15 Jan 2014 12:03PM (Tournament); 160 Readers
hoop 6 took some time to reset but game under way
they have swapped balls Jamie is now b & k
jenny r &y
K went to eb by h4, r cnr 2
b cnr 4
Jenny played from a baulk and hit b in cnr 4, rolled to hoop 1 I think (as repositng under shade of umbrella so I can see the screen) then layed up in cnr 2
Jamie sent k back into cnr 4,
r rushed y in field,towards 5, picked up b and tried h1, failed to get posiiton so retired behind y on line
b shoots for k in cnr 4 misses
Jenny plays r send y to h2, comes to cnr 4 hits back ball and get nice rush on k to h1, hit slightly hard so has 4 yd roll back to hoop, not bad, runs h1 by 1ft, has hamped shot o k
15 Jan 2014 12:35PM (Tournament); 155 Readers
missed shot on k but hit y at hoop 2
15 Jan 2014 12:36PM (Tournament); 152 Readers
made h2
15 Jan 2014 12:36PM (Tournament); 152 Readers
h3 and hit r on way thr
15 Jan 2014 12:37PM (Tournament); 151 Readers
h4 made and she collects k from near cn4. Jenny now has possession of all 4 balls, should be a 4 bk leave
15 Jan 2014 12:42PM (Tournament); 145 Readers
had to return to the pavilion so now this is a long range commentary for a while
Just heard one of the little girls giving Nelson morrow a definition of his character based on her fairy book. He was a queen,(which caused him a great deal of amusement and I'm a poppy fairy.
15 Jan 2014 12:46PM (Tournament); 139 Readers
Jenny has just hit a long return shot from the boundary on h6 and is now making 1bk
15 Jan 2014 12:47PM (Tournament); 136 Readers
3bk being made
15 Jan 2014 12:57PM (Tournament); 141 Readers
3bk, has laid up in cnr 4 with rush to b middle of lawn near eb, k in cnr 4. looks lie they are gong to lunch as Jenny walking this way.
r on 4bk and all other balls on h1
15 Jan 2014 12:59PM (Tournament); 142 Readers
jenny is in play again after Jamie missed the lift shot, she has just played a really nice shot from no 1 cr to place b to h2 and got excellent position on k for rush back to h1, stopped 1yd from h1
lovely hoop approach, run under control and k roqueted
15 Jan 2014 1:40PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
nice placement on b at h2, k at 3 ant r just short on c4
15 Jan 2014 1:41PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
h2 run to boundary, hit b on way back, just checking clearance of b down to h4
15 Jan 2014 1:43PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
k stops with in 2 feet from h3 and she gets 6in hoop to run
15 Jan 2014 1:44PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
the position on b at h4 not as good as she wishes, but tin her stride she makes the hoop and after considering r in c4 she decides to hit b to middle of lawn between 3 & 4
15 Jan 2014 1:46PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
takes off to r in cnr 4 with y, hits
15 Jan 2014 1:47PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
checking again she can get good position on k about 2yds nth of 5, r is sent to 6. adequate result with slight cut to the hoop
15 Jan 2014 1:49PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
not bad, ft position behind hoop, runs with ease
15 Jan 2014 1:50PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
k goes to parallel position e of h2, b moved to middle of other side of peg and again
15 Jan 2014 1:52PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
enny has 6in hoop
15 Jan 2014 1:52PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
at h6, r to2bk, slightly shorter than she would have liked
15 Jan 2014 1:54PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
She is in the zone, with another 6in hoop at 1bk
15 Jan 2014 1:55PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
The lawns look even faster than the 11.91 seconds first thing this morning, the wind has dropped and the sun is streaming down.
15 Jan 2014 1:56PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
2bk slight longer hoop 9inches, hits r on way thru
15 Jan 2014 1:57PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
r sent to 1bk, she opts for take off from b and goes to k makes 3bk with rush on k up to 4bk if she wishes.
15 Jan 2014 2:00PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
she spotted the spot she wanted, and that's where k landed. sent to penult.
15 Jan 2014 2:01PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
touch croquet at 4bk, hoop run. r now down at rover, taking off to b to move slightly towards rover, makes penult hoping to hit k after, misses but runs down to two ball at rover.
15 Jan 2014 2:05PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
made sure of that but result in 9yder, the ball skims between the two balls, not sure how and ends up on b baulk
15 Jan 2014 2:07PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Jamie picks up k send y to h2 and takes off to r & b at rover. promotes r forward to peg and rushes b to h1 makes
15 Jan 2014 2:08PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
state of game
k h2
b h1
r 4bk
y peg
15 Jan 2014 2:09PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
r & b have been positioned over by h3 as he hits y after making h2
15 Jan 2014 2:12PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
wireless got stuck, in the meantime Jamie has make h3 with k
15 Jan 2014 2:12PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
He has got his break under control
h4,h5 & h6
rush on y back into the middle of the lawn if he chooses to take in, nope, just moved in 1yd and takes off to r by h2,
15 Jan 2014 2:17PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
double loading 3bk k is now making 2bk, another 6in hoop
15 Jan 2014 2:20PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
b rushed to 3bk, all ball in the vicinity,, b poked towards middle and collects r,
15 Jan 2014 2:22PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
making h off y, not sure what he is aiming for...
15 Jan 2014 2:22PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
y hit to line, which he is leaving there. thick take off sends y nearly into c4
r has been placed middle of eb about 2yds from line and is now setting up in cnr2 with rush down w boundary
15 Jan 2014 2:25PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
clips r & k on 4bk, b on 1, y peg!
15 Jan 2014 2:26PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
Jenny picks up r and shoots for y in c4.......... as Jarrod would say. middles it!
15 Jan 2014 2:27PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
now the difficult take off cnr to cnr on lawns which have got faster.
15 Jan 2014 2:27PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
As soon as she hit it, she realises it is far to hard and the ball is out. Bother! Comes to rest 3 yrds on nth boundary from c2
15 Jan 2014 2:28PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
b rushes k to h1, ignoring r.
outcome.... not bad
15 Jan 2014 2:29PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
about 3yd shot to h1, b ends up 1 ft from hoop but I only crawls thru and has hampered shot on k nearly peg high
15 Jan 2014 2:30PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
on comes the ref
15 Jan 2014 2:30PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Or not,
15 Jan 2014 2:30PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
now one is found
15 Jan 2014 2:30PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
sorry was looking at excitement on lawn 2, Jamie places clip on h2, b & k 2ft apart and r behind on the boundary by 2 looking down their throat
15 Jan 2014 2:32PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Jenny hits the b ball down past h1 towards a baulk
15 Jan 2014 2:36PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
b is sent to 2yds in front of penult and get great rush on k to y, disaster!! it hits hoop 4.
15 Jan 2014 2:38PM (Tournament); 0 Readers
not getting the rush on the ball in cnr 4 she now has a long rush up the lawn to 4bk.
15 Jan 2014 2:39PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
The angle not quite right so is setting up in 3rd cnr with rush to hoop
15 Jan 2014 2:40PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
back on line
15 Jan 2014 4:08PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Croquet scores has crashed, in the mean time Jamie made a nice break round to the peg with the blue ball, left k in cnr 4, b in cnr 2 r in middle and had pegged y out.
Jenny picked up r and shot at b missed.
Jamie ended up in cnr 4 with both balls jenny shot and hit.
She made 4 bk, sent her k forward to rover and approached penult. Bounced out.
Just returning court side the ref is down on the ground doing a wiring lift on the b ball at rover, wired from b in cnr 4 and red in front of penalt.
After serious deliberation he rules it only just open.
Jamie shoots and hits it in the middle,
He takes off from B baulk to cnr 4 sending red inwards 3 yds from b baulk towards hoop 2
Setting up a rush. Still deciding where to place the ball. In the end using hoop 6 as a deterrent
Jenny shoot and only misses by a smidge on the k ball at the back
James promotes r in wards and takes rush to 4 bk. An angular hoop misses and bounces back. Still in a difficult positon.
Jenny shoots from h4 …. Misses.
Forces the ball thru the hoop the hits r,
Sends to in front of h3, rushes b past penault, rolls back, not bad position on hoop , bounces to the side.
Game status
R & K on penultimate, B peg and y off the lawn.
Jenny picks up r for lift shot and placing on b baulk, shoots directly down the lawn, missing the k and ending up just off the middle of sb.
Jamie hits k onto b down to sth boundry just shy of c4, takes off to r and over rolls it. Sending r towards h2 on the side boundary, he retires back to b, just short of the cnr with rush in direction of rover
Jenny again shoots……….. . . . . . .. . . . . . misses by her greatest margin of a ft.
Jamie send r in lawn towards rover, and get nice rush to penult, take off to back of hoop makes it hard and the ball ends up on the sth boundary A baulk. B is still sitting by penult. He shoots at it…
And sorry, I just started laughing, so did he, as he nailed the peg and the ball bounced over the the w boundary by h2
Jenny shoots and misses. Jamie rushes r to nth boundary, takes off to that b ball by penult and hits it cross lawn. A good attempt at rover, but it slides off to the side and ends up next door rather than in front. He places the ball on the sth boundary with5 yd shoot up the lawn to the peg.
Jenny misses again. K takes off to b from r, rushes it to in front of rover, nice hoop down to line to hit r.
One could say, game over Rover. …. But….. he didn’t get the best rush on b to the peg. He now has a 7yder peg out. Nailed. Games over
England win in 3, 0-26 26-9 26-23
15 Jan 2014 4:09PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
At 01 Mar 2025 5:13AM (Tournament) there are 9 people reading commentaries.