MacRobertson Shield
Test 3 Day 2 Clarke and Chapman v Maugham and Birch by steve wardle
Morning all, welcome to Day 2 of the third test.
I have been asked to commentate again today , so here goes..
Weather in Mt Maunganui is cloudy this morning, but I think it will burn off to be a warm afternoon.
Conditions on the lawns are as yesterday, lots of green grass so Im predicting a shoot fest with little or no real lawn challenge.
12 Jan 2014 8:45AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Im up in the grandstand overlooking lwans 1 and 2, and I will be calling the game between Chris Clarke/ Paddy Chapman and Dave Maugham/Jamie Burch
12 Jan 2014 8:47AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
and I have noticed I spelt Jamie's last name wrong in the title, I do apologise Jamie..
12 Jan 2014 8:47AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Players warming up..
12 Jan 2014 8:48AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
NZ in their All Black uniforms, Paddy in Long pants, Chris in the shorts..
England in all White..
12 Jan 2014 8:49AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
if you have any questions, comments, requests, criticisms or praise , please feel free to email me at and I will try and answer them...
12 Jan 2014 8:51AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
From my vantage point I can see the "front" 4 lawns here at the Mount, so I have a good view of the Malcolm Fletcher/Jeff Soo singles game and the right in front of me on Lawn 1 as well as the other two NZ/England doubles matches on Lawns 3 and 4
12 Jan 2014 8:54AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Toss being made...
12 Jan 2014 8:59AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Chris Playing B to 9 yards N of Crn IV
12 Jan 2014 9:00AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Dave (R) to just S of Crn II
12 Jan 2014 9:01AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Paddy (K) shoots at B...
12 Jan 2014 9:01AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Centres it..
12 Jan 2014 9:01AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
good start...
12 Jan 2014 9:01AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
lays a tight rush to crn II
12 Jan 2014 9:03AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Jamie (Y) shooting at partner ..
12 Jan 2014 9:03AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
centres it.. this is going to be shoot fest...
12 Jan 2014 9:04AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
takes off to B and K .. a bit short.. maybe 5 yards...middles the black (infield) ball..gets a nice rush to hoop 1...almost perfect.. 1 foot NE of the hoop.. makes the hoop and has 5 yard return..
12 Jan 2014 9:06AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
hits.. rolls B to 5 yards SW of hoop 3, rushes K into Crn III, taking off to R in crn II
12 Jan 2014 9:08AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
almost perfect weight, just kisses R
12 Jan 2014 9:08AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
grovels through 2, hits R to the N bdy
12 Jan 2014 9:09AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Jamie now does a pass roll sending R 4 yards N of 6 and goes to K in crn III, sends K towards 4 and gets a nice rush to 3 off B
12 Jan 2014 9:11AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
looking good now..
12 Jan 2014 9:11AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
making 4, things pretty sweet now for Jamie..
12 Jan 2014 9:13AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Partner (R) loaded to 2b, heading for 1b now..all looks very easy from here.... lawns posing no problems...
12 Jan 2014 9:16AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
B left tight on hoop 2...
12 Jan 2014 9:18AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
golly.. Jamie has just failed a failed 3b..
12 Jan 2014 9:20AM (Tournament); 39 Readers
Paddy now approaching 1, ball at 2..
12 Jan 2014 9:21AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
makes 1, R 5 yards NE of hoop 4, B hard on the wire at hoop 2, paddy rolls from Hoop 1 sends Y to 3 and has 5 yard shot at B, hits softly and is away..
12 Jan 2014 9:22AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Paddy sticks in 3, from right in front..with Y (which is for 3b) is a yard away , B at hoop 4 and R is 3 yard West of peg...
12 Jan 2014 9:27AM (Tournament); 37 Readers
Jamie (Y) roquets K and sends it 2 yards W of hoop 2.. approaching 3b now..
12 Jan 2014 9:29AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
safely through was a bit angly but ok.. now split B to 1 yard in front of hoop 1 ????
12 Jan 2014 9:32AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
roquets R into Crn I, biggish thick take off sending R to 4 yards SW of hoop 3, and gets onto K, rushes K to end of B baulk, now conferring with Dave as to what to do...
12 Jan 2014 9:35AM (Tournament); 53 Readers
another big thick take off.. sends K to 5 yards NW of 3, narrowly misses hoop 6 and the peg.. scatters R to Sth Bdy 1.5 yards w of the Hoop 4.. and Y ends up 3 yards N E of crn IV
12 Jan 2014 9:38AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
Chris declines the easish hoop 1, and shoots at Y, misses, from the look of his reaction not by much...
12 Jan 2014 9:39AM (Tournament); 53 Readers
Dave collects B, gets a rush to hoop 1, lovely weight, ends up 1 yard W of the hoop.. K still up towards crn III, B towards crn IV..
12 Jan 2014 9:42AM (Tournament); 50 Readers
Fails hoop 1.. wow..
12 Jan 2014 9:42AM (Tournament); 52 Readers
Chris (B) shooting at R..
12 Jan 2014 9:42AM (Tournament); 52 Readers
HITS !! snicking it through the hoop..
12 Jan 2014 9:43AM (Tournament); 53 Readers
through 1, and rushes R nicely to 2..very smooth.. smashes through 2 to the bdy splits R to hoop 4 gets onto Y .. rushs to cnr III and gets behind K, approaching hoop 3 now
12 Jan 2014 9:46AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
looks set up for TPO
12 Jan 2014 9:47AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Jeff Soo has just won 26-0 over Malcolm
12 Jan 2014 9:48AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
jaws Y in 4
12 Jan 2014 9:48AM (Tournament); 56 Readers
that's 4b ..opps
12 Jan 2014 9:49AM (Tournament); 53 Readers
K goes to 1b, roquets Y thru 4b, rolls to 6.. perfect roll, Y in perefect position..
12 Jan 2014 9:51AM (Tournament); 56 Readers
jersey comes off.. still chilly in the shade in the comm box
12 Jan 2014 9:52AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Chris has Jawsed Y in Penult..
12 Jan 2014 9:53AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
making 1b..... R 4 yards N of 2b
12 Jan 2014 9:54AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
STUCK,... in 1b..
12 Jan 2014 9:54AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
from the clips, Y was through penult.. not by much though..
12 Jan 2014 9:55AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
interesting delayed SXP leave possibly??
12 Jan 2014 9:55AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
ok.. recap.. Y just thu penult, on rover
R on 2 4 yards N of hoop 1
B in jaws of 1b
K 1.5 yards Sth of 1b
12 Jan 2014 9:57AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
Dave shoots at K and B.. possibly a double??
12 Jan 2014 9:57AM (Tournament); 59 Readers
ref comes out to watch B
12 Jan 2014 9:57AM (Tournament); 59 Readers
12 Jan 2014 9:57AM (Tournament); 59 Readers
Hi Terminator Mike, glad someone is reading this ..
12 Jan 2014 9:58AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
Paddy now roquets Chris's ball out of 1b, to the Nth Bdy beside R
12 Jan 2014 9:59AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
rushes R to his hoop (hoop 3)
12 Jan 2014 9:59AM (Tournament); 59 Readers
has a bit of an angly hoop, but thru safely has rush due south on R..rushes perfectly to within a foot of 4.. Chris claps the shot..
12 Jan 2014 10:01AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
now has a rush to 5..again perfect...
12 Jan 2014 10:01AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
bloody two ballers !!!
12 Jan 2014 10:02AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
makes 5, confers with Chris, has Y tight near 6 and B 5 yards N of 1b
12 Jan 2014 10:03AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
thickish take off sends R to 4 yards NE 2b goes to B, pass rolls B to 1b and goes to Y at his hoop (6)
12 Jan 2014 10:04AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
peels B through 1b, surely not a Very delayed SXP, ???
12 Jan 2014 10:04AM (Tournament); 64 Readers
makes 6....has rush to N of 1b
12 Jan 2014 10:05AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
looks to have given up on the VERY delayed SXP..sends B to 3b and gets a nice rush on Y to rover where he is now lining up the peel
12 Jan 2014 10:07AM (Tournament); 67 Readers
misses the peel, to the right.. no pull??
12 Jan 2014 10:08AM (Tournament); 64 Readers
safely thru 2b
12 Jan 2014 10:08AM (Tournament); 66 Readers
R to 4b gets another nice rush on Y to a peeling position.. much closer this time..
12 Jan 2014 10:09AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
lines up the peel on Y..
12 Jan 2014 10:09AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
jaws Y this time, but has perfect rush on B to 3b..
12 Jan 2014 10:10AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
actually not really in jaws, but very close and straight in front of Rover..
12 Jan 2014 10:10AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
splitting Bto penult, but is short on Y and cannot rush it thru.. has to roquet it a foot to the west of the hoop and take off (nicely) to R and approach 4b
12 Jan 2014 10:12AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
Y back where it was before, 6 inches in front of Rover..
12 Jan 2014 10:12AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
safely thru 4b (just)
12 Jan 2014 10:13AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Sends R to just beside Rover.. this is very tight from Paddy..
12 Jan 2014 10:13AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
just thru penult.. mallet in air and ref comes out...
12 Jan 2014 10:14AM (Tournament); 67 Readers
looks OK though , plays a pokky shot with hands low on mallet... all good..
12 Jan 2014 10:14AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Chris comes out onto the lawn.. remember he is now for 2b and dave is for 2
12 Jan 2014 10:15AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
hi andew in Manchester.. hope you are enjoying the comms
12 Jan 2014 10:17AM (Tournament); 66 Readers
also hope you aren't a Man United fan...
12 Jan 2014 10:18AM (Tournament); 71 Readers
Y now thru rover ,as is Paddy, just met Miranda and Oliver, they are both looking very proud..
12 Jan 2014 10:19AM (Tournament); 71 Readers
paddy rushed B into hop 4, which means he has to leave B in field, (has been left midway between 3 and 4) R left 4 yards SW of hoop 5..
12 Jan 2014 10:22AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
Y and K are pegged out
12 Jan 2014 10:22AM (Tournament); 73 Readers
so K and Y are in box
R for 2 and B for 2b
12 Jan 2014 10:23AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
Dave takes contact from R and rolls to 2, comes up short by 4 yards or so, trys a 45 deg angle hoop and fails...
12 Jan 2014 10:24AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
Chris hits R and splits R to 3 yards S of hopp 4b, and has now left himself 1 foot in front of 2b
12 Jan 2014 10:25AM (Tournament); 79 Readers
dave to 2 yards s of hoop 2
12 Jan 2014 10:26AM (Tournament); 76 Readers
Chris makes 2b and has now positioned himself 1.5 feet s of hoop 3b..
12 Jan 2014 10:26AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
Dave grovels thru 2, cant hit Chris, cant go to his next hoop...goes to almost end of B baulk
12 Jan 2014 10:27AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
Chris smashs thru 3b to the Nth bdy and now is shooting at dave
12 Jan 2014 10:28AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
smacks it right in the eye...
confiring with Paddy
12 Jan 2014 10:29AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
splits R to 3 yards SE of 4 and puts himself right in front of 4b..thats Daves hoop..
12 Jan 2014 10:30AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
Red shooting at B
12 Jan 2014 10:31AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
Misses to the North Bdy..
12 Jan 2014 10:31AM (Tournament); 78 Readers
Chris thru 4b, ends up 2 feet E of R
12 Jan 2014 10:32AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
cuts R in field and approaches to 1 yard angly hoop..
12 Jan 2014 10:33AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
thru safely has 5.5 yarder at R
12 Jan 2014 10:33AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
MiSSES.. to A baulk. (has given a lift)
12 Jan 2014 10:34AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
Dave cuts B to 4 yards SE of hoop 4... taking of to hoop 3.. ends up 3 yards N of hoop 3, straight..
12 Jan 2014 10:35AM (Tournament); 81 Readers
smashes into the hoop.. and bounces 5 yards W of hoop 3.. and WIRES it from B
12 Jan 2014 10:36AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Chris takes his ball to B baulk and HITs..
12 Jan 2014 10:36AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
nice roll to Rover..
12 Jan 2014 10:37AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Smashes thru rover to Sth Bdy
12 Jan 2014 10:37AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
has 4 yarder back at R HITS
12 Jan 2014 10:37AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
game 1 to NZ 26-15
12 Jan 2014 10:37AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
Hoops being checked..
12 Jan 2014 10:39AM (Tournament); 78 Readers
still being checked..
12 Jan 2014 10:45AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
cloud cover almost 100% now, but I don't think there will be any rain..
Havent put the roof on the convertible,
12 Jan 2014 10:47AM (Tournament); 84 Readers
OK, players back..
12 Jan 2014 10:48AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
Chris (B)supershot 4yards WNW of hoop 5
12 Jan 2014 10:49AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
Dave shoots hard at B and clips it to between hoops 1 and 2
12 Jan 2014 10:50AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
puts B to 4 yards S of crn II and retires to 1 yards north of crn IV
12 Jan 2014 10:51AM (Tournament); 88 Readers
paddy shoots from B baulk , misses to Crn IV
12 Jan 2014 10:53AM (Tournament); 89 Readers
Jamie misses K
12 Jan 2014 10:54AM (Tournament); 91 Readers
Paddy Rushes R to crn II and gets rush on B hoop 1
12 Jan 2014 10:56AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
R nicely near hoop 2, makes 1 and has backward rush on B towards crn I
12 Jan 2014 10:57AM (Tournament); 89 Readers
Rolls nicely to 2, has the balls in good position now.. should be away..
12 Jan 2014 10:59AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
Brian in Altricham, first of all Hi from NZ
12 Jan 2014 11:00AM (Tournament); 80 Readers
Hoops set to biggest ball plus 1/64th
12 Jan 2014 11:00AM (Tournament); 80 Readers
ground conditions are sandy soils, so hoops not as tough as they were at United or Napier
plus lawns quite slow and green, so once in its all fairly easy
12 Jan 2014 11:01AM (Tournament); 79 Readers
Paddy nicely thru 4Y in good position at 5, loading R to 6
12 Jan 2014 11:02AM (Tournament); 78 Readers
Paddy loading B to 2b, He is a real pleasure to watch
12 Jan 2014 11:05AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
thru 1b, leaving R tight on the hoop, Y going to 3b....
12 Jan 2014 11:08AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
got a 2 yard take off to 2b, but all looks good..
12 Jan 2014 11:09AM (Tournament); 81 Readers
goes thru 3b , but tickles his partner (B) Chris comes onto the lawn and are discussing the options, Blue going to near the E bdy, Y going to be tight on hoop 4..
12 Jan 2014 11:12AM (Tournament); 81 Readers
Jamie lifts Y from hoop 4 and is shooting down thru B and K towards crn IV.. misses to go between them...and ends up 1 yard W of crn IV
12 Jan 2014 11:16AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
Chris takes rush to hoop 1, Nice...
12 Jan 2014 11:16AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Chris has the jersey back on, its still quite chilly...
12 Jan 2014 11:17AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
approaching 2, all very smooth...gets rush to crn IV...and nails it ...
12 Jan 2014 11:19AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
drags yellow out of the corner, has his partner at 3, the TP is set up nicely
12 Jan 2014 11:21AM (Tournament); 86 Readers
makes 3 and peels K, gets a rush on Y south, cuts beautifully to sth bdy behind R which is lurking 5 yards SE of hoop 4..
12 Jan 2014 11:23AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
thru 4. but has rush towards crn IV..splits R to 6 going to Y at hoop 5
12 Jan 2014 11:24AM (Tournament); 84 Readers
Chris has brought K across to Penult, a lovely little pass roll puts into peeling position, makes 6 and roquets K in the process, lining up peel now..
12 Jan 2014 11:27AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Kiwis in play on all three lawns at the moment....
12 Jan 2014 11:27AM (Tournament); 81 Readers
black just thru I think.. a bit hard to tell from here
12 Jan 2014 11:28AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
approaching 1b off Y, R now 3 yards Nth of 2b
12 Jan 2014 11:28AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Y to 3b, K rushed to 3 yards NW of Rover, takes off to the ball at 2b, Smashes thru 2b to the bdy. cuts R back between 1 and 5, sends R to 4b and gets rush on K towards Rover..
12 Jan 2014 11:31AM (Tournament); 86 Readers
lining up peel now..Y 1 yard SE of 3b
12 Jan 2014 11:32AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
K doesn't go thru, looks to be hard on the W wire..makes 3b with ease..
12 Jan 2014 11:33AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
loads penult with Y, touches K and is taking off to R which is very nice at 4b.
12 Jan 2014 11:34AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
thru 4b JUST.. ok though
12 Jan 2014 11:35AM (Tournament); 88 Readers
R goes to 2 yards south of peg..makes penult but doesn't get rush out of penult.. has to roll Y to 3yards SW of rover, goes to R
12 Jan 2014 11:36AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
somewhere the jersey came off.. I missed it...
12 Jan 2014 11:37AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
lining up rover peel now..
12 Jan 2014 11:37AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
irish peels nicely.. collects R, then Y and gets 1 foot rush to peg...
12 Jan 2014 11:38AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
rushes to 2 yards west of peg, should be all over...
12 Jan 2014 11:39AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
and it is..
26-0 TP (CC)
12 Jan 2014 11:39AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
NZ 4 - 0 in matches
12 Jan 2014 11:39AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
that's all from this game, I will start up a new commentary for the Stephen Forster v Ben Rothman game
12 Jan 2014 11:56AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
At 13 Mar 2025 6:09PM (Tournament) there are 5 people reading commentaries.